《The One For Me (Tcest Fanfic)》Chapter 3!


~Mikey's POV~

We were on patrol and nothing exciting was going on. We just got done fighting off some PDs and my brothers were all high "threeing" but I was sitting over on the far end of the rooftop, away from them. I needed some time to think about what just happened back at the lair. Were we about to.. to kiss..? Just the thought of that got me happy and my heart skipped a beat.

"Uhh, hey Mike. What are you doing over here all alone?" I snap out of my thoughts as the sweet voice asked me the question. I looked up to a certain turtle and got very nervous. It was Donnie.

He sat down on the ledge beside me and looked at me, searching for answers. I looked him in the eye and all of a sudden those feeling came back.

~Donnie's POV~

"Mike? Are you going to answer me...?"

"O-oh uhh, what was the question?"

"I asked you if you were okay.. You look so alone and...confused." I hated seeing him like this.. was it because of what happened back there.. Ugh why did I do that!! He probably hates me now! If he hates me that's going to kill me! I can't live without him! I love him.. I love Mikey. I, I love Mikey! But..he probably doesn't like me back.. I'm sure that's why he's upset.. He's probably disgusted by me, I'm gay and I'm in love with my brother, why wouldn't he hate me..

"Oh uhh yeah, I'm fine.." He finally answered me.

"A-are you sure, if what I did-or, almost did, I'm really sorry... I just-"

"D, don't be sorry."

"But I am because I-"

"Don, can we talk about it later when Leo and Raph aren't around? I kinda want- need to tell you something, and....I wanna be alone with you when I do.."

"I-oh uhh yeah, sure" I smile at him and he blushes but smiles back.

Please tell me you love me too...

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