《You Promised - Byler》TEN


I woke up to see Mike cuddling me in my bed, it was Saturday. I quietly got out of bed and headed out of my room. "Mom!" I yelled as I saw the back of my mom's head sitting on the couch. "Oh Will! I missed you!" She got off the couch and hugged me. Tears of joy streamed down my face, I hadn't seen my mom it weeks "I missed you so much mom." I got out just barely. "I need to ask you something, who's that boy in your bed with you?" I forgot she probably checked on my when she got back home. "That's Mike, he's a... friend," I said, unsure what to call him. We never actually put a label on what we were. "Ok, want me to make breakfast for you guys?" she said heading to the kitchen, "Yes please."

I walked back to my room to see Mike already awake, "What are we?" I said sitting next to him on the bed. "Huh? What do you mean?" He gave me a confused look. "I mean are we dating?" I hope my mom didn't hear that. "Yeah, I thought that was kinda obvious." He got up and closed the door. "Oh, well we just never put a label on it so.." I lost my train of thought as Mike sat back down and grabbed my cheeks and kissed me. I closed my eyes, he did this a lot. Where he randomly kissed me. I loved it though, I wanted to feel affection something I rarely got.

"Mike, my mom's in the other room." I took my lips off his. "Can I meet her?" He said getting off the bed, "Yeah of course!" I opened the door. "Mom this is Mike, the boy in my bed." I said as we walked to the kitchen where she was cooking us eggs. "Hi, Mike! I'm Joyce, the eggs are almost done so sit at the dining room table." I grabbed Mike hand and led him to the kitchen.


"I have a place I want to take you later." I said sitting down at the table. "Oh me too! We can go to your spot first." he was still holding my hand. "Are you sure?" I didn't want to be rude, he was my first boyfriend I couldn't ruin things. We'd only been dating for a month anyway. "Yeah of course!" My mom walked in with three plates and sat one down in front of Mike and I.

"So when did you and Mike meet?" She asked me, she was onto me. It not like she didn't support me, she's known I was gay sense Lonnie left. It was just kind of weird. "Well we've been going to the school together forever but we began friends for 3 months." Mike answered for me. "Oh lovely. It great to hear your making more friends, Will." She knew for sure, she always knew. It one of the reasons I love her, she always knew what was going on with me even if she'd been gone for weeks. "Yeah. I said Mike could stay for the weekend, is that ok?" I asked. "Yeah of course. I'm gonna be gone for a little while after Tuesday. I'm sorry I have to leave again so soon." She said, she sounded really upset about it. "No it's fine, can we be excused?" I saw Mike was done so I asked. "Yeah clear your plates, please."

"Why is your mom never home?" I closed the door to my room. "Work, my family isn't that well off. Hasn't been sense my dad left." i said. "Oh i'm sorr-" i interrupted him, "Don't be, my father was horrible." I stared at me, deeply. He gave me a hug. I held on tightly to him, like he was leaving for good.


I hated talking about Lonnie. I still remember the nights where i'd hear the loud fights and bottles being smashed from my bedroom. Jonathan was there for me though, he always was.

"How about we go to that place you wanted to take me to?" Mike asked. "Yeah." he pulled away and wiped away the few tears on my face.

a/n: ok some will happen in the next few chapters, I PROMISE!

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