《The One For Me (Tcest Fanfic)》Chapter 1!


~Mikey's POV~

I sat in the dojo watching as my older brothers trained. I was already beat by all three of my brothers, so of course I had to sit out and watch the others.

My focus mainly remained in Donatello, he was the second youngest. I watched as the genius avoided getting hit with back flips and dodges. He was up against Leo first and with the swing of his staff, Leo fell to the ground, but almost immediately jumped back up. Leo grabbed the end of Donnie's Bo-staff and twisted it in a way that sent Donnie tumbling down. Leo had won the match. Donnie came walking towards me and sat down beside me against the wall. It was now Leo VS Raph.

"If it makes you feel any better, that's the best I've seen you do all month!" I smiled at my older brother trying to cheer him up. I never understood why, but beating Leo and Raph for once would really mean a lot to Donnie.

"Thanks Mikey but, out of the 15 years we've been alive, you're the only brother I've been able to beat.." He says as he wrapped his arms around his knees.

"Donnie, why does that bother you so much? I can't beat any of y'all, but it doesn't really bother me.. I mean, I'm the worst in the team! I don't really care though.. It bugs me a little bit, but not that much for it to really bother me. I know that's confusing but you know what I mean.."

"Yeah I get it. You're not the worst on the team Mikey! You're just young."

"I'm not that much younger.." I looked over at Donnie who was looking down at his knees. I didn't mean to, but I began to stare at the cute genius.


"I-if you want, I'll train with you later on today, so you can get some practice in. I know you've asked me before but, I only said no because I didn't want to get beat. But, if you want to, then I guess we can train later this afternoon?" I was willing to do anything I could to make him happy, even get beat and or hurt. I wouldn't do this for Raph or Leo, so, I'm not sure why I'd do this for Don but oh well.

"Really? You'd do that for me?" He looks up as his eyes meet with mine. For some reason I start to get a little nervous and I started to get hot.

"Umm. Y-yeah sure! Why not? If that's what would make you happy then, I'd be happy to!"

"Awe! Thanks Mikey!! You're seriously the best little brother I could ask for!" Donnie smiled and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug. I of course hugged him back! He was squeezing me so tightly and it felt good, even though I could barely breath.. Still, the touch of Donnie's warm body against me (that sounds really perverted and I'm sorry lol) felt good and I felt like I could just melt right then and there. But thanks to Leonardo, it ended. Leo walked over in shame because I guess Raph had beat him to the ground. Donnie said thanks once again and then his attention went to them.

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