《Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)》Chapter 2


3000 BCE Time Period

One troop of people were going somewhere. Large chariots and carts were moving along with men in horseback at a slow pace.

One man in horseback was looking thoughtful with a disturbed expression. Another came from backside beside him riding on his horse and asked,

"What's the matter Sahdev? You're looking disturbed since we set out for Varanavat."

"I don't know bhrata Arjun. I'm feeling like something is going to happen, something unexpected. I'm unable to put a finger on it either it'll be good or bad." replied Sahdev.

"Don't take too much tension. Whatever happens, we brothers will handle it together." Arjun tried to assure Sahdev though he himself was feeling restless.


As the sun set, they decided to stop and rest near a pond after checking for possible threats. At night, Arjun left the tent to make rounds as he was unable to sleep.

Here in tent a large man was nudging someone continuously.

"Nakul, get up. I need a snack."

"Bhrata Bheem if you want a snack, you should go. Why are you disturbing my sleep?"

"Because you're going to carry it for me. Now get up before I throw you out of the tent."

Nakul got up still half asleep and followed Bheem. They were coming back to the tent after raiding the temporary kitchen when Arjun came there. He smirked watching Nakul carrying a large basket of sweets with his eyes half closed and Bheem eating from another basket that he held in hands.

"Where were you Arjun?" Bheem asked as he saw Arjun coming towards them.

"Actually I wasn't getting any sleep, bhrata. So thought to check the surroundings."

Nakul got smacked on Bheem's back as he stopped to talk to Arjun.


"What Nakul? Can't you walk properly? If you drop my sweets, I'll drop you into the pond." Bheem said in irritation. Nakul didn't even bothered to hear. He was sleeping standing only.

"I don't understand how can he sleep even standing." Arjun said shaking his head.

"Must have learned from his horses." Bheem replied making Arjun snort.

Suddenly the clear sky got darkened, clouds were forming and wind blew hard giving indication of a storm. Arjun, Bheem and Nakul were instantly alert sensing some danger.

"What is happening suddenly? The sky was clear even a few moments ago." Bheem said.

"Look. Something is happening there bhrata." Nakul said pointing towards the pond.

Above the pond heavy clouds had formed and was taking shape of a tornado. As Nakul, Bheem and Arjun watched, the ferocious tornado lasted only a few minutes before it finished and everything went back to normal. Till now Yudhisthir and Sahdev had also appeared alongside them with their mother Kunti.

"What was that? "Sahdev asked.

"Don't know. We should check the pond and it's surroundings." Arjun said.

Along with Sahdev, Arjun went near the pond. There at one side of the pond, a figure was sprawled on earth unmoving. Arjun and Sahdev got close to find a girl's unconscious form. She was barely breathing, blood was coming out of her nose and mouth. Arjun picked up the girl and ran towards their tent.

"Is everything alright? Who's that?" Asked Yudhisthir.

"We found her on the side of the pond. She is badly injured." Arjun replied.

"Bring her to my tent putra. Nakul you also come and see what happened to her." Kunti said.

Arjun brought the girl inside the tent and placed her on the bed. Kunti with Nakul's help started to check her. There was a head injury with a scratch here and there. Her skin was burning hotter than fire and her breathing was shallow. Nakul stopped breathing for a few moments at her sight. Then with the help of his mother and dasis, he did whatever he could.


"Mata there's nothing else we can do for now. We've to watch her breathing. If it doesn't get better and her skin doesn't cool down till morning then we probably won't be able to save her." Nakul told his mother grimly.

"Poor girl. God knows what happened to her that she landed here in this condition. Putra, you go outside, I'll change her clothes. Her clothes are so strange and torn. I'll call you if needed." said Kunti.

Nakul nodded thoughtfully and went outside where his brothers were waiting. They asked about the girls' condition and was worried hearing the reply.

"Bhrata Arjun, have you noticed her clothes? It's so strange. I've never seen anything like that. I wonder where she has come from." Nakul said.

"You're right, Nakul. We were also talking about it sometime before." Arjun replied.

"Well, who she is and where she's from, can be found out only if she survives." Sahdev said.


After sometimes, Kunti called Nakul to check the girl. There was no progress. He insisted Kunti should rest as it had been a long day offering to watch over the girl himself. Kunti relented and left Nakul along with the dasis to the girls treatment. Rest of the pandavs also retired to their tent.

The night passed with tension. But thankfully the girl's breathing evened out and her skin also cooled down gradually. It wasn't a normal fever. Her skin was too heated like she was exerting fire. She was still unconscious. Nakul hoped she'd gain consciousness soon. He'd remained beside her the whole night where his mata and brothers kept coming to check.

After morning prayer and breakfast, they all gathered in the tent. Kunti sat beside the unconscious girl and kept her hand on her forehead.

"What should we do now? We were supposed to continue our journey this morning." Bheem asked looking at Yudhisthir.

"We have to wait for her to get consciousness. We can't resume our journey with her in this condition." Yudhisthir said deciding.

"You're right, putra. This girl is in our protection now. Hopefully she'll get better soon." Kunti said looking worried.

The whole day passed and later that evening the girl started stirring. Kunti who was sitting beside her called for Nakul. Along with his brothers Nakul entered to watch the girl waking up slowly.

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