《Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)》Chapter 18


Yudhisthir looked at Arjun and blinked. Once, twice, thrice. No. Not an ounce of humour. His younger brother was serious.

Yudhisthir was at his chambers with Devika when Arjun came and took him outside saying he had something urgent to talk about. Yudhisthir was worried thinking what could possibly be so urgent that Arjun was here leaving Draupadi alone at their first night.

He thought Arjun was joking when he asked what he should say to Draupadi. But no. His brother, the mighty archer, the prankster of them was actually asking for Yudhisthirs' guidance on how to talk to his wife on their first night.

Yudhisthir opened his mouth and closed again. What the hell could he say? As the eldest, it was his duty to give guidance to his brothers. But was he also supposed to guide his brother on how to talk to his wife? On their first night?

He looked at Arjun. He could understand his brothers' condition. Arjun had always focused on only archery. The brothers had never gotten close to any girl apart from Drisana whom they considered a sister. Well, four of them did. With Devika it had been different as they all felt protective of her. Even conversation with Dussala, their cousin sister, had been limited to a few words.

Nakul could guide him better probably. But Arjun would rather release his own arrows on himself than talk to Nakul.

A suspicion rose in Yudhisthir. It had been a whole two days since Arjun met Draupadi.

"Have you not talked to Draupadi since the swayamvar?" Yudhisthir asked cautiously. Arjun shaked his head confirming his suspicion.

"Not even once?" Arjun again shaked his head.

"Draupadi is now your wife Arjun. She deserves love, care and affection from you. It is your responsibility that you always respect her and protect her honour. From now on she's going to look up to you at every situation and need. And she should be assured that her husband is someone she can talk to without hesitation. So, before being her husband, you've to be her friend. And friends talk from hearts." Yudhisthir advised.

Arjun nodded understanding him and started towards his chambers where Draupadi awaited him.

After Krishna told them about Drisana's identity, all were worried for her. But they left her alone for sometime as per Krishnas' suggestion.

Nakul and Drisana sat at the garden until sunset. Drisana sobbed as Nakul held her. After her sobs died down, they came back. Kunti was instantly beside her, asking her if she was all right. All the Pandavs were there, looking worried for her. She assured them she was alright. Kunti gently taking her face in her hands said,


"Putri, in this world, we're known by those who we're related to. But we define ourselves with our deeds. Through your deeds you've earned your place in our hearts. And you'll always be there." Kunti kissed her forehead and released her then.

Later Kunti made her eat by her hand. The Pandavs, Krishna and Balaram with their amusing banter made the environment light. Teasing of Arjun again started. After dinner, some rituals were followed. Drisana and Devika then took Draupadi to make her ready for her first night. As Draupadi was left at Arjun's room, Arjun visited the hallway to his chambers several times. But he was hesitating to enter, not knowing what to do, he thought it best to seek advise of the man he always looked up to.

As he was again in front of his chambers after his talk with Yudhisthir, he encouraged himself saying he could talk to diplomats, make strategies for war, hold his own at conversations with Kings, how hard it could be to talk to a woman who was his wife. Not hard at all, right? He could probably take another walk at the palace garden. It wouldn't hurt. No. Even the guards and dasis were looking at him weirdly. Taking a deep breath, he entered.

Here, Draupadi was tired of sitting at the bed since Drisana and Devika left her hours ago. She was standing at the balcony looking at the night sky. She was anxious and relieved at the same time. Relieved because Kunti, Drisana and Devika had welcomed her with open arms. She had never known a mother. Kunti's affectionate nature had instantly warmed her heart. She had heard about Drisana's story and how she came to stay under Kunti's protection. The way they welcomed Drisana into their family spoke of their kind heart. On the other hand, Drisana and Devika already treated her like a sister. Devika talked about Arjun's likes and dislikes whereas Drisana spoke about his wisdom and knowledge. Through her father's praises, she had known Arjun as a warrior, but through these two she saw him as the man who was protective of his family, the son who adored his mother, the brother who was fiercely loyal, the friend who joked and teased. And such a man would never treat his wife as anything less than what she deserved.

But what about love? Would they have love in this relationship? Well, only time would tell.

