《Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)》Chapter 19



It was midnight when Nakul and Drisana came back to the Palace. As they were moving towards Drisana's chambers, Nakul suddenly pulled her behind a pillar.

"What happened?" Drisana asked seeing him tensed

"Bhrata Bheem is coming." Nakul said.

"So what?" Drisana asked confusingly.

"If he sees us and Jyesth gets to know I took you outside at night, he'll drown me at that lake only." Nakul said smiling sarcastically. It was true. Though the talk of their marriage was going on, Yudhisthir wouldn't approve of them being alone at night.

"But why Bhrata Bheem is roaming around at this time?" Drisana wondered.

"He must be hungry. And for sure he is searching for me to go to the kitchen." Nakul said dreadfully. Drisana could sympathise.

"You go to him. I'll go to my room on my own." Drisana said.

"Are you sure?" Nakul asked. He didn't want her wandering in the Palace alone.

"Yes. I'll be fine. Now go." Drisana assured him.

Nakul went away unwillingly. Drisana waited for some time as Nakul stirred Bheem into the other direction. As she was going to her room, she dashed with Dhrishtadyumn. It looked like he was coming from a practice session. Something flashed in his eyes as he looked at her, but it was gone in a moment.

"Rajkumari. What are you doing here at this time?" He asked.

Drisana was surprised for a moment hearing the word Rajkumari. Why would he address her as such?

"I was unable to sleep. So thought to wander around a bit. And I'm no Rajkumari. My name is Drisana." She said little nervous from his gaze. She hadn't talked to Dhristyadym till now. He didn't seem like the talking type anyway.

"Wandering alone that too at night is not appropriate for a Rajkumari. And you are the Rajkumari of Dravida." Dhristyadym replied with a solemn expression. Okay. She didn't want his lecture about appropriation and the Rajkumari part was irksome.

"Okay. I should return to my chamber now. Shubhratri. (Goodnight)" Drisana said with a fake smile and left the place. She didn't want to prolong the talk. Something about him didn't felt right. She didn't felt like this when they met before.

Dhristyadym watched as she went away. He knew where she was. He had kept an eye on her since he saw her at that hut saving his sister. She was something else. No wonder Rajkumar Nakul was absolutely smitten with her. It was easy to fall for her. He sighed and left as she was no longer visible.

The next day after completing some post marital rituals, all sat together at the living room. Balaram and Krishna would leave in a while.

"So, are you ready to leave with us behna?" Krishna asked Drisana. Everyone including Drisana was surprised by this.

"Sorry bhrata Krishna. I don't understand what you're talking about." Drisana said.


"Well, I'm going to send a message to Dravida after reaching Dwarka. Then we'll leave for Dravida in a few days. As Pandavs are leaving for Hastinapur tomorrow, you should come with us at Dwarka now." Krishna said.

That would be right for her as initially she was meant to be in Pandavs' protection until Krishna came to take her. Nakul looked alarmed as he knew Yudhisthir wasn't going to object. None of them wanted her to leave but they couldn't stop her either.

"We can go to Dravida from Hastinapur too." Nakul piqued. Krishna looked amusingly at him.

"Bhrata I don't want to leave Mata. Can we not go to Dravida from Hastinapur later?" Drisana said meekly looking at Kunti. Kunti understood her reluctance.

"Yes, Krishna. Let her come with us. After sending message to Dravida, you can come at Hastinapur to take her. In fact, I'll also come to ask for her hand from Maharaj Drishadvat." Kunti said supporting her. Krishna looked at her for sometime.

"Okay bua. As you wish. But Drisana would go to Hastinapur only as my sister. No one should know her connection to Dravida." Krishna said finally.

"But why?" Bheem asked.

"Because some fools of Hastinapur thought it was a bright idea to attack Dravida sometimes before. They were defeated of course. But not everyone at Hastinapur would be receptive to the Princess of their enemy Kingdom." Krishna said with a mischievous smile. Pandavs were not aware of this as it was a small dispute quickly squashed by Dravida. As per their knowledge Hastinapur and Dravida never had much interaction before. They caught up soon who the fools could be and it was against the consent of the elders.

"But Dravida can take it to mean their Princess is held hostage." Dhristyadym spoke for the first time.

"No. I give my word. Drisana will be in our, Pandavs protection. Not even a hair of her head will be hurt as long as we live." Yudhisthir promised. "We'll keep her identity hidden until the time for her to go to Dravida comes." Everyone relaxed as Yudhisthir himself took responsibility of her protection. Enemy or foe no one could question his words. Even though Dravida had a dispute with Hastinapur, they would not doubt at the vow given by Dharmraj himself.

"Okay then." Krishna smiled mysteriously.

Before leaving for Dwarka, Krishna came to her.

"What's going on?" Drisana asked.

"Just me. We're leaving for Dwarka." Krishna said smiling at her.

"You want me to go to Hastinapur." Drisana stated. It was obvious. He could have taken her to Dravida from here only. As for going to Dwarka, he could also have enforced that, but he didn't. All he wanted was a verbal vow from Yudhisthir.

"Don't you want to go?" Krishna asked with mock surprise.

"Why did you take the vow from Jyesth?" Drisana asked directly.


