《Sweet little imperfections》|| C H A P T E R 6 ||


"Mom, mom, please calm down," I attempted to get out before she exploded on me.

"Don't tell me to calm down! You did not bother calling last night and you missed curfew I was worried sick!"

Grace looked at me shaking her head. My cheeks flushed red, "I'm sorry," I apologized and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Come home Brooke now," and with that she hung up. I sighed. This is the first time I had ever been in trouble.

"Mhmm looks like she wants you home," Grace spoke with a smirk.

"Yah she's pretty mad I better get home before she locks me in my bed room for the rest of my life," I gathered my things. What was I thinking? Oh wait, I wasn't. I was about to make my way out of her room before she grabs me by the wrist.

"Loosen up, rebel a bit," I shook my head as she pushed me on the bed, "you could go home and get yelled at by you pissed parents," she paced in front of me, "or you can get revenge on your sneeze of a boyfriend."

Her eyes met mine as she stopped in front of me a permanent smirk etched on her face. What did I think? Sure I wanted revenge for what Fin did to me but there has to be a reasonable explanation right? Not to mention if I didn't go home now my parents would kill me.

"Come on Brooke! You can't live your good girl life forever, and I know you want revenge."

I nodded my head. I did want revenge, "Fine." I cave into the peer pressure, "Let's get revenge."

She claps giddily, "That's what I thought Brookie!" Grace smiled and went to her closet pulling out a fresh pair of clothes, "here go change into these then we can leave."

"Leave? Now?"

"Yes now. Now go hurry!" She does me off to her bathroom.

Inside the bathroom I change out of my clothes and put on the white baby tee along with a pair beige sweats that she gave me. The top was tight fitting, seeing as I have a bit more in that area, but the pants were a bit lose. I walked out of the bathroom with my dirty clothes in hand.

"Ok let's go!" She throws her hands up in the air phone in hand then walks out the bedroom.


I left the clothes on her bed and rush to catch up with her making sure to tuck my phone in the side pocket of the sweats. Coincidentally we Grace and I were the same size in shoe so I grabbed the white forces and socks she's lending me as I rushed out also. Attempting to slide them on as I went down the stairs.

"Grace where are you off to?" Grace stopped mid track hand hovering over the door nob.

She began to slowly turn like she had just got caught, " Hey, I thought you would be gone all weekend."

I made my way down the last few steps- shoes fully slipped on- and saw her mom shaking her head.

"I just went to drop off Cali," her head turned to me, "and who's this?"

"Hi I'm Brooke, I live directly in front of you."

Her mom smiled, "I see my daughter did make friends with the neighbors," she looked at Grace and Grace rolled her eyes.

"Is that all? I'd like to leave now?" My eyes widened at the attitude shot at her mom.

"No I am not in fact done. I made breakfast, and you going to sit down and eat along with your friend."

I looked at Grace as she looked at me, "I'd be delighted," Her mom seem shocked at the response.

"Great, let's go to the kitchen."

I followed after her as Grace grabbed my arm.

"What do you think your doing?"

"Having breakfast with your mom. She seems in need for company," I yanked my arm away from Grace and continued to follow after her mom who was already in the kitchen.

"This looks delicious!" The table was covered with platters of bacon, eggs, waffles, and pancakes. I wonder how we didn't smell any of it from upstairs. Grace grumpily sat next to me.

"Well thank you. Grace could learn some manners from you," she passed me the plate of waffles then pancakes I took two each.

"Manners are for the prime, proper, and rich. I am none of those so sorry for that. Im sorry I can't be something I'm not."

I pause my lips and stay quiet. Her mother didn't say any the only sound to be heard was the clicking and clanking of forks against the China plates.

Sitting awkwardly I reached for the syrup and pored some on my pancakes and waffles. So many calories in one sitting, but I deserve it.


"Are we done yet?" Grace asked with a sigh ten minutes later she hadn't even touched her food I frowned.

"No, you haven't eaten and I'm not standing up until you do so. You mom went through the hard work of cooking it all."

Grace's eyes narrowed at me. I looked away chewing on a piece of bacon.

When I looked at her five minutes later she is shoveling some eggs in her mouth and she did so grumpily might I add. I roll my eyes she knew they were good but wouldn't admit it.

"How rude of me, would you like some coffee or orange juice, honey?" Her mom finally spoke in a softer sweeter tone.

"Orange juice, please. Thank you."

She nods and stands up back off to the kitchen.

"Stop sucking up to her," Grace whispered in my ear. I turned to meet harsh stare only to be really close to her face to close for my liking.

"I'm not sucking up to anyone I'm genuinely a nice person,"

She scoots back shaking her head and leaning back in her seat.

"Here you go honey," her mom sits the juice in front of me.

"Thank you for the hospitality. Especially the food, it was delicious," I took a sip of the juice.

"Anything for a sweet girl like you."

I could feel Grace roll her eyes next to me, "Can we go now?" She asked with a groan. I nodded my head.

"Thank you again!"

"Come back soon," we stood up and left.

"That was excruciating," Grace said once in the garage.

I scolded her, "Why are you so rude to your mom? She gave birth to you!"

"No she didn't, that woman in there is my aunt. I haven't seen my real mom in years."

After she said that I stopped talking about it. Sure I wanted to know more, I wanted to know her whole backstory having so many questions, but I didn't want to overstep. This thing we have here. The friendship, I'm going to need it in the weeks to come.

The thought of even going back to school makes me want to vomit. No way am I getting out of it though, so it's best to suck it up now. Having an actual friend to walk in with will be beneficial. Maybe Grace could be that friend.

"Umm want to take my car?" I finally asked after standing quietly for a minute or two.

"No were taking my bike."

I sighed. If we were going to be friends she'd have to stop being so hard headed though.

Cautiously hoping on the bike after Grace I took the helmet and strapped it on, then hung on for dear life as she revved the engine. The garage door went up and she sped out.

Again I didn't question her as she drove. The thought of distracting her while driving gave me an icky feeling. Mostly I was scared she couldn't multitask.

At long last we stop in front of a grocery store, "what are we getting?"

She hops off the bike and took off her helmet her hair being swooped back in the Autum breeze. I watched in awe as she ran her hand through her hair.

Her lips began to move, but I wasn't hearing what she was saying. I was to busy admiring the way her hair fell so perfectly. The way her lips parted perfectly as she spoke. The way-

She snaps her fingers in front of my face, "earth to Brooke?"

I shook my head and hop off the bike, "I'm sorry what?"

"Look if your not interested just say so," she rolls her eyes and begins to strap her helmet back on.

"No no no it's not that! It's just," I began to grab her arm to stop her from putting her helmet back on, but paused realizing what I was doing.

"I've never done anything like this. What if we get into trouble?"

She shakes her head, "trust me we wont. It will be fine."

"What if it's not fine?"

"You have to loosen up babe."

I'm taken aback by her saying babe, "I-I don't know."

She sighs, "fine. How about we just catch a movie and have a chill evening?"

"My parents."

"Come on," she drags out her words, "give me something here!"

"Fine fine. A movie, but find the shortest one."

"I guess that's something." She pulls out her phone and we stay in the parking lot flipping through the movies in theater.

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