《Dark Saviour ✔》Chapter 15: The Saviour


Zero hadn't known kindness for a very long time because no one looked at an orphan with anything but pity or disgust. Many pretended to care and others openly showed their hatred, like she was an insect on their wall even though this land was for everyone to share together. However, that never bothered her because she knew that having anyone's recognition wasn't going to give her what she wanted in life.

Years have gone by and she wasn't an orphaned child anymore. She was off the streets and in her own house with a name that the entire world knew. Yet that wasn't what she cared for. She only cared about the friends she made along the way and the people she saved. Everyone that depended on her were going to live their lives even if it meant that she'd have to sacrifice herself... she would do it in heartbeat.

Although, as time passed Zero came to realize that her life wasn't in her hands, it never was. Maya made this choice, she decided whether to end her life or not. It was arrogant for Zero to assume she had any control over anything. Even the path she was lead on all these years, was it choice or destiny? The man she fell in love with was surely destiny because she never thought she was worthy to have such a kind, gentle mate. Her mate was her soul and nothing could destroy that love because Zero held onto it with all her might.

She hadn't come to realize until now that every decision she made lead her to something. As a child, she fought against people who took advantage of others and that taught her how to use her hands as weapons. She spent years learning the pain of others that now she could read a person's smile and tell that they were trapped. All that pain should've clouded her mind yet it only made her vision clearer.

Call it choice or destiny, but it didn't defeat the fact that she was enlightened. Except, that intelligence forsake her when she needed to help Reaper. Why did she fail to reach her hand out to him? she wondered. What had Maya planned all those years ago that now Zero was struggling to defeat Reaper? Zero could only pray for an answer and on this grim night she hoped for an answer.

Zero parked the bike Severin gifted to her on the side of the road. She turned the ignition off and put the keys safely in her pocket. She looked around the massive street, that was empty and quiet this late at night. The only thing she recognized was the old factory warehouses lined side-by-side behind the metal fences.

She pulled out her phone and called Marcello. "Where are you?" she asked the moment, it was answered.

"I haven't arrived yet," he said.

She cut the phone and went towards the fence alone. She eyed the high gate and could have easily climbed over it if her body didn't hurt like it was thrown under a bus. She opted for the gun strapped on her waist and shot the lock apart. The gate swung open and she marched inside first. Three cars arrived then and Zero knew it wasn't anyone dangerous because she smelled familiar pheromones. Gabriel and his beta had arrived with King and Azura.

Zero was surprised not to see the Drakov twins. "River and Ryder didn't come along?" she asked them.

"Trust me, they wanted to come," said Hunter.

"It'd get too crowded," Gabriel told her. "Better to do this swiftly."


Hunter crossed his arms over his dark shirt and holster that held many guns to his body. "So, this is where Reaper's hiding out," he sounded rather bored.

"According to Marcello," she told them. "He had his men follow Reaper since yesterday."

"That man better be right," added King.

A car arrived then on the other side of the street and Zero knew it was Marcello. He got out of the car ready to fight too because he wasn't in his usual suit and tie. Lazarus, Ronin and Adrik got out of the car as well.

"What are we waiting for?" remarked Marcello as he sauntered past them into the building.

"Your ass apparently," King retorted back and then started to follow inside with him.

Everyone trailed along, but Zero lingered in the back not liking that so many of them were here. This could get dangerous and she wouldn't be able to keep them safe if they didn't cooperate with her. Zero put her hands in front of her eyes and saw all the scars that riddled her palms and fingers. No one knew better than her how to hold a weapon and kill a prey, but reckless leadership could get them all killed.

Zero looked back outside to the midnight-blue sky and saw the full moon glimmering against the dark blanket. Maya was here, she thought to herself. A serene stillness centred Zero's mind, it was just how she liked it before she got into any battle.

"Maya," she prayed softly. "I leave their protection to you. Get them home to their packs."

Zero strode into the building with no intention of making it out alive, she never assumed that. The only thing she did predict was that her enemy was die tonight and by her hands.

"King, Azura, go south of the building," instructed Gabriel. "We'll head the other way."

Lazarus and Adrik were already moving to go to the east wing of the building and Zero stood alone with Marcello and Ronin.

"If Reaper is hiding here-" Marcello began but dropped what he was about to say next.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Will you kill him or capture him?" he asked hesitantly.

"Why the hesitation?" she said then.

Marcello looked around the dismal building that had nothing but garbage, a few alcohol bottles and bins laying around.

"Something tells me that you want to change his mind, like you blame yourself for what happened to him," he alleged.

Zero closed her eyes and remembered Reaper's gaze that spoke all the pain he held onto. She saw how alone he was in this world and how much guilt he carried. He was someone who loved Menza because Menza had finally accepted someone like him. An orphan just like Zero was and she wondered a lot if she would have become like that if someone like Menza had met her.

