

𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀.




Siyari moped around her apartment with Jasiah on her hip. She was packing her things since she was moving out of that apartment.

Her living in that apartment with Jasiah while Masiah is still missing was too risky.

Hearing her phone ring, she sat Nookie down on the bed and left her room to go into the living room. Once she got into the living room, she picked her phone up off the coffee table and answered.

"Hiiiiii." Ke's voice boomed over the phone. Yari smiled.

After she snapped on Ke a few weeks ago, she took some time to herself to pull herself together. Ke understood where she was coming from so she didn't take it to the heart, but it did hurt her feelings a little.

Yari realized that she was being mean and apologized and now everything was straight between them.

"Hey Ke." Yari responded, pulling the phone from her ear and putting it on speaker. She sat down the phone and walked over to the TV stand.

"You still packing and shit?" Ke asked. Yari hummed in response and pulled the dvd holder out. She opened it and scanned through the movies that were in there.

"Half these hoes in here bootleg as fuck." She said to herself while laughing.

"You wanna go out to eat for lunch with me and Mali? You can bring lil Nookie." Ke said.

"Yea, let me go get him dressed and shit and we a meet with up y'all in about 30 minutes to an hour, just let me know where." Yari answered.

Ke smiled and said okay before hanging up. Yari sat down the DVD holder and made her way back to her room only to see Jasiah jumping in her bed.

"Boy sit yo ass down, this aint no damn trampoline park." She laughed. She watched as he continued to jump on her bed, while she walked over to her dresser.

She pulled out some clothes for him since she didn't pack all of his clothes yet because of times like this.

"We going to eat lunch with tt Ke and tt Mali." Yari told him. He started making noises indicating that he was excited.

She smiled and walked over to him. "We gotta get dressed stink." She said pulling him closer to her. He began squirming around in her arms making her huff.

"Boy- stop moving." She said. He stopped moving for a little while, but it was long for Yari to get his clothes on.

After he was completely dressed, she laid him down and gave him, her phone so he could have something that would occupy him while she got dressed.

Once she was dressed, she went and got her and Jasiah's shoes. She went back to the room and seen Jasiah half sleep.

"How he went to sleep so quick?" She asked herself while walking over to her bed. She slipped on his shoes and picked him up along with her phone

While he was laid over her shoulder, she grabbed any and everything she needed before leaving the apartment.

She shut and locked the door and made her way down to the parking garage.



"Yari." Mali called out for the fifth time. Yari shook out of her thoughts and turned her attention to Maliyah.

"Hmm?" She hummed, picking up her sprite and taking a sip from it. "It's time to order, you know what you and Jasiah want?" She asked.

Yari picked up the menu and scanned through it. "Uh, give me the breakfast meal wit extra bacon and eggs please," She said. "Me and Nookie gone share."

The waitress wrote it down. "Would you like a refill on your drink?" The waitress asked earning a nod from Yari.

"Yes ma'am, and can I get another orange juice for him?" She looked down at Jasiah. The waitress said okay and walked off.

"Yari... you look stressed and drained." Ke pointed out, frowning. Yari looked down and fought back the tears that were so ready to pour out of her eyes.

"I am, Ke. It's been two whole ass weeks and we haven't found out anything. What if he dead?"

"Don't think like that Yari." Mali told her. Yari lifted her head and wiped the tears.

"At this point, I have to," She stated. "He been gone for two weeks. Von and nem been looking for his ass non fucking stop. What's a reason they ain't find him yet? Whoever kidnapped his ass coulda killed him by now." She added.

"And then Jasiah be asking for him and shit and I always tell him daddy at work, he'll be back soon knowing I'm lying like fuck. What if he ain't back by Christmas?"

"That lil nigga can't talk, how the fuck he asking fa his daddy?" Ke asked.

"Cuz he be like dada and shit, duh. Ke you a lil too slow to be having a baby." Yari said causing Ke to laugh.

"Girl fuck you," She said. "But this shit getting out of hand for real- we needa move outta state. They really kidnapped this nigga bruh." Ke added, huffing.

Mali sighed. "I promise you this shi-" Mali was interrupted by her phone ringing. She picked it up from off the table and answered.

Putting it to her eat, she spoke. "Yoo."

She was on the phone with Blakk. At first they were just talking about random shit until he got a word from some people about Bam's location.

Mali's eyes lit up as she listened to what he said.

"He must be telling you how he gone lick yo pussy up and down and all around the way you smiling and shit." Ke mumbled.

"Okay.. ight... see you in 10-"

"Bitch we on a date and you finna ditch us for some dick?" Ke asked.

"No bitch, we all finna go.. get y'all stuff." Mali said as she got up. Ke and Yari gathered their things in confusion.

Yari picked up Jasiah and placed him on her hip while sliding his bag on her other arm. "Where we going?" Yari asked.

They waited for the waitress to come back so they could pay her even though their food didn't come yet. She was very generous with them and had a great attitude.


"They think they found where Bam at, they don't know though." Mali answered. Ke sucked her teeth.

"How the fuck they don't know?" She asked.

