《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》Epilogue


"Daddy,come on,drive fast!" The blue eyed girl speaks from the back seat of the car. "I want to see my boyfriend."

As soon as those words escape her mouth Jace stops the car in shock making the driver from the car behind ours cuss at us.

"What did you just say Wren? Boyfriend? You are a six year old." Jace complains.

"So what? I am old enough to have a boyfriend daddy." Wren shrugs,running her hand through her blackish brown hair.

"Birdie." Jace whines. I roll my eyes,I swear I have three babies,two girls and the third one,this grown up baby man.

"Just drive Jace, we'll see when we get there." I say.

We all,yes all except Zach who is busy with work, are gathering for Hannah's marriage. We all were married except Hannah,now she was also going to be one of us. She was getting married to the love of her life, Austin,a really rich but loving guy. Atlast she found the one she was looking for and I couldn't be any more happier for her,better late than never.

I glance at Wren and her father,they are the loudest at our home. They always keep on bickering but Wren is a total daddy's girl. She has the same blue eyes as him,my nose and our black hair and height. She is the tallest girl in her class.

While looking down in my lap is the quietest version of our family,Mia,our one year old daughter. I softly brush her brown,almost blonde hair from her face. I don't know where she got her blonde hair from,maybe my mother. She softly opens her wide blue eyes just like her father's. Wren and Mia both got Jace's blue eyes which I love the most. Mia softly closes her small hand around my finger and gives me a smile that makes her dimples pop out. So much beauty,my eyes can't handle it. I give her a big kiss on her chubby cheeks which makes her giggle. From the corner of my eye I see Jace smile at us.

"We are here." Jace speaks up.

"Finally!" Wren exclaims and starts opening the door of the car.

"Wai--" but our little demon is already out and running towards Josh. Josh is a seven year old son of Sydney and Brad and to be honest,he's a real pain in the ass. I get out of the car and we both follow Wren and Josh to their parents. They are arguing as always. I sigh. Wren,in total delight gives Josh a big kiss on the cheek which makes Jace tense on my side. It is always amusing to watch how Jace is soo protective towards our girls. He says that all three of his girls are really important to him and he will stick around for his girls no matter what. We three are his life and these three are mine.


"Wren Brewer, don't you dare kiss a guy in front of your dad. It's off limits." He says sternly. Wren just shows her tongue at him and starts talking to Josh,the little devil. He is a little Brad,more mischevious than Brad could ever be.

"There there people,stop arguing." Jace says and rolls his eyes. This brings their attention to us.

"Oh,my babies! Come give me a hug!" Sydney says and gathers us in big hug. We hug her back but not too hard.

"How are you?" I ask as I keep my hand on her swelling belly. She is almost 4 months pregnant with their second child.

"I am not okay,he always gets me pregnant during marriages,I can't even find my dresses." Sydney says and glare at Brad. It's true,she was two months pregnant during her marriage,with Josh. Brad was horrified when Sydney said rude words to Brad during her first pregnancy but now he knows how moody Sydney gets.

"Sorry baby." He says not arguing any further. Whipped idiot.

"So." I ask. "What do you want?" Rubbing her swelling belly gently.

She smiles gently but then looks at Brad. "I swear if there is another little Brad in there,I'll kill myself." Me and Jace laugh. Brad smiles at his wife and gently places his arms on her waist,a single hand massaging her belly.

"I want a little Sydney now." He smiles and gives Sydney a peck on her cheek.

"Yeah me too,too many Brad's in the house." Sydney says and we burst out laughing again.

"Aunt Jessie!" My favourite and only nephew runs towards me. I smile at his voice and gather him in a hug.

"I missed you so much Alex! You are so grown up." I chuckle as my 10 year old nephew plant a kiss on my cheek.

"I missed you too aunt Jessie. I am,I have grown three centimeters since the last time we met." I smile at his excitement. He is the exact copy of Veronica,minus the black hair of Ashton.

"Jessie!Jace!" My brother,aka a famous lawyer embrace me in a big bear hug. I tear up,I've missed him so much. He kisses the side of my forehead and then move aside so that I can hug the maid of honor,Veronica. Veronica and Hannah grew really close when they went to the same medical school to study.


"How are you doc?" I ask as I embrace her. "I am great. Where are Mia and Wren?"

"Mia is with Jace and Wren is...." I look around for Wren.

"Wren!" I shout. "Jace where is Wren?" I ask Jace who is busy laughing with Mia. He looks around and start walking towards our car.

"I swear this girl..." He says but is cut off when Josh pulls at his pants.

"What?" Jace asks.

"I am here to ask your permission." Josh says.

"For what?" He asks.

"Marriage with your daughter Wren." He says and points towards Wren who is hiding behind a car but hides when she sees us looking.

"What! Wren come here,right now." Jace demands. Now comes the bickering. I take Mia from Jace's arms.

Jace gathers Wren in his arms who try to get free by wiggling and glaring at Jace. "No marriage,my daughters are not getting married before 80." He says which earns a groan from Josh and Wren. "And you, Wren, are going to your grandma and grandpa,no meeting Josh anymore." He says and starts taking Wren to my parents who have just arrived.

"No." Wren says and glare at Jace who holds her glare. After an hour of glaring Wren sticks her tongue out to which Jace copies. Mia laughs a cute little laugh popping her dimples.

After leaving Wren with my parents Jace walks back to us. "Mia,come on here to your daddy." Jace says and extends his arms forward. Mia happily goes in his arms and he kisses her lightly on her cute little chubby cheek making her giggle. "You are the real daddy's girl,the quiet one just like me not like your mom or sister,bossing your poor daddy around." Jace says and watch me in amusement. Mia probably doesn't understand a thing but she still laughs a cute little laugh making Jace smile at her. I just wanna melt into a puddle when I see the fond look in his eyes for our girls,he looks at them with so much love and affection.

I go towards my parents and hug them. But they forget about us when they see Wren,Mia and Alex,their dearest grandchildren.

After kissing goodbyes to both of my daughters and leaving them with their grand parents we go towards the adults,my friends.

They all are laughing. I am soo happy to be with them right now. Hannah and Austin have joined them too and let me tell you,she looks really pretty and she is glowing. Austin and her look at each other with so much love that I look away.


"We are alone finally." Jace says as he plops down on the bed.

"Yeah." I say as I go near the dressing table to remove my earings.

Wren,Mia and Alex are with my parents who are more than happy to be with their grand children and Josh is with Olivia who arrived later. You can say that the children and their grand parents are having the time of their life.

Jace gets up from the bed and comes towards me. He wraps his arms around my waist and slowly put his fingers underneath my top. I shiver,yes,he still has that affect on me.

"Now that we are alone..." He huskily says,his hands moving further up my top. I take a deep breath but still my breathing is uneven. He starts kissing my neck,nibbling on my soft skin.

He groans loudly when I lightly pull at his hair. "God! I love you so much birdie,so damn much." He says. I smile at his words. Years of marriage has also not faded the love between us,it has grown more actually.

"I love you too softie,so damn much." I say and bring his mouth on mine. He smiles in the kiss.

I couldn't be any more happier, I am with the love of my life with our two lovely daughters whom we love dearly. I have gotten what I ever wanted,my little perfect family with so much love and happiness within.


After that Hannah gets married to the love of her life Austin and they have a cute baby boy. They all live happily ever after.

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