"I didn't help Reaper when I got rid of Menza," said Zero with a grim tone. "I should have, it was my fault."

Marcello frowned. "You can't save everyone," he acclaimed.

Zero held her head high. "I plan to," she said. "No one will die tonight."

Marcello looked at with a baffled expression. "What star were you born under?" he astounded.

Zero chuckled. "I believe her name is Maya," she patted his shoulder before she set off for the path ahead of her that lead to the basement.

The path was dark, nothing was recognizable. Zero used her hands as she felt the sides of the walls leading to a series of steps to the bottom level. The wooden floorboards creaked underneath her feet and she used the damp walls to keep herself steady. When she hit the last step, her ears caught the slow dribble of water from a broken pipe. The air was thick with dust and she couldn't see much, but through the high windows the streetlights streamed through the glass and she saw a bunch of tables with chairs.


However, as she walked in deeper, her body shivered from the extreme cold breeze coming from somewhere. Zero didn't see any door nor did she see any of the windows open.

She went up to the table sat the end of the room and saw papers laid out. She didn't pay any heed to any of them, but her quick eye caught something strange. There was a neatly packaged envelope with no dust on the paper, like it was freshly touched.

She grabbed the envelope and opened it. A letter fell out and she unfolded the page to read it. That was when she knew that she was right all along. Even though her eyes read the letter, she felt Reaper's voice in her ears and around her body, like he was in the room with her.

"You're so proud that you saved some people and they came to your rescue," Reaper's voice slithered across her skin. "You feel safe and loved. I understand that better than anyone, Zero. Menza was my saviour once. But you took that from me. Now, I'm going to take the ones that saved you and everything that you took from me. Let's start with that Centauri pack first."

Zero's blood went cold and she knew that Reaper wasn't here, but where did he go. She pushed the table and saw where he had gone. A trap door was under the table, which was used to escape without anyone finding out about it.

Zero ran back upstairs and saw Marcello. "He's gone," she said. "We need to get out of here-" she pulled out her cellphone and called Gabriel. "He's headed over to your pack," she warned. "We need to move now." She was running even as she spoke. Reaching outside, all of them gathered. "Lazarus, take your wolves and head home. Your pack will need help if Reaper goes there."

"But-" Lazarus hesitated and looked at his pack members.

"Go, your pack needs you," she snapped. "We'll be fine."

"I'm staying with her," Marcello told his beta. "You three head back-" Marcello's eyes were on her, telling he's ready to fight with her.

"Marcello, go with them," she said calmly.

"No," he retorted.

Zero didn't look him in the eyes because if she had, then she would've showed all pain battling inside her eyes. She drew in a harsh breath, taking in her own sadness and locking it away.

"If you're my friend, then you will go with them," she spoke sternly. "I don't beg, Marcello. Don't make me start now." Marcello couldn't say anything back except follow her will.

They all left to their car and rushed back to the Iron Blood pack residence to make sure Reaper hadn't gotten there first.

"King, Azura," said Gabriel. "You two get to the pack territory first. I need you to warn River and Ryder."

"Go separately," said Hunter. "If Reaper attacks you then one of you should make it back."

Zero came up to them. "I'd fear the worst and prepare for an evacuation, Gabriel," she told him.

Gabriel's sneer appeared, he was pissed that his pack was being meddled with by Reaper. "Go, now," he commanded his wolves and the two left in a hurry. "Zero, we should ride together in the car. If Reaper decides to start shooting at you on your bike, it could be bad."

Zero didn't need to be told twice. Hunter had brought the car around and Gabriel got inside and so did Zero.

"How did you know that Reaper's coming after our pack?" Hunter asked as he reversed the car and drove as fast as he could down the highway.

She presented them the letter. Gabriel took it from her and read it out aloud for them. "He loves these games," she gritted out from the back-seat.

"The kids from the sanctuary," said Gabriel. "He's after them too."

Zero's temper rose and she saw red all around her. "I'm going to kill him if anything happens to those kids," she said as Ender's face and all of the teachers from the sanctuary who lost their lives to keep them safe appeared in front of her eyes.

They exited the highway and got onto the mountain path through the forest trees towards the pack territory, when suddenly, shadows rushed out of the woods and shot at the tires of their car. The car had flipped, the windows smashed and the car was sinking on them. Zero smelt her own blood, but it was the smell of gasoline that told her to get her ass moving and save Gabriel and Hunter.

"Gabriel," Zero called out in the midst of struggle. "Gabriel?"

"I'm here," he groaned, glass shifted and broke as he moved.

"How's Hunter?" she asked.

Gabriel reached over and checked the pulse. "He's breathing," he said. "But he's out."

"Gabriel, you need to get yourself and Hunter out of here," she instructed. "I'm going to kill those bastards outside and give you some time-"

"No, we stick together," he gritted out.

"This is no time to argue," she snapped. "Get your brother to safety."

