《Mated to Twin Princes》22



All my eyes see is that Nate is cheating on my best friend. With some ugly skank who has no class. The ugly skank looks over to where im standing and pushes him off of her.

"Nate get off of me!" She yells. He makes some look at her and shakes his head.

"You got on me first! You know i have a mate what the hell!" He screams. Nate runs off and i walk up to the skank.

"You have no place being in my castle. that or i will throw you out myself." i say to her. she realizes im the queen and scurries off the palace grounds.

i speed walk outside and sniff the air to see where Nate might have gone. it appears to be west and i quickly transform into my wolf and run after Nate.

i howled for Nate for a long time. where is he? i stopped running and decided to turn back before i picked up his scent not too far away.

i followed his scent to a little private pond. he sat there, staring at the water. since he was transformed back to his human form i did too.

"i didnt kiss her first Alexia." he stated. i believed him, i know he wouldnt do that to Leslie. i used my powers to sway the trees to calm Nate down.

"i believe you Nate. its ok, lets go back now."

"what if she doesnt believe me. what will i do, shes my soulmate. my only love. i dont want to lose her."

Nate started to break down crying in my lap. i rubbed his back until he stopped crying and mind linked Hayden to come and help me take Nate back since he fell asleep.


"are you okay darling?" Hayden asked me.

"yes dear, im fine." i kissed his cheek and ran off to find Leslie.

i found her in her bedroom hysterically crying.

"oh my god. Leslie are you okay?" I asked her.

"i lost my baby." she whispered.

"you were pregnant?" Nate walked in and asked.

"i was going to tell you on Sunday. it was a little girl Nate. and now shes gone." Leslie sobbed. i knew it was my time to leave the room and give them privacy.

Katherine walked by with her baby boy, Jasper in her arms. She gave birth to him a few weeks later after finding out that he was a boy.

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