《Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)》Chapter 20
If you like Drisana's wisdom,
if you like Yudhisthir's calmness,
if you like Bheem's muscles,
if you like Arjun's mischief,
if you like Nakul's romance,
if you like serious Sahdev,
overall if you like this story,
Then I Give You Swear Of Wattpad,
The Pandavs stood at the entrance of Hastinapur with Kunti, Devika, Draupadi and Drisana. Everyone was going through different thoughts and emotions.
The Pandavs thought about what type of welcoming they'd receive from Maharaj Dhritarashtra. They were no fools. Though their Tatshree loved them, he loved his sons more. Pitamah Bhismeh would be hurt as Pandavs had remained hidden for so long. Kakashree Vidur knew what happened at Varanavat, but he wouldn't be able to help much.
Kunti stood before the entrance remembering the other two times when she'd been here. First time when she married Maharaj Pandu and left after sometime when he was cursed. The second time had been when after his demise she returned with her sons. And now the third time when her sons had returned after being attempted to murder by Duryodhan. She was tensed thinking about what the upcoming time might held for them.
Draupadi's nervousness was nothing more than the jitters of a new bride. Though she knew Pandavs were returning after a long time and was not in good terms with their cousins, she didn't know the extent of it.
Devika was anxious the most though no one could tell apart from Yudhisthir. She was a mere dasi, a Sootputri who was coming at Hastinapur as the wife of the Yuvraj. She didn't doubt her family nor was she insecure about her position in Yudhisthirs' life. It would be an insult to her family and Yudhisthir if she thought herself any less than the rest of them. And Yudhisthir had specifically made sure such things not occur to her. But she knew not everyone was going to be receptive of her and her position as Yuvraj's wife.
Drisana was relaxed. After her talk with Krishna, she knew they were not going to Indraprasht so soon. And also there were slight reason for it. That Duryodhan and Shakuni mamu must had made some special arrangements for them. What? That remained to be seen. No point in worrying now, was there?
Earlier, Yudhisthir had warned Nakul and gently told her to stop their night trips and to limit their interactions taking them at a side. Because he didn't want anyone to point fingers at her and the 'crows' would be alert for a piece, any piece. She wouldn't have believed if anyone else told her about Yudhisthir calling Kauravs 'crows', but he did. Nothing escaped that man. He just chose to keep silent when he wished to.
Soon they were at the Palace gates. The whole Royal family of Hastinapur was present there. And why not? Afterall the Pandavs whose funeral had been done, had risen from ashes. It wasn't so hard to tell who was whom. Maharaj Dhritarashtra and Maharani Gandhari was in the middle. At Maharaj's right side stood an aged man. His aura of power declared it could be no other than Mahamahim Bhismeh. At his side stood Mahamantri Vidur with sharp eyes and a smile in face. On the left side of Maharani Gandhari stood a strong build young man with cruelty and displeasure written all over his face, undoubtedly Duryodhan. Beside and behind him were a lot of young men with similar expressions of displeasure. But the significant two among them Gandharraj Shakuni and Dussasan were immediately beside him. Gandharraj Shakuni with his slight build stood up as a sore thumb between his nephews while Dussasan was openly glaring at Pandavs.
The Pandavs and Kunti were greeted by everyone as the three waited. Drisana was behind Devika and Draupadi watching everything without anyone noticing her. Mahamahim Bhismeh and Mahamantri Vidur enveloped them in hugs. Maharani Gandhari also embraced Mata Kunti. After the initial greetings were over, Mata Kunti introduced her daughter-in-laws. They already knew about Draupadi, but Devika was a surprise for some of them.
"Putra Yudhisthir, give your wife's introduction. Who is she? From which Kingdom, which caste she belongs?" Maharaj Dhritarashtra asked.
"Tatshree, her name is Devika. She's from Matsya, from the common people of Matsya. As for her Kingdom and caste, she belongs where I do." Yudhisthir replied.
"Okay. Gandhari welcome the Kuru kulvadhu's (daughter-in-laws of Kuru dynasty)." Maharaj Dhritarashtra said.
After the welcoming of the Kuru kulvadhu's, Dhritarashtra told everyone to go inside when Yudhisthir stopped him.
"Wait a moment, Tatshree. Someone else is with us too." Yudhisthir said.
"Who are you talking about, putra?" Dhritarashtra asked.
"I'm talking about Mahabali Balaram and Vasudev's sister, Drisana. She's our guest and in our protection. And she'll stay here as such until Vasudev arrives to take her." Yudhisthir replied.
Drisana came forward to take blessings from the elders. Maharaj Dhritarashtra and Maharani Gandhari blessed her not suspecting anything. Pitamah Bhismeh and Mahamantri Vidur were surprised as they thought Pandavs would send her with Vasudev back from Panchal only. Gandharraj was tensed and thoughtful. The presence of the Yadavkanya could be a hurdle to his plans.
After that everyone moved inside as they were taken to their respective rooms. After freshening up and resting for a while, they were called for dinner. As Drisana came into the dinning area with a dasi, she saw all the woman already present there, instructing dasis to arrange everything. She knew the drill here. Women ate later after the men finished eating. Though during her time with the Pandavs, they all had eaten together, she knew it wasn't going to be the same here. As she neared, Kunti smiled and asked her if she had settled well or not.
