《Sweet little imperfections》|| C H A P T E R 8 ||


My mother and I sat silently at the kitchen table. I sighed as I twirled my spaghetti around the fork.

Week one of grounding was over, but I was absolutely bored out of my mind. I mean sure I didn't go out or anything on Friday nights, but at least I had my phone to entertain me.

Now I have no phone, no computer, and no tv. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere, so I couldn't stop by the book store. There was absolutely nothing left for me to besides clean and the house that is already spotless.

My mom sat across from me scrolling through her phone, reading glasses on, and sipping a glass of red wine.

Until the doorbell rang and she looked up, "honey could you get that?"

I nodded my head and headed towards the front door, "Grace, what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't help but notice you car in the driveway. Assuming your not doing anything on this fine Friday night I decided to invite my friend out. A night on the town?" She asked using her hands to exaggerate.

"I wish but I'm-" my mom interrupted me.

"Honey who is it?" She came to stand behind me, "oh hello," my mom smiled at Grace and she innocently waved back.

"Hi ma'am, I was just asking your daughter if she'd like to spend the night with me," Grace rocked back and forth and her heels.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but Brooke is grounded," Grace scrunches her eyebrows together. I turn back and looked at my mom with pleading eyes.

"Please mommy. I've been good all week and it's just across the street! I promise we'll stay there all night," I pouted pulling out my big eyes and pout lips. My mom debated it for a second then sighed.

"Only this once Brooke since it's just across the street."

I smiled, "Thanks momma!"

"Come home when you wake up in the morning ok honey?" I nodded my head, "don't go anywhere also."

"I won't!" I reassured her then ran off with Grace across the street and into her house.

Grace shut her front door and bursted out laughing with her back to the door. I rolled my eyes, "what's funny?"

"One, your mom treats you like a 3 year old and your what 17? Two, we are total opposites it's mind blowing."

"She doesn't treat me like a three year old! Also so what maybe we are a little different from each other." I crossed my arms.

"Yah "mommy"?" she mocks me.

"She's just over protective !" I shot back.

Grace rolls her eyes, "I bet you haven't even gone out and actually acted your age."

"I have! I'm on the cheer team after all. They have parties all the time!" I was trying to defend myself but the truth was I hadn't. I hadn't really experienced anything. My life had been overly sheltered.


"I don't believe you, but I'm willing to help you open up your life. Let's live a little dangerously," she grabs my wrist and drags me upstairs.

We got inside the room and she began to shuffled through her closet.

"What do you mean dangerously?" I asked going back to the conversation.

She pulled out a long sleeve sheer top, "being grounded for a month is going to be nothing compared to some of the punishments you're going to get while hanging out with me!"

I frowned as she shuffled through her draws.

"I don't like the sound of that," she pulled a pair of fishnets out of a draw then a pair of ripped jeans, "What are you doing?" I asked her at last.

"Getting ready babe."

I scrunched my nose at the nickname, "Why?" I question again. This time she pulled a black brallet out out of a drawer.

"Because we are going out, and you are going to experience life. We may get into trouble or we may get away with it," she shrugs and pulled her hoodie up and over her head throwing it on the floor, revealing her perfectly tone stomach and her pierced belly button.

I looked away. Maybe it was time i started living my life. I'd never gotten drunk, never smoked, and of course I'm still a virgin at the age of 17. Not that I was complaining about the last one.

"Hum my jeans don't fit you seeing as your ass is flat and mine isn't, but I bet a dress of mine would fit you! Your boobs are slightly bigger than mine though," Grace spoke and I turned around.

She walked into her closet. Was my butt really that small? I questioned myself standing in front of her mirror and looking at my behind.

"Ouu how about something shimmery!"

My eyes widened, "No!" I rushed over to the closet just in time, "how about," I shuffled through her dresses. I picked a long dress with velvety material and pulled it out, "this one!"

"It's to long," she commented.

"Exactly my style," I walked to the full length mirror and held it up against my body. This is perfect. I insecurely shed my clothes as Grace watched and pulled on the dress.

It's tight fitting and clung to me boobs almost make inferences them pop out. I guess I did have more boobs than Grace. I looked back over at Grace who had her back towards me scrolling through her phone.

"I don't know about this Grace," I said. She turned and faced me.

"You can't stay sheltered your whole life, we will even go out the back if you'd like," I nodded my head, "good because our rides here."

My eyes widened, "ride?"

