《The Little Time Travelers (Discontinued)》Fighting an Ally


Sakura POV

"That's cruel" Temari said.

"we cant fight him he'll get hurt" Ino said scared for her team mate.

Sakura looked at Shikamaru scared and breathed a sigh and stepped forward.

"Tomoko just take me please just let Shikamaru go" Sakura said holding my writs out.

"Sakura what are you doing?" Ino asked.

"just trust me" Sakura said turning to look at Ino.

Tomoko threw Shikamaru to Temari and took her chakra strings off of him, she then proceeded to make handcuff's around Sakura's wrists with her chakara.

"be careful one wrong move and those cuffs will drain every ounce of your chakra, not that I don't plan to do that in the first place" Tomoko said walking into the hideout.

I followed behind her and looked at the walls and cieling as we walked down a long hall, 'why does this design look familar?'

"hey doesn't this look familar to you" Kotoko said tieing my arms onto a nearby beam.

"yea it does what is this place?" I asked confused.

"well it just happens to be Orochimaru's hideout" I froze in place.

"what? wait...how?" I asked confused and scared at the same time.

"are you really that slow? Its his hideout before he even gets the chance to ever make this his hideout" Kotoko said touching the walls of the hideout,

"I have a question for you" I asked as she untied my arms from the beam whilist she begins walking again.

"what is it?" Tomoko asked as she started to get irritated.

"how did you even figure time travel out?" I asked.

Tomoko stopped and turned back to me.

"do you really want to know?" Tomoko said turning to walk again.

"yes please maybe I can help you" I said.


"well its kind of a long story so why don't you take a seat" Tomoko said as she opened the door to a lab.

She looked at me and undid did her chakra cuffs.

"try anything and I won't hesitate to kill you right here and right now" Tomoko said.

I sat down on a stool and crossed my legs, Tomoko sat down in front of me.

"well it all started when I was 12"


we sat on the ground talking to Shikamaru trying to make sure hes ok after being controlled by her chakra strings.

"what are we gonna do we can't leave Sakura alone in ther with her" Temari said standing up and walking towards the entrance.

"wait no don't go in there if we go in there she could kill more of us and possibly hurt Sakura we can't let that happen so we have to listen to Kotoko for now" I said walking over to Shikamaru and kneeling down and touching his forehead.

"he's startng to run a fever lets go back to the village for now, we'll figure something out then" I said putting Shikamaru on my back.

we all began going back to the village. While going back to the village and I noticed that Temari looked worried.

"He'll be ok" I said hoping next to Temari.

"I wish I could console in your words Ino I really do but I just don't know anymore this is all just going to fast"

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