

𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀.





"Wake yo fine ass up." Water was thrown on Masiah causing him to slowly raise his head. The room was dark and he couldn't see who it was, but they could see him.

Walking over to Masiah, he felt the person breathing on his neck. "Damn, hot ass breath." He mumbled.

"Shit stank too." He added, laughing. His laughs echoed throughout the dark, cold, and empty room.

"Cut the lights on Star." Janae ordered. Star walked over to the switch and flicked the lights on revealing her, Janae, and Taymari.

"Mane what the fuck?" Bam mumbled as a mug creeped onto his face.

"How you get kidnapped by females?" Taymari said smartly. "You a weak nigga." She added.

"Shut yo non fat, loose pussy ass up. Y'all snuck me so obviously y'all couldn't handle a nigga when he was conscious." He retorted.

"Bitch shut up." Star jumped at him. He blankly stared at her before he busted out laughing.

"Bitch I a kick that baby out yo stomach." Bam got real disrespectful wit people he didn't know or like.

A mug fell upon her face. "You so fucking disrespectful- remind me why y'all wanted to kidnap this nigga." She said as she stared at him in disgust.

"Well you see..."

"Bitch this ain't them lil tiktok skits, get to the fucking point." Bam told Janae. She began mumbling things under her breath while they exited the room, making sure to turn the lights off.

"Mane how the fuck they kidnap me?" He mumbled to his self while heavily sighing.


Yari, Mali, and Ke arrived to the store and got out. Yari rushed into the store and looked for the boys.



The worst was running through his mind. He couldn't imagine losing his brother. Masiah had been down for him since day one and was one of the realest on his team.

He wouldn't be able to deal with the thought of Masiah dying right after he was just with him.

"Darien, calm down." Ke softly spoke as she caressed his back. He snatched away from her and walked away.

She sighed. "I'm too pregnant for this shit." She mumbled while sitting down.

"Can we just get the video gang?" Blakk asked, letting a sigh of frustration escape his lips. He was mad as fuck but was trying his best not to show it.

He knew that being mad at the time wouldn't help them get Masiah back. "Thank you for asking some what nicely- i'll get it to you as soon as possible." The manager spoke as she made her way to the back.

Blakk sighed and sat down. "Mane how the fuck we let this happen?" He asked his self.

Mali went and sat next to him.

"Aye Yari, come wit me right quick." Von voiced. Yari looked up and looked at him weirdly causing him to smack his lips.

"Ian on no weird shit bruh.." He mumbled. She slowly nodded and followed after him.

They walked out the store and made their way to Masiah's car.

Yari didn't question Von because she trusted him, she trusted all of them but at the moment she was confused on how to feel.

Von huffed as they reached the car. "What is it?" Yari asked him.

"I knew some shit going on bruh. As soon as we left the house, I had this weird ass feeling bout some shit. It felt like somebody was watching us." He explained. Yari turned her head towards him.


"Did you say anything about it?" She asked him.

He looked down and shook his head. "Nah, I thought I was trippin." He answered.

Yari mentally sighed.

"The fuck?" She heard von mumble. As he bent down to the ground, the rest of the group approached them.

"They said they ain't got no fuckin footage and forgot that the cameras ain't work." Blakk sighed in frustration.

Yari huffed and looked over to Von as he got up from the ground. She eyed his hand seeing that he was holding a phone and a black cloth.

"You know his password?" Von asked yari.

She nodded. "Yea, hand it here." He handed her the phone and she typed in the password. The first thing to pop up were text messages.

"How the fuck- yall this look like my number." Yari's mouth fell open as she stared at the phone. She closed her mouth and began to read the message.

As her eyes watered, she extended her arm our for someone to take the phone. Being that Mali was right next to her, she took the phone.

"How the fuck they made it seem like it was my number?" She asked.

"They cloned yo shit... it's possible to do that, the muhfucka just gotta be real smart." Blakk answered.

"How did they even get my number?"

"Ain't yo number on yo ig for yo hair and shit?" Glock asked. Yari shook her head no. She stopped doing hair at her apartment since Jasiah and Bam basically stayed there, and has another phone for hair.

Mali scanned over the messages and scrunched up her face. "Yo number was saved in his phone, why would he believe this shit?" She asked herself.

"Fuck that, I don't call y'all Maliyah and Keriah, I call yall Mali and Ke... why the fuck would he believe that?" Yari huffed.

Mali handed the phone to Blakk. "Hack the store cameras because they lying. And work yo magic on this shit too." She told Blakk. He nodded.

"Who got Nookie?" Von asked. Yari turned her head towards him and looked at him as if he was stupid.

"Who the fuck else would have Jasiah besides me and Bam?" She asked him. He rolled his eyes and frowned.

"You don't gotta be mean, I was just asking." He mumbled.

"Don't ask shit you already know the answer too." She said before walking away. Out of nowhere her mood changed. She was so angry and upset.

"How the fuck this happen bruh?" She asked herself as she opened the door to her car.

The passenger and back seat doors opened before Ke and Mali got in the car.

"They left the cloth so we gone have one of our peoples dust it for prints and shit." Mali said as she put her seat belt on.

Ke followed after her. "We gone get him back, don't trip too hard." Ke said.

"Don't trip too hard? Ian een gone get on yo ass cuz you pregnant." Yari huffed. Ke scrunched her face up and stared at the back of her head.

Mali turned around already knowing the ke was about to smartly respond. "Chill Ke." Mali said.

Ke turned her head and stared out the window as yari pulled off.

I hope you're safe Masiah.


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