《Mrs Levine 2》𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛


I fall back in the bed breathing heavy and sweating.

"This is the best day of my life." Tatum says and I wipe sweat off of my head.

"I can confirm this is the best day of my life too." Maria says and moves off of Juliet.

"I need a shower." I say and stand up and my legs nearly fall from under me.

"Jesus Tatum you are rough with your hands." I half laugh and she sits up with a smile.

"The ladies don't complain, it gets the job done." She says and I shake my head and I start walking to the bathroom.

I go in and close the door and walk over and turn on the shower. I don't even know how long it's been but it's already getting dark outside, I don't think I've ever had that many orgasms. Once I finished it was a repeat again, I'm surprise the neighbours didn't call the cops complaining about screaming.

I stand under the shower head and wash myself. I hear the bathroom door open but the room fogged up from the shower.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Juliet." I hear Juliet's voice and then she steps into the shower.

"I don't think I'm gonna be able to sit down for a while." I say and she laughs and kisses my cheek.

"You have hickeys all over your neck." She says.

"So do you." I smirk.

"What do you think after your first foursome?" She asks.

"God it was so much, I thought at one point the baby was going to pop out. It was so good tho at the same time." I say and she laughs.


Me and Juliet sit down on the couch after changing the sheets and Tatum and Maria go for a shower.


"Do you want something to eat, are you hungry?" Juliet asks and plays with my hair.

"Oh god I've had enough to eat." I say and she smiles.

"You have to have real food, did you take your vitamins?" She asks and I shake my head and she stands up and goes to the kitchen. I sit and wait for her to come back and Tatum and Maria walk in.

"My throat is sore." Maria says and huffs falling down beside me.

"Happy you finally got what you wanted?" I ask and she looks at me.

"I've never been happier in my life, I want to kiss you tho. I think I might be falling in love, this isn't okay." She moves away and I laugh.

Juliet walks back in with vitamins and a bagel.

"Here eat this." She says and hands me the bagel and vitamins.

"No food for your other girlfriends? I'm offended Jules." Maria says as she leans back against Tatum.

"Always treat the wife first." Juliet says and sits back down and wraps her arm around me. I smile and kiss her.

"God even seeing them kiss now turns me on. I'm going to need therapy after this." Maria says and wipes her hands down her face.

"Relax Maria." Juliet says.

"I cannot relax. Every move you make turns me on now, I think I have a serious problem. I need to go home." Maria stands up.

"I am not staying here by myself with them after that, that is just awkward." Tatum says.

"I love you two I'll talk to you never again." Maria say as her and Tatum walk out and me and Juliet laugh.

"They are so dramatic." I say and Juliet starts playing with my hair again.


"I love you." She says and kisses my cheek.

"I love you too." I say and she smiles and I lean my head against her chest. I stand up to go to the bathroom, I walk down the hall and close the door.

I do my business but when I wipe my heart drops, there's blood.

"Julie! Julie! Come here quickly!" I shout and my hand starts shaking. My heart start beating so quickly I thought it would explode.

The door opens and Juliet runs in.

"There's blood Juliet." I say and I start panicking and my breath goes ragged.

"Hey hey, calm down Spencer you're gonna have a panic attack." She says and comes and puts her hand on my shoulder and looks at me.

"I-I can't the baby Juliet we need to go to the hospital now." I say stuttering and she shushes me.

"We will. Breathe with me Spencer, in and out okay? Focus on your breathing for a second." She says quietly and calmly as tears start filling my eyes and i watch her breathing and try to calm mine down.

"There we go, just breathe slowly." She says and keep showing me and I calm down.

"Julie the baby..." I say and she nods and closes her eyes for a second.

"Come one my love, I'll call doctor Ryan." She says and I nod.

She takes my hand and we walk to the living room and she calls doctor Ryan and I bite my nail nervously. Juliet gets off the phone and goes to the kitchen, she comes back with a glass of apple juice and hands it to me.

"Thank you..."

"It's not a problem." She sits down beside me.


Doctor Ryan comes and we have to go up to our bedroom so she can check everything and she gives me a Tdap vaccine.

"Alright you two, it's not anything to serious. It's just your cervix growing, it doesn't happen to everyone but the people it happens to it's usually later in the pregnancy." She says and I let out a breath.

"So the baby's okay?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes and so are you." She smiles and I smile back.

"Thank you doctor Ryan." I say and she shakes her hand in the air.

"It's not a problem at all." She says.

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