"How would I know Keriah? Do it look like I'm with em and I can read they fucking minds?" Mali asked.

"I don't know, do yo-"

"Shut the fuck up bruh." Mali said. Yari just stood there not saying anything because she was stuck and speechless. She had nothing to say.

"... I hope he alive." Yari mumbled.

"He is... I know he is." Mali said. They paid the waitress and left the restaurant.

"We can stop by wendy's on the way to Blakk and nem." Mali said as she got into the car. Yari buckled Jasiah in before getting in and shutting the door.

While Mali quickly pulled off, she explained to Ke and Yari what she was told. "Sooo.. do you have guns in your trunk?" Ke asked.

"You can't do shit, you're pregnant," Mali said. "And neither can I-"

"Bitch you pregnant?" Ke asked as her eyes widened.

Mali rolled her eyes. "No.." She lied. "Just let me fucking finish... Blakk don't want me doing this shit no more so I gotta chill it."

"Since when have you ever listened to Blakk?" Yari asked.

"Y'all be asking too much, maybe I'm tryna make it a 50/50 in the relationship instead of a 90/10 relationship." Mali responded.

Both Ke and Yari hummed in response, not believing her.


"Do they know who kidnapped him?" Yari asked.

"Nah, just where he'a at." Yari nodded her head.

"So we gotta drop Jasiah off?" Yari asked.

"No, we dropping you off with the boys and y'all gone go to the place while me, Ke, and Nookie gone stay at the lil secret trap." Mali replied.



"Hot cheetos and takis, hot cheetos and takis, I cant get enough of these hot cheetos and tak-"

"Blakk, shut the fuck up." Glock snapped. Blakk turned his head in Glock's direction and mugged him.

"I was tryna cheer you bitches up. The vibes im getting from y'all givin me very much "i'm sad as hell and need some play" like damn. Last time I'm singing for you mothafuckers." Blakk said, muttering the last sentence.

Instead of responding, everyone in the car ignored him as they pulled into the parking lot of the building.

It was at most 8 of them in the truck, and another 8 in another truck. They didn't expect for it to be so many people in the building since it was small but they weren't sure what to expect.

They parked into the very back and got out. "Well.." Yari mumbled while staring at the building.

"We finna be on some calladuty type shit." Von said.

"It's call of dut-"

"Bitch don't correct me," He mugged Mario, which was a person they worked with from time to time.

"Don't nobody say calladuty all the way out but white people. I look white to you?" Von asked.

"Nah b-"

"Ight den, shut the fuck up." He said. Mario sucked his teeth.

"Can we go in now? Shit." Yari said, attitude laced in her voice.

"Sooooorrryyyy." Von rolled his eyes. Everybody had an attitude at this point.

"Come on.." Glock said before walking off. Everyone followed after him to the back door of the building.

"Why is all y'all following me? We had a fucking plan- y'all niggas sped as fuck gang." Glock said, letting out a frustrating sigh.

"Ohhh." Everyone said at the same time. Growing annoyed, Yari walked off and into the building, leaving them.

She wasn't scared of anything for real because she used to do this type stuff with Bobo.

Yari pulled her hoodie over her head and wondered around the building. It looked small from the outside, but the inside was big. There was a downstairs area they didn't even know about before coming here.

Yari picked up her pace as she heard gun shots go off. Seeing a staircase, she chose to go down the stairs and follow that path.

It was darker than it was upstairs being that there were no windows down there. "I'm scared as fuck." She mumbled to herself, looking around.

She checked the doors but all of them were locked. As she approached the last door, she seen a key in the door. She turned the key which unlocked the door and walked in.

"Hello.." She whispered. The person in the bed groaned and stayed laying down facing the wall.

"Mane I said no-"

"Masiah?" She softly spoke. His body shot up from the bed, recognizing her voice. "Turn the light on." He told her.

She turned the light on and turned her head back towards him. Her eyes watered as her ran towards her.

As he picked her up, she wrapped her arms and legs around him. "You crying?" He asked her.

"No, I'm laughing." She sarcastically answered. He chuckled and put her down. Wiping her tears, he smiled.

"Where Jasiah?" He asked.

"With Mali and Ke." She answered.

"You missed me?"

Yari playfully rolled her eyes and looked off. "Yes, I thought you was dead bruh." She said. It was like a huge weight lifted off her shoulders.

He pecked her lips before walking back over to the bed he slept in to get something. As he began to speak, shots rung off.

He quickly turned around seeing Yari's body drop the ground. His eyes widened and it was like everything was moving in slow motion.

As his eyes watered, he leaned down to her body to check if she was still breathing, which she was.

"Bae.." He shook her, looking for the wounds. She had been shot at least 5 times. Tears started to uncontrollably roll down his face.

He grabbed the gun Yari walked in with and shot at the person that shot Yari. Before running off, the person got a shot a Bam, hitting him in his arm.

Bam bit down on his lip, feeling the burning sensation in his arm. "Bae don't go to sleep." He muttered as he stood up.

"Come on bae.."

to be continued..


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