《Sweet little imperfections》|| Prologue ||


"Brooke, we're going to go get pizza, you in?" Bethany asked me and I smiled.

"Last game of the season and we won of course I'm in!" I threw my poms in the air along with the other girls.

"That's the spirit!" Bethany, captain of the cheer team said.

I nod my head, "I'm going to go meet up with Fin. I'll see you at the usual?" I asked looking back at the team.

"Yes babe see ya there!" They all piled into different cars and I ran back to the football field to get Fin, my boyfriend. I found him still on the field with his teammates . I looked up at him crossing my arms and I smiled.

He looks up at me, "Brooke," he smiled and walked over to the edge of the bleachers where the fencing separated the two of us. I stood on the bench and leaned on the fencing also. Our lips joined for a kiss and his friends behind him wolf whistled and hollered. I rolled my eyes.

"The girls are going out to get pizza, you and your boys should come with us," my arms linked behind his neck.

"Of course baby," he pulled me up and in one swift move before I knew it I was standing next to him. Show off.

"Let's go babe, they already left you can ride with me."

He nods his head and gets his guys attention, "All the cheerleaders are out getting pizza let's join them!"

"I'm down bro," Mason spoke walking down the bleachers and towards us. He slapped Fin on his back, "I'm riding with you."

"Fine by me let's roll guys."

I walked behind Mason and Fin the rest of the guys filing down behind me.


I crossed my arms as a few guys loaded into my Jeep. Fin sits in the passenger's seat three in the back seat and two in the truck part. I sigh, "guys y'all are going to break my Jeep."

"Nothing can break this baby," Mason said, patting the side on the jeep.

"Chill babe it's alright," Fin gave me a peck on my lips before I pulled out of the parking lot with two more cars full of football players. Off to the Pizzeria, a local pizza place with the best pizza around.

Finally stopping the car, the six football plays load out and inside. Fin waits behind for me and throws his arm around my shoulder. We walk into the pizza place to see Bethany and our girls sitting at a few tables. I go to greet them as Fin and the guys stop to order.

"I can't believe football season is over already!" Vanessa spoke.

"It seemed like just yesterday was our first game!" I joined in on the conversation and sat next to Bethany who had the side of the booth to herself.

"Next year it's your team Brooke," Bethany reminded me. Bethany would be graduating this year.

"Don't remind me," I nervously laughed.

"Hey, if you ever need any help or anything I'll be a phone call away," and just like that at a mention of a phone my phone began to ring.

"Excuse me it's my mom you know how she is."

Bethany nods.

I stood up and walked outside, "hey momma."

"Hey baby girl how was the game?"

"Good we won."

"That's what I thought you all must be out celebrating?" She questioned.

"Yes ma'am. We came to get pizza."

"Ok be home before curfew love."


"I will, tell daddy I love him."

"I will. I'll let you get back to what you were doing just wanted to check in."

"Ok momma."

"I love you dear."

"I love you to," and with that she hung up. I pocketed my phone and walked back inside.

The guys had finally gotten their pizza and Fin had stolen my spot next to Bethany. I slipped in next to him, "hey baby."

He pecked my lips and I smiled, "was that your mom calling?"

"Yes, just wondering where I was," I told him.

"Isn't she always," he chuckled.

"You know how she is."

"We all know how she is by now," Bethany jumped in on our conversation.

With one last nod of my head I grab a slice of pizza.


"Goodnight babe," I said to Fin as he came around to my side.

"You sure you don't want to come inside? My parents would love to say hi."

I shook my head, "I'm sorry babe, twenty minutes before curfew."

He nodded his head, "Ok thought I'd ask anyway, see you tomorrow?" he walked away opening his front door and going inside without even turning around. I sigh.

Driving off I make it to my house with ten minutes to spare. As daddy always says early is on time and on time is late. My parents might've been strict but I love them to death.

Waking inside my mom meets me at the door engulfing me in a hug, "hey honey."

"Hi momma," she pulled away and grabbed my face.

"Did you have fun?" She asked as I nodded my head, "you ok Brookie?"

"Yes mom, just a little tired," she let go of me.

"Of course, better go get some sleep. We have brunch in the morning with Fin and his parents."

I nod remembering that we in fact did, "Ok I'll go off to bed now then."

She nodded, "Stop by to talk to your father before going to bed ok?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good girl, go ahead."

I went up stairs and into my parents bedroom.

"Honey, your home," my father was in bed reading a book.

"And I'm not late for curfew either!" I smiled.

"You never are darling." I hopped in bed next to him.

"I don't wanna let you and mom down," I set my head on his shoulder.

"I know honey, you're still in your cheer uniform, I'm assuming y'all won?"

I nod my head, "Yes, we won our last game!"

"That's good sweetheart. You must be tired."


"Go get some sleep. We will have brunch with that boyfriend of yours and his parents tomorrow."

I nod my head, "Be nice daddy."

"I'll try, goodnight darling I love you."

"I love you too, daddy."

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