"Zero, I can help-"

Zero checked for her guns on her belt. "Your lives are a lot more important than mine," she said. "Think about Sabrina and Hailey, your pack, the kids, Gabriel. Get your brother out of here."

Gabriel cursed his breath. "Fine," he said. "But you come back. Do you hear me?"

Zero was already out of the car and she was unbolting the door for Gabriel. "Hurry up," she whispered. Her gaze spotted the car driving up to them. Gabriel pulled Hunter out of the car and they moved behind the cover of night. She guided them off the road and into the forest trees to hide them. Thankfully, they weren't far from Centauri pack territory, so they'd get help as soon as possible.

Gabriel seized her hand. "You come back," his determined gaze locked with hers. "Don't you die on me."

Zero pulled her hand away. "Go! Now!" she saw the two men disappear further into the woods. A silence carried through the cold wind, Zero closed her eyes as she sensed their feet rapidly moving further away from her. She could finally breathe now and fight without restraint.

The black clothes Zero wore hid the shattered glass pierced inside her gut. There was no surviving this wound and if she was going to fight the gang coming at right now she was at greater risk than ever. Zero knew that she was going to kill every one of those bastards to ensure that Gabriel and Hunter get safely back home if it was the last thing she would do.

Although, Zero wasn't going home to her mate. This was the end and she always knew that she'd go like this, fighting until the very end.

"Check the car," snapped Reaper.

"You're too late," she announced. "You failed. You will not touch those kids, Reaper."

Reaper sneered. "I get to kill you," he claimed. "My victory is inevitable after that."

Zero's clothes were soaked in her blood, but she never had a stronger urge to kill. Her wolf warned her to run and survive, but she didn't want to run anymore.

Reaper motioned his men who hesitated before attacking. "What the fuck," he spat. "Go kill her!"

His men looked at her standing alone, injured, but she seemed more of a threat than anyone they ever faced before. Reaper shoved the first guy and then they started to move towards her.

"Maya," she whispered, as her eyes closed.

Zero stood under the moon with the light of her goddess seeping into her bones, power radiated inside her body. She knew that her wounds were too severe to heal, but she didn't need healing from her goddess, she needed only the last ounce of strength to keep fighting on.

In the darkness of the night, her revolver went off and bullets met heads and chests. She stood covered in the blood of her enemies and her own, like it always was for her. Silver light cascaded down on her bloody figure, but she offered it all to keep breathing and keep going, so her friends would be safe.

Reaper ran towards her, his daggers ready to kill. But despite her injuries, Zero was still the warrior sung in legends and myths. She didn't even flinch when he stabbed her stomach. She coughed up blood and looked at the double blades pierced inside her belly.

Reaper looked at her amused. "Die, bitch!" he spat at her.

Zero chuckled even though it hurt like a bitch. "I was just about to say that to you," she said.

Reaper's eyes widened and he saw exactly what she talked about. Her silver dagger swung out of her trench coat, she held it by the handle, the glint of the blade gleamed in Reaper's black eyes. With alarming strength, Zero rammed her arm and sliced through Reaper's throat.

A moment passed, Reaper's head flopped down onto the ground, she kicked him away and then his body followed. Zero stood alone on the street, her gut stabbed open and her hot blood warmed her cold body. But her feet didn't lose strength, she stood fiercely over the targets of her wrath. Rivers of blood pooled around her. The night breeze heightened the iron scent and the floor glistened like crimson gemstones.

Zero dropped onto one knee. Her eyes darkened and started to close, she simply looked away from the tsunami of death below her feet. She titled her head back; her eyes found the one thing that had always been with her since the very beginning. The moon stood as alone as her as it was painted red from the deaths it saw tonight.

Zero pulled out the sharp daggers, her hands losing sensation and her legs were motionless. She had no feeling in her body, so there was no pain for her. Maybe that was a blessing from her goddess.

Zero didn't fall back though, she wouldn't die on the street like the rest of the people she killed here. She leaned her weight on one knee and silenced her mind and heart. There was nothing she could say that would make her afraid of death anymore. She was ready for this since the day she became Zero- the executioner.

A bunch of cars drove up from every direction and many footsteps ran behind Zero. She didn't know who had arrived since the scent of her enemies' blood masked every other sensation. But the warm touch on her arm only belonged only to the love of her life.

"No, no, no," Severin's face appeared in front of her. "Not you."

The Centauri pack had arrived as well.

How was Severin here? she wondered. Oh well, maybe that was another blessing that she'd get to see him one last time. "I don't have that much time," she managed to speak.

"No, don't say that," Severin cried, his indigo eyes broken. "You can't die on me, you can't leave us."

Zero's heart would've ached from seeing his tears, but she couldn't feel her body that was breaking apart. "I love you, Severin," she said softly, she lifted her hand and skimmed his cheek that was always warm. "I'm sorry I showed you nothing but death-"

"That's not true," Severin held onto her, like that would keep the last ounce of life in her body.

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