《Water Fight - ✜Jakehoon✜》Chapter 26 -『END』


plz daegals so cute kjdfv aLSO NOT HAECHAN BEING HER BF, JISUNG HER DAUGHTER, MORK LEE HER OLDER BROTHER and ofc chENLE HER DAD ok but fr tho chenles doing rly good taking care of her xoxo mum I lub


Sunghoon POV

I admit the building I'm taking us to looks creepy and sketchy on the outside, when I first found this building It was when I was still living with my parents. This is my get-away place where I can have some ME time, not worrying about grades or competitions though now that I left my parents I rarely ever come here anymore.

Of course, I wouldn't just have a sketchy old abandoned building hangout, so I decided to spark the inside up a bit, make it more comfortable and nicer to look at. Only the inside though, if I did the outside people might mistake it for a house or somewhere to visit/stay etc. Btw the building is a 2 story building with a rooftop that has an amazing view of the city.

I sparked it up with some fairy lights hanging around the walls in the building and on the rails of the rooftop as well as some spare furniture I may or may not have stolen from my old room. A small but comfortable blanket-fort on the roof with pillows and blankets facing the city view.

Oh shit, I forgot to bring my bag from my locker. If you're wondering yes I planned this all, well... not all. I planned the last half which was to take Jake out here with me but I didn't plan the 'almost-get-killed-by-Jaywon' bit. I was also supposed to go to the locker and get my bag which had snacks but we still have time before the real surprise takes place, so we can stop at a nearby convenience store. Yes, I carry my wallet and phone with me everywhere if you're wondering.

"Hold up Jake, are you hungry?" I asked, "no-" "GREAT! Let's go to a nearby convenience store and grab some snacks!" he groaned before agreeing because I unleashed my inner aegyo on him. I don't know if he was disgusted or flustered with my skills but I'll just go with flustered because I picked this up from Sunoo aka aegyo king.

The real surprise would take place at night so I needed to stall Jake for a bit. I regret taking him to the shopping centre but this'll work, plus Jakey looks like a cute puppy jumping around when he sees something he likes. He didn't bring his wallet so I'll be paying for whatever he buys because I'm a gentleman.


...ok you got me that's not entirely true but the gentleman bit is.

Jake POV

I know Sunghoon knows I have my wallet with me but he won't let me pay for myself. Example? The moment I get to the counter he distracts me with kisses, cuddles or something weird and either slips his own money in my wallet or pays quickly while I'm distracted.

So in all honesty I only bought 2 cheap things to save his money whilst he bought almost the whole snack aisle.

As we walked out of the store I realized it was dark outside. Wow, we've been shopping for that long? We also left our bags in school- "hey Jakey can I take you somewhere" he cut my thoughts. "Only if it's considered as a date" I replied, wow what a way to ask each other on a date.

"Anything for you puppy" I visibly cringed at the nickname, how does he come up with these? As if he read my mind he added on, "you look like a cute puppy by the way" is this another one of his ways of saying 'you're a bottom'

...maybe I won't get used to the pet names.

"Well, you look like a cute, fluffy penguin that I want to protect, cuddle and buy the world for" I complimented him after also indirectly calling him a bottom. Pat on the back myself.

Taking me by surprise he didn't reply, instead, he grabbed my hand and sprinted to hide behind a nearby building wall. Before I could say anything he shushed me, whispering "I saw Jay, Jungwon and Heeseung walk in there" he pointed at a nearby restaurant.

I guess me and Sunghoon aren't the only ones out on a date, "anyway, let's get going" Sunghoon dragged me back to that creepy-looking abandoned building but ✨Don't judge a book by its cover✨

Honestly the moment we stepped inside the building it looked angelic. Ok, that's a little overdramatic but the inside is a total contrast to the outside. The outside looks old, worn out, and looks really dull however the inside looks comfortable, bright, and welcoming.

"Woah... Did you do this all by yourself?" I was mesmerized, "yeah, do you like it?"

"Pfft no, I LOVE it!" he beamed at my answer, "how did you even do all this?" I asked. "My parents always thought I was practicing 24/7 when I wasn't at competitions so I ditched a lot of training hours and found this, turning it into my bARbiE hOuSE" he flicked his non-existent long hair.


"oMG WAIT" I started jumping around, "bEST FRIEND FOREVERRR" he grasped his chest, acting hurt, "how dare you? That's from lego friends, not barbie I- uGH faKE FAN. I'm sorry Jake but I think we need to break up"

I went down on my knees acting along, "no wait! Don't leave me!" wiping my fake tears, he then looked at me and we held eye contact for 5 split seconds before bursting out in a fit of giggles.

After a few minutes of mocking ourselves and laughing afterward Sunghoon led us to the rooftop. The rooftop was even more beautiful than inside the building.

It was decorated with fairy lights, colorful ribbons and had a small blanket fort filled with pillows and blankets, but the thing that I was most attracted to, was the view of the city. Especially now that it's nighttime it's even more ethereal with all the lights and the stars out.

"What the fuck, Jake you're glowing" Sunghoon suddenly said. Wait what?? Glowing? Am I hearing that right? "W-what did you say? Sorry I couldn't hear you"

"I said you're glowing" he repeated, this time pointing at my jumper that actually did look like it was glowing. "Holy shit I actually- wait... no nevermind" Turns out it was just my phone. What a way to ruin the moment, "glowing under the moonlight looking like the prince you are" and he just saved the moment. (🤡)

"I won't even deny this time but that was S M O O T H" I complimented.

After cuddling in the blankets, eating snacks, dissing each other and admiring the view Sunghoon got up, "I have one more thing to show you" he stated before I slipped my hand in his, letting him lead the way to a new location which turned out to be a theme park.

How cliche. He led us straight to the Ferris wheel, lit up with a variety of colors making it glow in the dark. He held my waist as we walked into one of the carriages, sitting side-by-side with my head leaning on his shoulder.

After the ride started it ascended higher and higher offering a view of the vibrant city, the moon shining on the river, and an ethereal visual of Park Sunghoon.

His eyes were glimmering as he admired the view, the moonlight highlighting his perfect black locks and pearly white fangs. His smile is so beautiful, however, he rarely smiled, I'm so lucky to witness Sunghoon being genuinely happy.

He turned his head towards me, catching me staring before showing off another one of his heart-throbbing smiles. "What?" he giggled when I stood frozen, staring at him.

"Wow..." I whispered still in a trance by his beauty, reaching my hands out to cup his face. Our faces inched closer and closer as we engaged in a sweet kiss, missing the fireworks that Sunghoon brought us here to see.

After breaking apart, our foreheads connected with my hands around his neck and his grip on my waist he whispered, "thank you."

"For what?" I asked, I don't remember doing anything that could benefit Sunghoon honestly. I broke him and his gf up, I soaked his clothes on the first day we met, I made my friends hate him for a period of time, he's gotten in detention cOUNTLESS times because of me soo? How did I help him in ANY way?

"For mistaking me as Jay and hitting me with the balloon" "but-" "because of that we became way closer to each other than anyone could imagine."

Wow, I didn't know he thought that way about our first impression all this time, I honestly thought he still held something against me for it. "I guess... I'm glad I thought you were Jay too"

We both giggled, engaging in our last kiss of the day as it would soon be midnight

"THERE THEY ARE!" shouted a familiar voice.


Oh shit- IT'S JAY BYE



yooo i had so much fun writing this and reading all ur crackhead comments xoxo

maybe ill do a bonus ??

anyway tysm for voting and reading this it means a lot as well as the ppl that decided to follow


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