After a while the Kauravs started coming, Pandavs followed with Mahamahim Bhismeh. Duryodhan and Gandharraj Shakuni made their appearance with Maharaj Dhritarashtra. Dinner finished without any events. It was a silent affair with tension heavy in the air.
The women sat for dinner after the men left. Drisana was thinking what was going on. Since they came back, not once anyone asked about Pandavs whereabouts. Not Maharaj Dhritarashtra, not Gandharraj and not anyone else. Not in front of her at least. She thought maybe over dinner Kauravs or Gandharraj would say something. But no. Not a word. There silence could mean only one thing, Gandharraj had planned something and was waiting for the right moment to strike. That could only be tomorrow at Raj sabha.
"Putri Drisana, I hope you're not having any trouble here. If you face any problem, you can come to me." Maharani Gandhari said.
"Of course, Maharani."Drisana said.
"Maharani, I heard that Maharani and Rajmata are part of the royal court and any royal woman can be silent spectator with permission. Is that true?" Drisana asked Gandhari knowing it was true. Yudhisthir himself told her so.
"Yes, Putri. That's true. Is it not the same at Dwarka?" Gandhari asked.
"Actually I wanted to see the proceeding of royal court as I've never seen before. I've heard a lot about Hastinapur's justice system. So can you permit and take me to the court tomorrow please?" Drisana requested her ignoring her mention of Dwarka.
"Of course, putri. Why not? In fact Putri Devika, putri Draupadi, you both come tomorrow with Drisana." Gandhari said smiling.
'Well, that was easy.' Thought Drisana.
The next day, Devika, Draupadi and Drisana also went to the royal court with Mata Kunti and Maharani Gandhari. At the left side of Maharaj Dhritarashtra's throne, there was seating arrangements for Maharani and Rajmata. As per Gandhari's instruction, seating arrangements were made for them beside that. After Maharaj Dhritarashtra was seated, Mahamantri Vidur started.
"Maharaj, as we all know, Pandavs has returned to Hastinapur after their long absence. Now that previous Yuvraj is safe and back, Rajkumar Duryodhan's coronation as the Yuvraj should be annulled."
"What are you talking Mahamantri? Is the position of Yuvraj some game? The throne is mine. I'm the Yuvraj. Just because Pandavs returned, I'll not give my position." Duryodhan declared.
"Putra Duryodhan, Yudhisthir is the eldest. The right to the Thorne is his. In his absence, you just fulfilled his duties. Now that he's here, his position should be given back to him." Mahamahim Bhismeh said.
"It's not so easy Pitamah. Ask your favourite Pandavs where were they for so long? Why didn't they come back to Hastinapur? Why did they remain hidden? Where was the Yuvraj of Hastinapur when I took the responsibilities? For so many days, I was the one who fulfilled the duties and now after their vacation they returned, so you want to kick me out?" Duryodhan asked looking at Bhismeh.
"We ask for forgiveness Maharaj and Pitamah. It was not our intention to hurt anyone or turn away from our responsibilities. After Varanavat incident, we didn't return as per our Mata's wish." Yudhisthir said.
"This is true. I was tired of this royal luxuries and politics. I wanted my sons to spend a normal life among common people. That's why at my order, they remained hidden." Kunti said standing from her seat.
"This is good. You wanted your sons to live happily without any tension, so you took them away, Maharani. And here my son, Duryodhan was the one who had to seat at the throne of thorns. And Maharaj Dhritarashtra we suspected the fire incident at Varanavat was no accident. There are so many enemies of Hastinapur. Was it not putra Yudhisthir's responsibility to come back and help in enquiries, so the threat to the Thorne could be removed. But no. He neglected his duties to keep his Mata satisfied. Does Royal duty not come before anyone or anything else?" Gandharraj opened his mouth for the first time.
What was he trying to do? Why was he deliberately bringing the fire incident here? Drisana noticed Duryodhan inching towards where Bheem stood.
"Gandharraj, to obey every word spoken by our parents is our Dharma. That is what was taught to us. That is what Dharma says, what Hastinapur's justice says. As for the Varanavat incident, there's no proof who did that. So, there's no point arguing about that." Yudhisthir said calmly.
"No point bhrata Yudhisthir? You remain hidden after the fire incident at Varanavat, neglect your duties, don't want to investigate who was behind the fire, bring a Sootputri, a mere dasi as your wife and don't even want to talk about it." Duryodhan said angrily. And instantly Bheem punched him on the face as he was standing close to him. Pandavs stopped Bheem from advancing though they were angry too, but Bheem's anger took over him as he roared.
"You dare insult our Bhabishree! And what investigation? When you yourself was behind it!"
This was what they planned. To provoke Bheem. Bheem raised his hand on the reigning Yuvraj and also blamed him of murder attempt without proof.
"Maharaj, what is happening at this Raj sabha? My son, the Yuvraj is blamed to try to kill his own brothers, just because he refused to relinquish his position. Why am I alive to see this? Maharaj give everything to Pandavs. But don't let them put such false blames to my son. Let me take my sons with me to Gandhar Maharaj." Shakuni started his drama.
