《Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)》Chapter 23


As the sun started it's ascend on the eastern sky, a man was offering arghya to Suryadev as per his regular routine.

"Suryadev, wherever she is, you can see her. Keep your blessings on her always. May her life be filled with love, prosperity and satisfaction."

That was none other than the King of Dravida Maharaj Drishadvat who was praying for his long lost daughter. Though he lost her, he never forgot or stopped praying for her wellbeing.

On the Palace of Dravida, Maharani Mangalya was also praying for a miracle like everyday. Though there was no lackings in this Palace, her daughters absence spoke loud to her. Her seven sons were known as the seven pillars of Dravida who always stayed ready to obey her every command, to fulfil her every wish. But it hurt them thinking they couldn't bring back the one person who was the apple of her eyes. It wasn't that she didn't love her sons. She did. Every one of them had their special place in her heart. But her daughter was at the centre of it. She had been precious to her whole family.

She remembered how excited her sons had been at the news of their upcoming sister. When she finally came, they used to wander around her all day.

"Mata tell her to open her eyes. I want to show her my new book." Dhritimat said.

"She'll sleep again seeing your boring book, Dhritimat." Dheemant laughed.

"I'll show her my bow and if that evil lady comes I'll shoot my arrows." Dridhaksh said this time, showing his toy bow.

"First learn to shoot arrows properly. I'll cut her hand if she dares to touch my sister." Devajyot encountered.

"Stop arguing. We'll have to protect our sister together." Her eldest Dwijendra said to his brothers.

"Yes, Jyesth. No one can snatch her." Dhikshit said stubbornly. The rest nodded, even the youngest Daiwik too.

She looked at her sons as they all sat surrounding her, determined to protect their little sister.

A lone tear slipped her eye as she remembered the few memories she had with all of her children together. There were many happy ones later, but it was the most cherished as her daughter was also there.

Yuvraj Dwijendra was at the discussion room alone, looking at some parchments. Another treaty proposal from Hastinapur. Dhikshit would spat on it at the first sight. You didn't try to hurt family and go unharmed. That was what his anuj believed. He did too. And gladly rejected the proposal before. But this time it came from Yuvraj Yudhisthir.

He had heard about Pandav's return at Hastinapur. They were not interested in peace agreement with Hastinapur before as the previous Yuvraj Duryodhan himself was a trouble-maker and his words were for shit. Moreover, his reaction and opinion on the matter of his brothers insult wasn't hidden from Dwijendra.

Making an enemy out of Hastinapur was never on their agenda. But that monkey of Hastinapur dared to attack his brother. He was lucky Devajyot didn't severed his head. A war would sure ensue than. And Dwijendra believed if discussions could solve matters than it's better not to waste time and resources at wars.


Though the previous proposal was rejected, this one wasn't too bad a deal with Yudhisthir on the picture. That man knew to keep his words and thought with a level head. But the question was how long the Pandav's had before the Kauravs striked again. His spies were quite active in Hastinapur. The animosity between those weren't hidden so well. While the Pandav's were great warriors, Kaurav's striked from behind. And when there existed an internal conflict it wouldn't be smart to go on a treaty with them without much thought.

As he decided to talk with his father and brothers about this, a messenger from Dwarka came with a message from Vasudev. As he opened it, he stiffened reading it's content. How was it possible? He had to inform his father immediately.

As he started to go to his father, heads turned watching him so restless and in hurry.

"Jyesth, please do s-" Dheemant trailed off as his brother went away giving him no mind. Something must have happened. Dheemant started after his brother.

Dwijendra reached at the practice area where Dhikshit and Daiwik were engaged in a spar and their father was cheering both.

"Accept your defeat, anuj. You know you can't win over me." Dhikshit said smirking.

"You didn't teach me to accept defeat, bhrata Dhikshit." Daiwik said matching his smirk.

"Very well sons. Dhikshit don't cut my nose by defeat. Daiwik come on, just push a little more. You will surely beat him this time putra." Maharaj Drishadvat was saying, proud on both of them.

As Dwijendra reached them, Maharaj detected the tension at his eldest sons face.

"What happened, putra?" He asked seriously.

"A message has been sent from Dwarka." Dwijendra replied.

"What it says?" Dheemant asked from beside him. Dhikshit and Daiwik were also attentive, leaving their duel.

"She has returned." Dwijendra said, not believing the words leaving his mouth.

"Who?" Maharaj Drishadvat asked being confused. Who was he talking about?

"Our sister." Dwijendra whispered.

Drisana was going to meet Nakul when someone called her from behind. It was none other than Angraj Karna.

"Pranam Angraj." Drisana greeted him formally.

"Pranam. I wanted to talk to you about the other day. It wasn't my intention to offend you. I was just being protective of my family. I hope you understand." Karna said.

"I understand. But I'm not some Rakshasi that your family needs protection from." Drisana said pouting. Karna controlled his smile at that.

