《BISEXUAL(Mongolian ff~)COMPLETED》30
Тэр өдрөөс хойш аав ээжийг ч Хусог ахыг ч тэр харахыг хүсэхгүй байна. Яаж намайг хуурч чадаж байна аа. Бас нэг шинэ зүйл мэдсэн нь ах миний мэддэг өдөр үхээгүй харин Хусог ахыг уйлдаг өдөр нас барсан гэдгийг нь аав ээжээс сонссон.
''Хүний үнэргүй амьтад''
Эцэг эхийгээ ингэж хэлж болохгүй ч би үнэхээр их гомдож байна.
Тэр өдрөөс хойш өрөөндөө л шигдэж ахын тахилыг ч умартан хичээл номондоо л анхаарч сургууль дээрээ ч хүүхдүүдтэй нийлж эхэлсэн.
Өмнө нь би их тэнэг байж ээ. Ганц хүнийг хараад л хичээл ном, найз нөхөд гээд бүх зүйлээ умартчихсан байсан аа одоо л анзаарч байх гэж.
Сониноос миний багын найз японд сурдаг байсан юм. Харин одоо эх орондоо ирж байгаа болохоор онгоцны буудал дээр хүлээгээд сууж байна.
Бараг 20оод минут хүлээсэн хүн маань гараад ирлээ.
Х: Ээээээе тэтэ бяцханаа минь яасан том болоо вээ
Би: Чшш яасан муухай орилдог юм. Тэгээд ч би бяцханаа эдр чинь биш. Чи өөрөө бяцханаа бэкхён гуай.
Бэкхён: Заза том агаагаар сонин сайхан юу байна.
Би: Их л юм байна даа хөөрхий.
Бэкхён: За тэгвэл хоёулаа манайх руу явна аа. Тэгээд чиний их юмыг сонсъё.
Би: Ок
Бид хоёр явсаар Бэкхёнийд ирэв.
Бэкхён: За тэгээд яриад байж дээ бяцханаа.
Би: Битгий тэгж дуудаад бай гэж хэлсэн шүү.
Би: Хаанаас нь эхлэх юм бэ дээ. Би нөгөө
нэг тэнэг сэтгэл зүйчийн талаар хэлсэн дээ.
Бэкхён: Мхнн
Би: Тэр чинь СокЖин ахын нөхөр байсан гэсэн.
Бэкхён: Гэхдээ СокЖин ах чинь эхнэртэй гээд байгаагүй бил үү?
Би: Аав ээж хоёр худлаа хэлсэн юм шиг байна лээ. Бас нас барсан өдрийг нь ч гэсэн.
Бэкхён: Аав ээж хоёр чинь ууг нь тэгж худлаа ярих хүмүүс биш шүү дээ. Бүгд л чиний төлөө л тэгж хэлсэн байх. Тийм болохоор битгий тэр хүмүүсийг буруутга. Муу ч сайн ч чиний эцэг эх шүү дээ.
Би: Харин тийм ээ. Энэнд л гол асуудал байгаад байгаа юм.
Бэкхён:. Гэхдээ чи чинь тэр сэтгэл зүйчдээ дуралчихлаа эдр гээд донгосоод байсан одоо тэгээд яая гэж бодож байна.
Би: Өөр хүнийг хайрлана даа. Жишээ нь эмэгтэй хүн ч юм уу(мөрөө хавчих)
Бэкхён: Заа мэдэхгүй юм даа. Чамайг харахад тэр нэг юмаа мартаж чадахгүй юм шиг л харагдаж байна даа.
Би: За мэдэхгүй эээ.
Бэкхён: Зүгээр л түүнтэй ярилц л даа. Бас аав ээжтэйгээ. Чи буруу ойлгочихсон ч юм бил үү? Хэн мэдлээ.
The Road of Voracity
He was an addict, a loser, a despicable human being. But, one fleeting dream that may not have been a dream at all reawakens his once-lost senses.
8 217Earth's Greatest Magus
What if Magic has always existed ever since the beginning of the Earth we are living on, but history has been written in order to hide these facts. What if the prosperous and well-known people in history is actually a mage? Enter a magic academy, rule your country. Be at the pinnacle of life! Join me in the journey of Emery and the others in the world of Knights and Magic as he becomes the Earth's Greatest Magus. Authors Note:I have always been fascinated by writing fantasy relating to historical facts. In this story, you will find characters inspired by the real world and facts. The universe I created hopefully will make the reader's imagination excited and logically plausible. I hope you enjoy it.
8 165Black and White- NOT YET DROPPED. JUST WAIT.
Two girls doing a ritual in another world and our MC Hakuya saw the Sky go black. What will happen to our Hakuya ?-This is my first time making something like this hope you like it guys ^_^
8 117the twins and there human mate
the twins are the sons off alpha kane and luna cassie. they are the next alphas in line to the bloodlust pack. they are intimidating and cold to those they don't like or those who disrespect them and there family. they are fiercely protective of there little sister skylar and even there brother keaton. however keaton moved to another pack with his mate so it's just the twins and skylar left. there best friend is jacob who is next in line for the beta position when they take over as alphas. the twins come across as cold and intimidating however they are soft when it comes to those they love. Xavier is the "nicer" twin. while he is cold and intimidating people would prefer him to have to talk to instead of his twin xander who is much more colder towards people. Xavier will have a laugh with you and will talk to you unless off course you upset him or his family. xander on the other hand barely talks and is a lot more intimidating. he is cold and what intimidates people more is he barely talks but can read people like a book. he is very straight forward and gets to the point. the only people he softened for is his family and maybe just maybe his mate. precious is a human. she is so kind hearted and very innocent. she is a shy girl and a lot of people love her. if only her parents would show that love. her parents don't abuse her but they barely even acknowledge her. she works in a cafe to be able to feed herself as her parents are barely home and never leave her any money to survive. she goes to xander and Xavier's school but she be the new girl. the new shy girl. what happens when the twins find out there mate is human? what happened when precious finds out they are werewolves? will she run and reject them? or will she stay and accept them?
8 269Shivi FF: Eye-opener ft. Kesar
Will seeing each other hurt make Shiva and Raavi realise their love?
8 115Slam Poetry
Poems written by me for everyone.Comment idea for a mention.Number 546 in poetry.Number 395 in poetry.Number 961 in poetry.Number 862 in poetry.Number 455 in poetry.Number 485 in poetry.Number 508 in poetry.Number 279 in poetry.Number 411 in poetry.Number 247 in poetry.Number 427 in poetry.Number 543 in poetry.Number 593 in poetry.Number 295 in poetryNumber 516 in poetry.Number 837 in poetry. Number 643 in poetry.Number 815 in poetry.Number 725 in poetry.Number 231 in poetry.
8 126