《Make Luv | bxb》Chapter 3.


As I'm sleep having a good dream. I wake up to hear a bunch of screaming and yelling.

Yo it's to goddamn late at night for all this yelling and shit a nigga gots to get his rest.

I sit up in my bed stretching as I still hear more commotion.

Getting up out my bed I put on my Blue Custom Nike Slides and I walk out my room to figure out where all this commotion is coming from.

As I walk into the hallway I can hear the yelling getting louder.

I realize it's coming from Remi's room.

"YO IMMA ASK YOU ONE MORE MOTHER FUCKIN TIME WHY WAS YOU KISSING ON OTHER NIGGAS?!" I hear a voice yelling at the top of their lungs.

I tip toe over to Remi's room and I take a peak through the crack of the door.

As I'm looking , I see King, the dude from earlier punching Remi in the face while Remi is on the ground King is still punching on Remi.

I bust the door open and and run inside the room pushing King off of Remi.

I grab King and slam him to the ground .

I get on top of King and start swinging , I stand up and start stomping my feet on Kings face.

"NO STOP CHOPPA GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM." Remi yells out while trying to pull me off of King.

I finally let go of King and back away

King slowly gets up and run towards me.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" King yells while pointing a finger at me

"I'm the nigga who beat yo ass and imma be the nigga who gon bury you , if you don't get yo ass out this motha fuckin house." I say to him

King looks at me and then turns his head looking over at Remi

"This is your fault and this is not over either imma be back for you" King shouts at Remi.

King then grabs a green glass lamp and slams it on the floor while walking out the room.

I watch as the glass lamp hits the ground and shatters in pieces.

I look over to see Remi sitting on the floor with his head down.

I walk over to Remi and try to pick him up but he smacks my hand off of him.

"Move get the fuck out my face. I don't need your goddamn help!" Remi says to me

I look at Remi and I can tell he's drunk and not in the right mindset.

"Cmon Remi" I say while picking him up off the floor and taking him into the bathroom .

I sit Remi on the bathroom counter and I examine all the bruises his face , I see he has a black eye and a bloody lip.

I grab a rag and wet it with warm water and start cleaning up Remi's face.

"I just can't believe this fucking happened. I didn't mean to upset him the way I did. He's all I have.This is all my fault." Remi says while starting to cry


"That nigga ain't shit. What he did to you wasn't right at all and it was fucked up. Who knows what could've happened to you if I didn't walk in." I say while still cleaning Remi's bruises

"But why?" Remi says

"Why what?" I say

"After all the mean things I've done and said to you, why would you try and help me?" Remi says while looking up at me

"Because you're my roommate, I wouldn't want anyone to hurt you. I don't care if we started off at the wrong foot . I'm still gonna have your back no matter what." I say while staring into Remi's eyes.

"Choppa I really do appreciate you for trying to protect me but I was holding my own" Remi says

"Well by those bruises I don't think you was holding your own good enough " I smirk

"Shutcho ass up" Remi says while pushing me.

"Aye I ain't forget that we need to go to Walmart and go grocery shopping cuz ain't no food in this bih." I say making a serious face while looking at Remi .

Remi looks at me and rolls his eyes " you always talking about goddamn Walmart, we have Uber eats for a reason." He says

Suddenly I grab Remi by the legs and carry him on top of my shoulders while grabbing his car keys and running out the house.


"Naww since you don't wanna go to Walmart imma force yo ass to go today." I say while laughing

I unlock the car and throw Remi in the passenger seat as I get in the front seat starting up the car.

"This honestly is kidnapping you are a fucking kidnapper!" Remi says while crossing his arms

I laugh and connect my Bluetooth to the radio and blast big drip by Fivio Foreign.

"AYY BIG DRIP I FELL IN LOVE WITH A LIT BITCH CRIP SHIT SHE WANNA SUCK ON A LIT DICK!" I yell out the lyrics rapping along to the song.

I look at Remi and I see him rapping along to the song lyrics .

"Ayy what lil ole you know about this song " I say to Remi while laughing

"Boy I might be gay but I sure do listen to hood nigga music too , don't get it twisted " Remi says

We finally arrive to Walmart. I find a parking spot and park the car.

Me and Remi step inside Walmart and I grab a shopping cart.

