《Mated to Twin Princes》19


before the last sentence in last chapter.

"Kyle, i'm late." I said showing him my period calander.

"Is that mean you're?"

"Pregnant? Yes. I am."

Kyle froze for a second. I couldn't tell if he was happy, or going to leave me.

"I know we met not too long ago, but we're mates. No matter what, I will love you for the rest of my life." He said kissing my forehead. Wow, i'm going to be a mom.

When I woke up the next day after hearing the news that Kat is pregnant, I missed the joy of being going to the ultrasounds, the kicking. Basically everything.

I wanted to have more kids, just not now. Maybe when the triplets are almost a year old, or they are a year old. Hayden and Luke were away on a buisness trip for another day or two.

So, I am stuck at home. Their birthday is in a week and I can't think of something to do for them. Do they want something big? Something small? Family only? It's so much to think about, and no one's helping me.

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