"Yes, ride. You can't get on a motorcycle in a dress so I asked a friend of mine to pick us up."


I nodded my head. She grabbed my by my wrist pocketed her phone and dragged my down stairs. All the lights were off and everyone seems to be in bed already. We walked out the back door to a sleek black car parked in the alley.

Graced opened the back door for me and we both got in the car, "thanks for the save."

"No problem couldn't let the life of the party stay home," I girl with long dark hair and green eyes turned around. She was the one who is driving the nice car. The girl eyes me up and down, "who's this?"

Grace looked at me, "Brooke, be nice."

The girl looked me in the eye, giving me weird feeling. "I'll try," The dark head girl answered back.

She faced front reeves the engine then speed off. I guess they all drive like maniacs! I held on to my seat or attempted to seeing as I forgot to to put on a belt and ended up practically in Graces lap when the girl took a sharp turn.

I linked my arm around Graces neck as I sat in her lap, she looked intensely at me as we slid in the back seat with each sharp turn. I rested my forehead on hers as I began to feel car sick. I was probably turning green by the minute.

At last we came to a stop, "Terra you suck at driving!" Grace scolded her as she opened the door and slid out putting me on the ground. I leaned up against the car.

"I can drive decent!"

I shook my head in disagreement, "I'm going to have to side with Grace on this one," I stood up strait and looked at the girl, who's name is Terra.

She crossed her arms, "I got y'all here in one piece that should be good enough!" She turned her back to us and walks towards the house. So, this is a typical house party. I thought as I walk past all of the red solo cups that litter the ground. I start walking after her before Grace grabs my wrist.

"Hold on there, speed."

I stopped, "What's up?"

"First we need some rules. No way in hell am I letting a new-by like you loose without a leash," I roll my eyes, "anyway, rule one always pour your own drink and if you set it down get a new one, rule two always keep your eye on your drink ice should float not sink, rule three don't go upstairs with anyone, last rule, don't do anything I would do," and with that she winked and interlocked my fingers with hers.

We walked inside the house full of people. Grace was greeted by just about everyone. I followed in trail behind her our hands still connected. We make our way towards the kitchen where we found Terra. Grace handed me a red solo cup filled with the yellow bubbly substance called beer.

I frowned down at the cup Grace came and stood in front of me, "you don't like it?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "never tasted it only ever had wine."

She smiled, "Of course, chug it," she pauses, "but of course that is something I would do."

My eyes widened, "no way!" I frantically shook my head.

"Chug it," She said again this time really sure. I looked back down at the cup that was half full and shook my head.

"Chug it!" Terra chanted in.

Sighing I brought the cup up to my lips slightly tipping the cup back sticking my tongue in to get a small taste. I shook my head and pulled the cup away from me.

"No way. Disgusting!"

Grace rolled her eyes took the cup and poured the contents down. Putting the cup back on the counter when there's nothing left.

"You gotta loosen up babe, or we're in for one hell of a night," she went back over to the drinks and grabbed two red solo cups and two shot glasses. Pouring Hennessy and sprite inside the solo cups and tequila shots into the glasses.

"Grace you make the best drinks I'm stealing this," Terra came over and took a solo cup.

"Did I hear Grace is mixing drinks?" A blonde found her way over.

"That She is," Terra hopped on top of the counter drowning down the drink.

"Make your own drink," she comes to stand next to me and hands me the red solo cup. I take it along with the shot glass.

"Who's this?" The girl looked me up and down. I didn't do the same to her, but quietly studied her from the side.

She has tan skin, long legs, and is wearing a skin tight red dress that compliments her well everything.

"Brooke," Grace spoke before bring a cup up to her mouth. I do the same and take a big gulp of the drink Grace gave me. It burned my throat going down shocking me, "that's my girl!" Grace held the bottom of the cup up forcing me to drown down the red of the contents inside the cup.

"What was that?!" I gasp clawing at my throat.

"Grace, don't make her," Terra scolded her.

"Relax," she handed me the shot, "one more then we done."

I shake my head and down the shot, "I think she's tapping out," the blondie commented. Grace drowned down two more cups before we left the kitchen and went to the main room where everyone was dancing to the music.

I followed Grace onto the dance floor just as the famous words 'keke do you love me' played and the crowd went wild. A pair of hands found my waist pulling me towards them turning to see its Grace I calmed down.

We danced song after song, Terra supplied us with drinks as we did so.

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