《The One For Me (Tcest Fanfic)》Chapter 4.


~Mikey's POV~

We were on patrol for maybe a couple hours later. Nothing else was happening so Raph got ticked and walked home so the rest of us kind of had to follow him. When we got home another meaningless fight broke out. I'm not completely sure what it was about though. I was too focused on Donnie. I watched him as he slowly walked to his lab. Before he shut the door, he looked me in the eye and his brown orbs sparkled with the light hitting them in such a way. He gave a small smile but I could tell it was fake. Does he think I'm mad or something? Or is he mad at me? I'll give him a while and then later I'll go talk to him. I know he thinks what he almost did made me upset. It didn't though, I felt happy inside, I was just confused.. He's messing with my head. We don't really, hang out that much, ya know, just the two of us.. Hey! What if we do hang out more and get closer! Then, when the time is right, I'll tell him how I feel! Perfect.

~An hour later~

It's been an hour and Donnie is still in the lab. I open the door slowly to check on him. He had his head laying on the desk in his arms and he was still. I walk over to his desk to find that he's asleep. I sit in front of him, staring at him. There isn't a word to describe how adorable he looked asleep. I rested my head on my hands and just awkwardly stared him down.

"Damn you're cute." I mumble to myself, not realizing I said that out loud. I hope no one heard that.. I stared at Donnie for what seemed like forever until I remembered what I came in here for. I tapped on Donnie hoping to wake him up. In response I got nothing but him shifting to where his face was covered by his arms.


"Uh Donnie? Wake up."

"Whaaaaaat?" He pouted, face still covered.

"Can I ask you something? It's Mikey." Donnie sat up and rubbed his eyes. He said sure while yawning.

"Okay uh, so we don't really hang out anymore. That much. Together. Alone.." I said.

"Yeah, I know.." He sighed.

"So, I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna hang out? Maybe? Y-you don't have to... I'm just wondering..."

"Yeah sure that'd be fun! When?"

"Uhh.. Anytime you want I guess."

"Well, what time is it?"

"3:00." I say looking at the clock behind Donnie.

"What about now? We can go for a walk or something!" He smiles showing his cute gap!

"Okay yeah! Sure! Let's go!" I blush and give a big toothy smile. He giggles and grabs my hand, dragging me into the sewers. When he touched my hand I blushed and my heart raced.

~Third person POV~

Mikey and Donnie raced out of the lair leaving Raph and Leo alone. Surprise surprise they were fighting about who knows what.

"I don't understand why you get so mad at me over nothing!!" Leo screamed as Raph stood against the wall.

"Exactly Leo!! You DONT understand!"

"Maybe of you'd tell me, I WOULD!"

"I can't tell you!"

"Why not?!"

"Because you don't understand what I'm going through! No one here could possibly understand!"

"Just tell me Raph! I can help you!!"

"No, Leo you can't! If I tell you you would be disgusted and/or hate me and I can't deal with that in the position I'm in right now!"

"Raph your my brother, I'd never hate you!"

"I don't know that."

"Yes, Raph, you do. I promise! I love you like a brother!"


'Exactly, like a brother... Nothing more.' Raph thought as he stared at Leo. That's what hurt the most, he loved his brother but Leo couldn't possibly love him back could he..?"

"Raph, please just tell me already!"

"Fine! Fine Leo! You want to know what my problem is?! My problem is you! Do you have any idea how it feels to love somebody, knowing that they could never love you back because they're your own brother?! I love you Leo and the only way I can talk to you is if I'm mad because if I try to talk to you any time else I can't! I chicken out because I get nervous around you! I love you so damn much that I cry over you knowing that I can't ever have you!" Leo stood there, frozen by his brothers words. He had no idea what to say. He caused his brothers depression. Raph ran out of Leo's room and into his own, slamming the door. Leo on the other hand, stood there In shock, staring at nothing. Leo snapped out of his thoughts and spoke, but he spoke too late for his brother couldn't hear those words:

"I love you too Raph.."

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