"Get yo ass in the cart." I say while looking at Remi

"Hell nahh I ain't no baby." Remi says

I grab Remi and throw him in the cart.

I grab the cart and start running down the aisles as fast as I can.

"AHH SLOW THE FUCK DOWNNN" Remi screams out loud while holding on to the cart for dear life .


I start throwing all types of random food in the cart while still running.

Suddenly I bump the cart into a girl with blonde hair.

She looks up at us with grey eyes "umm... are y'all good?" She says while looking at me and Remi confused

"See look now you made us bump into this poor girl" Remi says

"My bad it was a accident shawty i didn't mean no harm" I say while looking at her up and down

Damn she bad as fuck and she got a good ole fat ass for a white girl.

The girl looks at me and giggles "it's all good my name is Stassie, and your name is?"

"Well My name is Choppa " I say to her

"Well I just moved here and I'm looking for some new people to chill with so maybe you can put ya number in my phone." She says while handing me her phone

I grab her phone , and save my contact name in her phone as "papi".

"Ohh word? I just moved down here not to long ago and maybe you can slide to my place I'll give you the addy." I say to her while smirking

Remi just looks at us and rolls his eyes "oh so I guess I'm just non existent."

Stassie looks at Remi and ignores him and looks right back at me

"Well imma most definitely make sure I slide thru do you got any plans later?" She says

"Naww shawty come thru whenever you like." I smile and to her

"Okayy I'll make sure to come!" She says while smiling and walking away

As she walks away I look at her ass.

"Yuck you really invited her over " Remi says while pretending to throw up

"Mann let me get my game on" I say while laughing and hip thrusting the air

"Eww I don't know what she sees in your stank ass anyways." Remi says

We walk to the cashier and I pay for the groceries.

As we walk out of Walmart I do my happy dance because we finally got some Groceries.

We get in the car and drive home .


As we walk into the house Remi walks upstairs going into his room.

As I'm putting away the groceries I hear the door bell ring.

I walk over to the door and open it , as I open the front door I see Stassie , the chick I met at Walmart .

I look at her and see she's wearing a shirt tight red dress with her hair all curled up.

"Damnn you ain't waste no time coming , you look good tho" I say looking at her up and down

"Thank you , wow this house is gigantic! " she says while walking inside

I follow behind her and sit on the couch .

"So do you own this place?" She asks while sitting on the couch next me

"Naww my roommate is upstairs , you watch Netflix?" I ask while grabbing the remote off the table and turning the tv to Netflix .

"Hell yea I watch Netflix , who doesn't. " she says

I turn on black mirror and sit back

Stassie snatches the remote out my hand and turns off the tv. "Let's be real do you really think I came over here to sit and watch Netflix with you?" She says

"Hell yea what else do you want to do? " I ask her while looking at her confused

Stassie hops on top of my lap and looks me into my eyes "You know you want some of this ass."

Honestly I think this bitch a hoe but imma go along with it anyway but I'm not gonna go to far with ha I don't know where her p*ssy been .

I grab Stassie ass while smirking.

As soon as I grab her ass , Remi runs over to us.

"AHNT AHNT , why is she here." Remi says

"Because Choppa told me I can come over. Is there a problem with that ? " Stassie says while looking at Remi up and down and rolling her eyes.

Remi makes a stank face

" Yes there is a problem , I have some business I need to handle and you can't be present while I handle it." Remi says.

Remi walks over to the front door and opens it up gesturing for Stassie to leave.

Stassie shoots a middle finger up at Remi and walks out the house not even saying goodbye to me.

"Girl fuck yo stank ass too " Remi says while slamming the door shut

"Mane you a motherfuckin cock blocker. Why the hell would you do some shit othat" I say to Remi

Remi looks at me "because you just can't be letting random strangers in the house like that are you crazy ?!" He says

"you just mad because you just wish you was the one sitting on my lap." I say to Remi trying to make him mad

Remi looks at me "boy please don't ever think or say some shit like that to me again." He says to me

I walk over to Remi "I see what it is you just jealous, you know you want some of this." I say while getting in his face

" That isnt true at all what type of shit are you on right now" Remi says to me

"Quit lying to me" I say while staring into Remi's eyes and putting my body close up on him

As soon as I put my body on Remi , his face turns bright red

Remi then looks away from me

I grab Remi's face and look into his eyes putting my lips onto his and I kiss him on the lips softly


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