《The One For Me (Tcest Fanfic)》Chapter 5.


~Mikey POV~

Donnie and I were walking in the sewers just talking and laughing about the most random things. We have been down here for about 5 hours. Donnie is a lot funnier than I expected. It's cute.

"Wanna go topside for a while?" Donnie asks.

"Sure! That sounds fun!"

Donnie crawls up the ladder and checks to see if the streets are clear. He motions for me to come on and we jump out of the sewers and onto the streets. Donnie grabs my hand and we quickly made it to an alleyway. Because it was night time, the alley was dark.

We walked around in the cold dark alley for a while until i ran into Donnie realizing he stopped.

"Sorry." I laughed.

"It's okay." He giggled.

"Follow me. I want to show you something." I could see Donnie smile softly and my heart fluttered.

"I'll try to follow you but I might get lost from the darkness!" I laugh.

"Okay well..... here then." He held out his hand and I gladly took it. I couldn't help the huge grin on my face as we walked through the darkness alone. Together. I heard Donnie open a door and he walked me in. I still could barely see anything.

"Uhh this part of the building hasn't been used for 27 years. It's really old and... There's junk every where. Be careful walking through here okay?"

"Okay D." I stepped carefully through the dark room and before I knew it we were out.

"Okay this is the tricky part. I'm going to climb up the ladder and because it's dark, you might slip and fall or something so once I get up, I'm going to pull you up with my staff okay?" I hummed in response and I felt Donnie take off my mask and tie so,etching else around my head.


"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm blindfolding you. It's a surprise!"

"I already had a mask on though."

"True, but there's wholes in the mask so you can see."

"Oh yeah." I heard Donnie climb up the ladder slowly.

~Donnie's POV~

I lowered my staff down for Mikey to grab.

"Grab my Bo." I told him.

"Got it!" He yelled. I began to pull him up. He was a lot lighter than I expected.

Once he got up I helped him make his was over to the place I had prepared. I wanted this night to be special. Don't ask why, I just did.

I dragged Mikey over to the ledge of the building and sat him down. I sat next to him.


"Yes!!" I slowly untied the blindfold and replaced it with his orange mask. I watched his face light up as he saw the pattern of millions of stars and the beautiful lights of New York City.

"Wow.. It's beautiful Donnie.." He said as he stared into the night.

"I thought you'd like it."

"I love it!" The smile on his face made my heart skip a beat. I couldn't stop staring at him. 'God I love you so much..' I thought.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, was the sudden soft, warm touch of Mikey's arms around me. He scooted closer to me and laid his head on my chest. I held him close and we stared at the stars together.

~Mikey's POV~

I took a big risk and laid my head on Donnie's chest. Cuddling up to him. I waited for the rejection but it never came, instead, I was rewarded by the soft touch of Donnie holding me close. I blushed as he put his arm around me and rubbed my arm slowly. We sat there for what seemed like forever. It was quiet. Just me, Donnie, cuddling, and the beautiful silent night. 'This is perfect.' I thought.


I began to consider telling him how I feel. 'The night's beautiful, it's quiet. We're alone! Come on Mikey!! You can do it! It's the perfect time! All you have to do is say Donnie, I think I love you! See, it isn't that hard! That's all you have to do. That's it! Just don't think about the bad things, only think positive. You can do this!'

"Hey Donnie?"

"Yeah?" I sat up out of Donnie's grasp to feel the cold air hit me. I wanted to fall back into his arms so badly.

"Uh.. There's something I want to tell you, but I don't know how and I just don't want you to be disgusted.." I played with my thumbs and looked up at Donnie to find him staring at me.

"You don't have to say anything."

"W-what I don't understand..?"

"Just kiss me already!" A huge smile smears across my face as I felt Donnie's soft lips smash into mine. It was short, but sweet.

"I've been waiting for that for so long." He says as he licks his bottom lip.

"Me too." I smile. Donnie stands up and reaches out his hand for me to grab. Of course I take it and we began to walk back home.

On the way home I stopped in the sewers. Donnie turned around and asked me what's wrong.

"Donnie? If we k-kissed.. what does that make us...?"

"Uhh.. Well... Michelangelo Hamato, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Donatello Hamato, did you even need to ask that question?" I reply as I hop up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He caught me and I immediately began kissing him. This time the kiss was longer, and deeper. It felt great.

"I'm taking that as a yes?"

"Of course!" I wanted to tell him I love him so badly but it was way too soon for that. He smiled and set me back down so we could go home.

~third person POV~

~knock knock knock~

"Raph? Please let me in.. I'm sorry for yelling I just..." Leo couldn't say the rest as tears fell down his face. The words just wouldn't come out. He listened to his brother cry and that's what caused his own tears. Raph, on the other hand, was sitting against the door listening to the eldest's words.

"Raph please... I-I'm sorry!" He heard Leo get chocked up and it made him even more upset.

"Leo..." Was all he managed to get out.

"Raph! Raph please! Please let me in!" Raph slowly got up and hesitantly unlocked the door. He opened it and looked down in embarrassment, his face as red as his mask. Tears fell and it broke Leo's heart.

Leo didn't even think, instead, he wrapped his arms around Raph's neck and tears fled down his face.

"Leo w-wha-?

"I love you too Raph!"

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