"Of course not. I was only surprised seeing you there. I didn't expected you to be the one my mother spoke so fondly about." Karna said.

"She's amazing. She even gave me Naru (sweet) made by her." Drisana said with a smile.

"That she is. She'd like to meet you again. She was rather upset when you left without saying anything to her. I hope you visit her again and forget my rudeness." Karna agreed smiling this time.


"I can do that on one condition." Drisana said. Karna was confused. What could possibly she want from him?

"And what that would be?" Not that he would agree to whatever she wanted. But he was curious to know.

"If you allow me to call you bhrata, then only I'll forget your earlier audacity." Drisana said with attitude.

Okay. There was no harm in it, was there? He was present at the Raj sabha when she so boldly thwarted Gandharraj's arguments. He had been surprised and amazed at her courage. At the same time, he had come to know just what Gandharraj had resorted to for the throne. He hadn't questioned Duryodhan knowing he was influenced by his Mamashree and his Mitra had already promised to change his ways.

Also, Duryodhan himself didn't hold any grudge against her. In fact he was planning to make an alliance with her. So, he didn't see any harm in accepting her as his sister.

"Okay. I accept your condition behna." Karna said with a smile at last.

Here, Nakul who had been searching for Drisana saw and heard the whole conversation. He couldn't understand why Drisana would want to make Angraj, the underling of Duryodhan her brother. Not that she had a shortage of them already. He also wasn't pleased with the idea that she'd been going at his house. He decided to interrupt then.

"You're here, Drisana devi? And I've been searching you for so long." Nakul said coming to stand beside them. Drisana understood Nakul didn't like her going to Karna's house or meeting with him though his expression remained neutral. She also noticed how the men hadn't greeted each other.

"I was coming to meet you only Rajkumar Nakul when I met Angraj." Drisana replied with her smile in place.

"I see. We should leave now." Nakul said. "Pranam, Angraj." He said finally looking at Karna.

"Pranam. I'll take your leave now." Karna replied and left. Nakul kept staring at her.

"What?" Drisana asked.

"What's going on?" Nakul asked seriously.

"Nothing. But we should start going. I thought you're going to teach me how to ride a horse?" Drisana said with raised brows.

Nakul wanted to talk to her alone. So he started towards the stables with Drisana following. He helped her on horseback and led it away into the woods from prying eyes. After a while they came upon a waterfall. Drisana got down from the horse and embraced Nakul.

"I missed you." She said sighing.

"Me too." Nakul said as he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"Why did you go to Angraj's house? And what was that about making him your brother?" He asked after a while. Drisana told him everything and Nakul wasn't impressed. He knew about her visit to the town and they already talked about it. But he wasn't aware she roamed around without guards.

"You went alone without caring about your safety." Nakul said.

"You know I'm very capable of taking care of myself and the guards were around, just hidden from view." Drisana said still hugging him.

"Still. Okay, fine. What about Angraj? You should stay away from him. He's nothing more than bhrata Duryodhan's puppet." Nakul said gritting his teeth thinking about that nauseous Karna.

"He's influenced by Rajkumar Duryodhan, that's true. But he's not bad. And influence can be broken, don't you think?" Drisana said.

"What are you thinking to do, Drisana? He's bhrata Duryodhan's Mitra." Nakul asked with a frown as his hold tightened around her.

"And Yuyutsu is his brother." Drisana said casually. Nakul was surprised at her remark.

"How do you know?" Nakul asked. He knew better than pretending not to know. He was aware of Drisana's foresight and intelligence.

"First tell me how it started?" Drisana asked.

"When we were at Gurukul, Duryodhan and his brothers would make him do their works. Not all the time, just when Gurudev was not around. One day he was sent to wash their clothes at the river. He accidentally fell on the river, was about to drown. I saw him and got him out. Since then he has been our ears." Nakul finished the story of how Yuyutsu began to side with the Pandav's without anyone's notice. "Now tell me how do you know? It can be dangerous for him if anyone else comes to know."

"I didn't know. I just guessed as I saw him with Sahdev once and also he always stays with his brothers. It can't be the love for them as he clearly is not accepted by them all." Drisana said looking up at him.

"I've to warn him. He's getting reckless. If you can notice, so can Gandharraj or others." Nakul noted.

Drisana nodded and hid her face at his chest. She just wanted to remain at his arms forgetting everything. It wouldn't be long before Krishna came to take her to Dravida and she was anxious thinking about going there. Nakul was playing with her hair ends and thinking the same. Not that he was afraid of her brothers or something. But he worried about their reaction. He knew Drisana was already anxious about meeting them. He didn't wanted to be a reason for disagreement between her brothers and her.

He placed a kiss on top of her head, deciding to leave everything on time.

Time that had changed.

Time that was bringing a strom even before stepping foot on Dravida.

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