"Didn't you used to play games in those small communication machines? What they were? Yes, mobile. In those games, you used to collect coins, right?" Krishna asked. When Drisana didn't replied he continued.

"In this game, vows are like coins. Collect as much as you can. Which one saves you when you never know behna." Krishna said, his mysterious smile in place.

"Vows are not as easily given as coins, are they?" Drisana asked casually.

"That's true. You've to work hard for them. And also a right one at the wrong time could also proved to be dangerous. So be careful of your words and the ones spoken to you. There's no lifeline in this game." Krishna said. His smile not living his face but his eyes remained serious.

"What about the path?" Drisana asked defiantly.

"Saam daam danda bhed. Mahamantri Vidur will agree with it. You've your choice. You just need to reach the destination." Krishna answered.

"The destination of Indraprasht?" Drisana asked again.

"The path is too long. But you'll reach in time."

"And also remember. Finding a true friend is difficult, but breaking a true friendship is next to impossible."Krishna said looking at the sky. "But not impossible." and with that he left her.

Okay. The journey to Hastinapur was going to be long it seemed.

After Krishna and Balaram left, the Pandavs except for Arjun were at the practice area.

"Where's bhrata Arjun?" Sahdev asked.

"He's not going to be available so easily anymore." Bheem said.

"Why?" Sahdev asked.

"Jyesth se diksha jo prapt kiya hai usne. (He has learned lessons from Jyesth.)" Bheem replied looking amusingly at Yudhisthir. Yudhisthir stilled.

"Bheem, it's not good to roam at nights at others Palace." Yudhisthir reprimanded him. What he meant was not to eavesdrop again. Bheem smiled mischievously.

"Of course Jyesth." Bheem said.

"By the way Jyesth. Ghumta to aj kal Nakul bhi rehta hai aadhi rat ko. (Nakul has also started roaming at nights.)" Bheem said. Nakul paled. Yudhisthir wouldn't leave him if he got to know about his night trips.

"Nakul?" Yudhisthir asked.

"I didn't do anything." Nakul said hurriedly.

"Jyesth never said you did." Sahdev said with a smirk. Nakul glared at him.

"Actually this place is new. So, I wasn't getting any sleep Jyesth." Nakul said smiling sweetly.

"Tum to ghore ki tarah khare khare so jate ho. Tumhe kaise nedra na aya? (You can also sleep by standing like horse. How can you not get any sleep?)" Bheem asked frowning. Though he was distracted by his hunger at night, he hadn't forgotten his brothers' lame excuse.

"Ha Nakul, ghore to pehle se the, aab ullu bhi ho gaye kya? (Yes, Nakul, you're a horse from earlier. Now you've also become owl?)" Sahdev asked and instantly started running as Nakul was behind him.

Arjun was sitting with Draupadi at their room. In his enthusiasm to please her, he said he'd help her in whatever she wanted him to and Draupadi told him to help her in packing as they would leave for Hastinapur the next day.

Now as he sat looking at the small mountain of clothes and jewelleries scattered at all over the room, he realised his mistake. He gulped as Draupadi again showed him some jewellery.

"Arya (husband), how's it? It'll look better with this green saree or the blue one?" Draupadi asked.

"Both will look okay." Arjun said being confused.

"No Arya, I want to look beautiful not okay. And I think the yellow one will look the best. What do you think?" Draupadi said.

"Yes, as you say." Arjun said confusingly thinking which yellow one she was talking about. There was at least twelve yellow sarees. And he had already made the mistake of asking once for clearance. The only thing cleared to him was never ask a woman the difference between various jewelleries and clothes.

The next day, Pandavs with Kunti, Devika, Draupadi and Drisana started their journey towards Hastinapur. Yudhisthir had already talked to his brothers about not mentioning anything about Varanavat incident before gauging Maharaj Dhritarashtra's reaction. He had an inkling Maharaj Dhritarashtra wasn't so oblivious as he pretended to be. And as for now, they had no proof against Duryodhan. It'd be only their words against his sons. So, they only had to remain silent not forget.

Yuvraj Duryodhan was fuming in anger. How? How did the Pandavs get saved from him every single time? No. He couldn't lose after coming so far.

"Do something Mamashree. The pandavs can't return. They can't snatch my right. That arrogant Draupadi is already out of my hand. I can't let them snatch my throne too." Duryodhan said.

"They have already returned my son. But don't worry. I won't let them take your place." Gandharraj Shakuni assured his nephew.

"How?" Duryodhan asked sensing something was going on in his head.

"Why should you worry my son? When the King himself is at our side? And I also have full faith on that Vrikodar's buddhi. (Bheem's intelligence)" Shakuni replied with a smirk.

"Pandavs are on the way, Mahamahim. Your wait is going to be over soon." Mahamantri Vidur informed Mahamahim Bhismeh.

"Let's hope, Vidur. Because the way is still too long and Dhritarashtra has lost his way." Bhismeh replied with a sigh.

Angraj Karna was relieved as Pandavs and their Mata was safe. He thought about the day of the Swayamvar where Draupadi insulted him. His Mitra had again stood up for his honour. It had always been Duryodhan who stayed beside him. He knew Duryodhan wasn't happy with Pandavs return, far from it actually. But he had promised not to do any foolishness again. His Mitra's enemies would be removed. But not with cowardice.

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