As She heard someone entering the room, she went inside to find Arjun standing. Arjun froze as he looked at her from head to toe. Adorned in gold jewelleries and a pink saree with flowers decorating her hair, she was no less than an angel. Draupadi lowered her eyes as he continued to stare. When he didn't move an inch, she slowly moved towards him and getting closer bend down to touch his feet. Arjun immediately jumped.


"What are you doing Rajkumari?" Arjun asked flabbergasted.

"You're my husband and the tradition says to touch husband's feet at wedding night." Draupadi replied amused at his astonishment.

"You don't need to do that Rajkumari." Arjun said.

"Draupadi." She corrected him.

"Ji? (Yes)" he asked confusingly.

"My name is Draupadi. And I don't want my husband to address me formally." Draupadi said. At this Arjun smiled a little.

"You're always this quiet or is this treatment specially for me?" Draupadi asked as he remained silent.

"No. Nothing like that. Actually this is my first wedding, that's why." Arjun replied, not realising what he'd said.

"Means you intend to do more marriages?" Draupadi asked with a striking expression.

"No. I mean I don't have any experience of such situations." Arjun said nervously.

"So you want to do more marriages by gaining experience." Draupadi said looking upset.

"No. I don't mean that. I meant the marriage happened suddenly. I had no intention to marry when-" Arjun couldn't complete.

"You didn't want to marry me." At this point Draupadi was sobbing holding her face at her hand. Arjun watched her with widened eyes.

"No. Yes. I mean. Who wouldn't want to marry you? You're so beautiful. I can't believe you're all mine." Arjun said hurriedly. Draupadi peaked through her fingers.

"You think I'm beautiful?" Draupadi asked with a smile. Arjun understood she was only teasing him. He smiled fully as the tension left him and replied.

"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."


Drisana was in her room preparing to sleep when a dasi gave her a message from Nakul. He wanted her to come at the northern part of the Palace. Drisana started to go there asking directions. This day had drained her emotionally. After breaking down in Nakuls' arms, she had been showered with care and concern from her Mata and Devika while the others tried to lighten her mood. She was blessed to have them beside her.

As for the information about her biological parents, it still felt surreal. She didn't know how to feel about it. How could she as she had never known them? She knew nothing about them nor did they knew her. She remembered Krishnas' words that they would know about her soon. Maybe then she could meet them, get to know the people that were related to her by blood. As for now, she couldn't think of them as her family.

She thought about her parents from Kaliyug. She never for once felt like they were not her real parents. They loved her, raised her to be the person she was today. She refused to think of them as anything other than her parents. Their memories would be always cherished.

As she reached the place Nakul wanted her to be, she felt someone from behind tieing a cloth over her eyes. She knew it was Nakul. She could feel him even with closed eyes.

"What are you doing?" Drisana asked.

"Do you trust me?" Nakul asked instead of answering.

"More than myself." Drisana smiled.

Nakul didn't say anything and started to lead her by holding her hand. They came outside the Palace. He then led her through the trees and removed the cloth after walking for a while. As Drisana opened her eyes, she saw they were at a lakeside. A boat beautifully decorated with flowers was there with lanterns hanging. A broad smile immediately appeared at her face.

"When did you arrange this?" Drisana asked him.

"When all were busy with wedding rituals. Dhristyadym told me about this place and I wanted to take you for a ride." Nakul said.

"Where's the boatman?" She asked not seeing anyone else.

"I'm your boatman." Nakul said smiling at her.

"You know boating?" Drisana frowned.

"Don't doubt your man." Nakul said helping her on the boat.

"I don't." She replied as Nakul started boating. Drisana looked around smiling happily. She told Nakul once that she loved boating at night. The calm and serene feel of the water combined with the moonlight was heavenly for her. She had been on cruises back at Kaliyug. But this was something else. The luxurious cruise trips couldn't compare to this. Under the moonlight, surrounded by the fragrance of flowers, the slight sound of water as the boat moved and Nakul staring at her with love and affection, it was one of the most beautiful moments of her life.

"How do you always find some way to make me smile?" Drisana asked him.

"My heart which resides in you tells me and your heart agrees that lies within me." He said. And just like that he turned the most intense day of her life into a beautiful one.

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