《Feral | ✓》FERAL: chapter seventeen



"Onyx!" I call out but he doesn't reply.

Instead, his hands grip his head harder and tears begin to stream down his face. I pull him close to me and try to calm him down. I don't know what's happening to him and it's worrying me.

"Gaius," Onyx's voice comes out much quieter than before.

"Onyx? Are you okay?" I lift his head slightly and wipe away the stray tears on his face.

"I-I had a memory...I remembered something," he whispers.

"What did you remember?" I question.

Onyx's eyes drop down and another tear falls. My heart breaks as I watch my mate fall apart in front of me. I grip him tighter and run my hand through his hair.

"I remember my pack...the Solar Moon Pack. I remember getting taken," He grips onto me and his body shakes slightly. "I remember my parents."

I frown at this, so he does have a family. If they're still alive they're probably missing their child. They're probably thinking they'll never see him again.

"Do you remember the people that took you?" Gray interrogates.

Onyx shakes his head. "I remember a man and another wolf. When I asked the man why he was taking me, he said something about blaming my cousin."

My brows knit together at this. Who was his cousin and why is he to blame?

"Maybe visiting the Solar Moon Pack will bring back more memories," Quinn suggests.

Gray thinks it over for a few minutes before nodding.

"Would you be up for a trip to the Solar Moon Pack?" Gray looks at me but I know the question is mainly directed at Onyx.

"I...I want to go," Onyx says. "I want to see my parents."

I nod at his words and so does Gray.

"Then it's decided. Tomorrow, you two and Councilman Steele will go to the Solar Moon Pack," Gray says.


I force myself not to groan at this. "Does it have to be Councilman Steele?"

Gray meets my eyes and nods. "Quinn and I are needed here, Moses has to do training, and Foster needs to be here for Taylor. Suck it up, Gaius and put your differences aside."

I bite back a scowl and nod. Even if I didn't like Councilman Steele, I'd go with him if it meant Onyx got the answers he needed and was able to visit his parents. If they were still alive.

"Good, we will meet again once you return," he tells us. "You can go."

I stand up and help Onyx before we leave. Making our way back to the car, I glance over at Onyx who's looking at the ground and is lost in thought. I frown as another tear falls from his eyes. I wanted to make him feel better, I wanted to take away his pain, I wanted him to be happy.

I turn my attention back to the road and pull put of the parking lot before driving home. I know that Onyx and I will need to pack for the trip, but my mind drifts to ways to try and cheer him up. I didn't want him to be sad all night.

We pull into the driveway and I move to help Onyx get out of the car. When we're both inside the house, he looks up at me.

"Can I take a shower?"

I nod to him and help him into the room and onto a stool we had placed in there so he didn't need as much help. Onyx thanks me before I lay out clothes for him and leave the room.

While he showers, I make my way downstairs and turn on the T.V. before going to the kitchen and beginning to cook. I wanted to take his mind off everything, even if it was only for one night.


I decide to make chicken again like I did the first day I brought him home. He seemed to like it last time so I hope he will now.

When I'm done cooking, I look towards the bathroom and frown when I realized just how long he's been in there. Usually he calls me by now to help him out.

I make my way to the bathroom and knock on the door twice.

"Onyx? I'm coming in, okay," I tell him before opening the door.

When I open it, Onyx is sitting on the floor holding his head. There's blood on the floor and his clothes also lay on it, drenched.


I move towards him and grab a towel from the rack behind him before moving his hand. The wound is already healed but there's still blood on it. I wipe it up before helping him sit on the toilet and cleaning the floor.

"What happened?" I ask him.

"I tried to get out of the shower and get dressed," Onyx mumbles.

My brows furrow and I pause to look up at him.

"Why didn't you call me?"

Onyx looks down, avoiding my eyes. "You do everything for me, I wanted to try and do something for myself."

I sigh at this before shaking my head and standing up. I grab the wet clothes and throw them in the dirty clothes bin before looking at him.

"Stay there while I get you something dry to wear."

Onyx nods and I go to the closet and grab a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. When I get back, Onyx lets me help him get dressed and when we're done, we leave the bathroom.

"I'm sorry," Onyx mumbles.

"Onyx, it's fine," I tell him honestly but he shakes his head.

"Not just that," he starts. "It's just... you help me with everything and I can't do anything for you or myself at that."

I sit him down on the bed and grip his face lightly.

"You've been in your wolf form for a long time, Onyx. You're still getting used to things, it's okay," I try to reassure him.

Onyx still frowns but nods nonetheless and I stand up before helping him out the room.

"Come on, I have something for you."

Onyx's brows knit together and he opens his mouth to speak but stops when he sees the food. It's simple but I hope it makes him relax a bit.

His eyes gloss over for a minute before a look of confusion crosses his face.

"Have you made this before?" He questions.

I smile and nod at him. "This was the first thing I made for you when you showed up."

Onyx smiles at this and we take a seat on the couch. I let Onyx pick a random show on the T.V. and after he does so, he places the remote down and turns to me. Hesitantly, he leans forward and connects our lips. The moment is short and he pulls back quickly, looking everywhere but at me. His face is red and he pokes the chicken around.

"Thank you," he says shyly.

Instead of replying, I gently pull him towards me and capture his lips again. Onyx is shocked at first but he eventually relaxes into the kiss. A few seconds go by before we pull apart and I offer him a smile which he returns.

I think I effectively took his mind off everything. Tomorrow we could worry about trying to find out who he is and his family, but tonight I wanted it to just be the two of us.

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