《The One For Me (Tcest Fanfic)》Chapter 2!


~Mikey's POV~

Earlier today, I told Donnie that I'd help him train. I'm not sure why I want him to be happy so much. I just get this feeling inside of me and...ugh, It's hard to explain.. But anyways, we're now standing in the dojo, Donnie was stretching, I was watching like an idiot. He's so...cute, hot..and-

I snapped out of my thoughts as Donnie was talking to me.

"Mikey? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"L-like what?" My face reddened, I'm not sure why but I got nervous.

"Never mind. Are you going to stretch and get ready or what?"

"O-oh.. Uhh..y-yeah.." I begin to warm up, swinging my nunchucks and jumping around like usual, and Don spun and swung his Bo-staff. I'm a matter of time, we were got in position to start.

"Ready?" Donnie asked, pointing his weapon at me.

"Only if you are." I smirked and he smiled. He has the cutest smile with his adorable gap!

"Thanks again for doing this. It means a lot!" He says keeping his smile.

"No problem D! Anything for you!" I assured smiling back, with an added blush. It felt..nice.. To know he's happy and that it's because of me..

"As Master Splinter would say, hajime!" (Hajime is begin in Japanese incase you didn't know.)

I began by dodging Don's attacks. I was doing good at first.. Until he jabbed me with his Bo-staff! I fell to the ground holding my plastron.

"Thanks for jabbing me." I sarcastically said. He giggled and it made me smile.

"Sorry Mike," he started, "let me help you up." He says and reached his hand out for me to grab. Of course I took it and when I did, a whole army of feelings came barging into my heart. It pounded, I felt excited, nervous, happy. My face was as red as Raph's mask. His hands were so warm..and..soft. I felt something when our hands touched. I'm not sure what, but it was something that made my heart race..


The feelings ended minutes after our hands separated. I wanted it to come back. I wanted to be able to feel it forever, every day when I wake up, every night when I'm about to go to bed, I want to be able to feel that in my heart. It made me feel calm, and safe. It made me crave something.. I'm not sure what. But whatever it was I wanted-no, I needed it.

We trained for a couple more hours and the score was:

Donnie-16 Mikey-0

Yeah I was losing. Surprise surprise. We have 14 minutes left to train and we already know who's going to win. Obviously Don. We were now resting and takin a break sitting against the wall.

"I can't thank you enough Mike. I really appreciate it. You're literally, the best brother I could ask for." Donnie said, making me feel good inside.

"No problem D! I'll be glad to help you no matter what it is!" I stupidly assured. Why did I do that...

"Really? Then...would you want to help me with something in the lab? It will take a while, like, longer than this. So, more than 2 hours. I know that that's a long time but I could really use your help."

"Will it only be us? And why me instead of Leo and Raph?"

"Uhh we'll be alone.. A-and I wanted to s-spend time with you. Not them.." He trailed off. Me and Donnie, alone, in the lab!! And he doesn't even want them there!!! He wants me, and me only!! Why am I getting so excited about this!!

"But why? I'm sorry for asking but this is shocking because usually you'd tell me I couldn't help you because I was too immature or clumsy.." His face got a little red and he quietly answered me.


"Let's just say... I feel different about you.." That made my heart pound once more and a river of hope fled through my body.

"O-okay, s-sure! I'd be happy too!" I smiled like an idiot. I don't think I've never smiled a smile this big.

"So...we only have 3 minutes left. What do you wanna do? I mean, yeah we can practice more, buuuuutt... I'd rather do something else.." Donnie looked me straight in the eyes. We stayed like that for a while.

"L-like what..?" I asked, butterflies in my stomach.

"Like...-" he stopped half way and looked down at my lips and leaned in. I did the same.. We stopped centimeters apart. His eyes stayed locked on my lips and mine on his eyes. He licked his lips and hesitated to come closer..

"Ummm what are you two doing??" We both turned to see a confused Raph and Leo.

"Staring contest!?" I shouted back.

"Oh umm..okay? Well, your time's up and, it's time for patrol so uhh..lets go.."

"Oh okay.." I said. Donnie helped me up and we left.

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