

𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀.





Bam bit down on his lip, feeling the burning sensation in his arm. "Bae don't go to sleep." He muttered as he stood up.

"Come on bae.." He trailed off as he picked her up. Blood gushed out of her body.

As Bam carried her out of the room, he tried finding the bullet wounds on her body so he could cover them but there were too many.

He rushed down the hall and up the stairs. He didn't know the building so it was going to be hard for him to get out.

While roaming around quickly and looking for the nearest exit, Masiah bumped into Von and Blakk.

Why they put these two dumb niggas together?

"Damnnnnnnn wassammmm gang." Blakk threw his hands up.

He don't see my eyes pissin right now?

"Nigga you crying?" Von asked. Masiah sucked his teeth and lifted up Yari's body. Both Von and Blakk's eyes widened.

"How the f-"

"Bitch shut up and show me where the door at to leave this hoe." Bam interrupted Von. Von mugged him before guiding them out the building.

Once Glock noticed Bam and that Yari was covered in blood in his arms his eyes widened. He ain't even do any talking, he ran to the truck and started it.

Von opened the back seat door and allowed bam to get in. Then him and Blakk got into the car. "We can make a whole crazy story song outta this shit bruh," Blakk started.

"Ight so look, this how its gone go.. So la Bam got his ass kidnapped-"

"Tabari bruh if youn shut the fuck up ima slap straight fire from you." Bam gritted. Glock eyes widened.

"... Damnnn gang, he called you by yo government, I'd shut the fuck up if I was you." Von mumbled while scratching the back of his head.

Blakk looked down and frowned.

The rest of the ride to the hospital was quiet, but fast.



They met Mali, Ke, and Mama Dee at the hospital and now they were all sitting in the waiting room.

Yari went into surgery about 30 minutes ago and now they were just waiting.

"I'm too pregnant for this shit." Ke mumbled.

Glock turned and mugged her. "You always too pregnant for sum shit bruh, shut the fuck up." Glock spat, growing annoyed with Ke.

Every time something negative happened, Ke would always say that but she couldn't help it.

Ke jerked her head back with a surprised expression plastered all over her face along with the others that were in the room.

"Aww, you're pregnant? You gone have a little boy, I feel it." A boy that sat a few chairs away from them said.

"Bitch who you getting all mean and loud with?" Ke asked Glock.

"YOU bruh, don't nobody give a fuck about you being pregnant right now. Yari in that room and might not come back out and you saying dumb ass shit like that." Glock answered.

"Darien!" Mama Dee yelled.

"Fuck you mad so much bout another nigga girl being hurt? You fucking on her?" Ke questioned causing Bam to turn towards her and mug her.

"Aye aye aye nie." Mali mumbled.

"You sound stupid as fuck Keriah." Glock said as he blankly stared at her. He had never in his life looked at Yari that way and he doesn't plan on doing so now or later on down the line.

"Nah.. what sound stupid is how I gotta new nigga and he treat me better than you do." Ke spat.

She had reached her breaking point with Glock. Her whole pregnancy with him has been a total roller coaster. It wasn't going how she expected it to and he stressed her out every step of the way.

He made a promise that he would be there and that their friendship would come before anything but he was slipping away from her.


It wasn't the same between the two of them anymore and that broke Ke's heart but she soon learned that she couldn't let him hold her back nor try to rekindle something that didn't need rekindling.

She knew it was over between them, but she didn't know if he would be in their child's life after she tell him what she's about to tell him.

"Fuck is you talking bout?" Glock asked, sitting up in his seat and focusing on her.

About a week ago, Ke ran into the boy that asked for her number. From then to now they had been talking.

She didn't even tell Yari and Mali.. that was only because she wanted to make sure it was real first.

"I met a nigga and we started talking, we even fucked!" She answered, lying about the last part. She just wanted to get up under his skin and hurt him.

"You having sex with a nigga while my baby in you?" He asked her as he stood up from the seat.

"Foul as hell.." Von mumbled.

"That baby gone come out gay as hell like me. I know cuz this same shit happened with me and my brother. We was born gay." The boy chimed in.

"Y'all was playin house won't it?" Blakk asked him.

He nodded his head in response. "Yep. I used to lick hi-"

"Lil boy, shut yo ass the fuck up. Ain't nobody ask allat." Mama Dee interrupted him.

He sucked his teeth and turned away from them. He still listened in on their conversation though.

Instead of saying anything else, Ke just decided to leave the building. Before leaving, she told Mali to text her when Yari was out of surgery.

"You knew she was fucking a nigga while she pregnant wit my kid?" Glock asked Mali causing her to scrunch her face up.

He was all loud for no reason and Mali was not the one to be fucked with. Yea, she walk around with guns and goes to guns before fighting, but she will beat anybody ass in a fight.

Only person ass she couldn't beat was her mother's. She knew not to get into an argument with her mother.

"No.. don't bring me into y'all shit just cuz i'm tight with her. She don't gotta tell me everything." Mali responded.

H sucked his teeth before getting up and storming out. "Ole mad ass." Mali mumbled.

"Ugh.. now is not the fucking time to be ma-"

"Family of Siyari Moore?" A doctor came out and said. They all stood up and stared at him waiting for him to say something.

"That is us.. damn, you need us to tell you to talk?" Von asked.

"Kavon! Boyyy I tell ya." Mama Dee sighed while shaking her head.

"Anyways.. Ms. Moore slipped into a medically induced coma and there is nothing to show that she will be coming out of it soon. She was shot 7 times and there were only 4 exit wounds. Luckily, we were able to get the bullets out of her body. We won't know every thing until time passes or if and after she recovers." He explained.

Bam's head dropped. No words could explain how he was feeling at that moment. His stomach was all knotted up and stuff.

"If? Y'all can't do that shit where yall put that electric shit on her chest and bring her back to life?" Masiah asked.

The doctor shook his head. "Sadly, that's not how it works sir." Instead of responding, Masiah took Jasiah from Mama Dee and left the building.

He went and sat in the car. He wasn't going to leave without seeing her but right now he was at his lowest and couldn't see her like that.

"Lord.. I know I done did some stuff that go against everything you died for but all I ask of you is to keep yari alive.."


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