《The Little Time Travelers (Discontinued)》The Hideout


Boruto POV

I woke up and was in an unfimilar place looked like an underground tunnel

"where are we?" I asked looking at Sadara as she woke up

I tried to move my hands but I was tied down I couldn't move my hands...they were tied up

"what..the hell?!" I tried to get my arms free but I couldn't I think my grunting from the struggle were loud because a women came in and looked at me struggling on the ground

"your pitiful I don't understand why a weekling such as you are even realted to Naruto" she asked looking at the other kids that were now getting up

"who are you and what are you going to do to us?" Sadara asked the red haired girl

"nothing...yet" she added on

"you all are from the future with the exception of the 4 12 year olds behinde you"She pointed to mom, dad, Auntie Sakura,and Uncle Sasuke

"what do you want us for?" I asked her

"oh you think I want you?" She asked as she started giggling

"I don't want you weeklings what I want is your parents" She said as her laughter subsitied

"what could you possibly want with our parents?!" Sadara yell asked the women

"who are you yelling at brat?!" The women kicked Sadara in her stomach so hard she started caughing up blood


"well she is an Uchiha I guess I should have expected that she would have a mouth like one"she said walking up to younger Sasuke

"well you can thank your daughter for this" she grabbed Sasuke by his neck and started squeezing

"what are you doing?!" Iyelled at her

"shut it or Naruto Or Hinata gets it next"

she said squeezing his neck tighter until you heard it



Sasuke fell limp onto the ground

"UNCLE SASUKE!" I felt tears roll down my cheeks

just the Sadara dissappaered

"ha I knew it if you kill someone from a younger timeline everything that happens to them or any offspring ceases to exist their timeline is completley destroyed" she laughed

~~In Konoha~~

Naruto POV

Sasuke stopped dead in his trail and looked at the sky his sudden stop caused everyone to look back and see what was going on

"What's wrong Sasuke" Sakura asked looking at Sasuke

"she got me Naruto" Sasuke said looking at me

"what do you mean Sasuke?" Sakura asked

"see ya Teme" Sasuke waved before he dissappeared

"Naruto what happened to Sasuke?!" Everyone asked me

"damn her" I cursed

"Naruto what happened to Sasuke?" Sakura asked


"Sasuke.....doesn't exist anymore and neither does Sadara" I said looking at everyone

"what do you mean Sasuke doesn't exist anymore?"



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