"No, Shakuni. My sons will not go anywhere. Bheem how dare you to put such blame on the Yuvraj. And Yudhisthir, is this what you're resorting to. To get the throne, you'll place false allegation to your own brother?" Maharaj Dhritarashtra spoke out this time. Yudhisthir couldn't say anything as he knew Bheem spoke the truth and his Dharma restricted him from lying. He couldn't refuse Bheem's words and they had no way to prove it.
"Maharaj, Yuvraj Yudhisthir has not brought any allegation against Rajkumar Duryodhan. His rightful place should be returned to him." Mahamantri Vidur tried to reason with Dhritarashtra.
"But Yudhisthir is not declining Bheem's words. What else it means Vidur? I don't think such person who first ignores his duty and later put blames on his brother for a mere position should be on the throne." Maharaj Dhritarashtra said. With Dhritarashtra at his son's side, the situation spiralled soon.
"You cannot do this, Maharaj. Everyone knows Yudhisthir never lies. If he is silent, there must be some reason." Mahamahim Bhismeh said.
"Then tell him to say the truth with proofs Tatshree. Otherwise the insult of the Yuvraj will not be tolerated." Dhritarashtra said.
"Maharaj! Before you declare anything, I want to say something with your permission." Drisana's voice rang out at the Raj sabha unexpectedly.
"Yadavkanya, maybe you're not aware that guests are not allowed to speak in internal matters of Hastinapur." Gandharraj Shakuni interrupted. He didn't think she'd be present at the Raj sabha and certainly not speak out so boldly in front of the whole Royal court.
"I'm aware of that, Gandharraj. But I should be allowed to speak as this matter also concerns me." Drisana said looking at him.
"How this matter concerns you, yadavkanya?" Maharaj Dhritarashtra asked.
"Because I was also with Pandavs and Mata Kunti at Varanavat and I'm an eyewitness of what took place there that night." Drisana replied. She then described the events that took place at Varanavat.
"What Rajkumar Bheem said is based on the events of that night, Maharaj. As the architect, Purochan was working for Rajkumar Duryodhan, the doubt goes to him only." Drisana completed.
"But what is the proof that those men were send by Yuvraj Duryodhan? Did they say something? Was there any proof? It is possible someone else send them." Shakuni said looking at Drisana. His plans didn't include her and he could see his error. He thought after provoking Bheem, they would use the situation in their favour. Without proof, they could decline Pandavs words, but not an outsider's who had nothing to gain by lying. Moreover, she was Mahabali Balaram and Vasudev's sister. No one would dare to insult her by calling her a liar.
"You're absolutely right, Gandharraj. That's why Yuvraj Yudhisthir is silent. Because how can a brother try to do such a heinous crime? That's why he hasn't brought any allegation against Rajkumar Duryodhan. That's why he tried to avoid the topic of Varanavat." Drisana said.
"Yadavkanya is saying the truth, Maharaj. I agree with her." Mahamahim Bhismeh supported.
"But Rajkumar Bheem raised his hand at the reigning Yuvraj." Shakuni said gritting his teeth.
"Because not only you mocked Maharani Kunti's wish, Gandharraj but Yuvraj Duryodhan also insulted the Kulvadhu of Kuru vangsh. Can you really fault a mother who was afraid for her son's safety after such event? And how can Rajkumar Duryodhan insult Yuvraj Yudhisthir's wife after she has been accepted as the Kulvadhu of Kuru vangsh?" Drisana encountered.
"He neglected his duties -" Shakuni started to say.
"He respected his Mata's command which is the first and foremost Dharma of a son. The one who can't even be a good son, can really be a good king?" Drisana interrupted before Shakuni could complete. No one uttered a word.
"Maharaj, at the absence of a King, his brother or other associate takes the responsibilities. It's not uncommon. So, what's the big deal if Rajkumar Duryodhan did the same. Now that the rightful heir to the Thorne is back, he should be happy and willingly help Yuvraj Yudhisthir to take back his place. Isn't that what brothers do Gandharraj? Afterall, Gandhar follows this too at your absence." Drisana said smiling at Shakuni. Shakuni had made a grave mistake by underestimating her. The way she hold her own, calculated the situation and spoke without fear, she was not an ordinary one.
Mahamahim Bhismeh and Mahamantri Vidur were amazed by the girl's courage. Even Maharani and Rajmata who were part of the Royal court hardly spoke in its proceedings and rarely with the firmness she showed. She was openly challenging anyone to encounter her. The previous day, they had consulted with Pandavs on their course of action and decided it was best to leave the Lakshgraha conspiracy. No one had counted on her to speak on behalf of the Pandavs. Even Pandavs, Kunti, Devika and Draupadi was surprised.
"You're right, yadavkanya. Yudhisthir should regain his position as the Yuvraj." Dhritarashtra agreed with no other option.
"How can -" Duryodhan started to say but was stopped by his Mamashree. The situation was not in their favour. Saying something now would rise questions about his desire for the throne and his involvement at Lakshgraha.
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