《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》40:The Magical Words


We all sit around the fire we lit up after setting up our tents,totally exhausted. Sydney has her head on Brad's shoulder and he is playing with her hair.

We fooled around while setting up our tents,enjoying to our fullest. We teased,ran around,joked and what not. But now we are completely exhausted. We just completed our dinner and roasted some marshmallows. It was a good day.

Sydney yawns making Brad look at her. "You are tired. Come on,let's get you to sleep." Brad says to Sydney, quietly kissing her cheek.

I smile at them. I am really happy for them. "Goodnight guys." They say and walk to their tent. Me and Jace are alone.

The silence is thick between us. We didn't talk about the fight when we came here but I know that now is the time.

"I am sorry,you were just looking out for me." I whisper. He sighs and then pulls me closer,into his lap then kisses my nose lightly.

"Yes,I was looking out for you. I am sorry too,I shouldn't have yelled at you." He says and kisses my nose again. I smile and he smiles back. We stay in silence for a few minutes,me in his lap feeling nothing but safety and happiness and...and love. I look up at Jace,he is looking at the fire looking absolutely beautiful. I love him,I love this beautiful human.

Jace notices me staring at him. He looks me in the eye and as if recognising or noticing something he takes my hand and says "come on,I'll show you something."

I get up while he grabs an oil lantern. He leads me to a large opening. The trees form a wide opening and you can easily see a cluster of stars above as well as fireflies around.


"Wow." I breathe.

"I found this while me and Brad collected firewood." He says and I nod.

He keeps the lantern by the side and takes out his phone,doing something. Soon perfect by Ed Sheeran fills the night. I smile at the choice. He keeps the phone by the lantern and comes towards me,extending his hand towards me.

"May I have this dance?" He asks. I smile and put my hand in his. His hands circle my waist while I put my hands around his neck and my head on his chest,hearing his heartbeat which has increased slightly,just like mine.

We sway around slightly,not fully dancing,just holding each other.

"You make me feel like the luckiest man alive,you know?" He asks after silence fills us.

"And you make me feel like the luckiest girl alive." I say. He smiles.

"You make me happy and you make me feel complete." My breathing hitches.

"I really am bad at speeches. But I really don't know how to say this in any proper way. I wanted to tell you this for a long time baby. You mean soo much to me that I don't know if the words will ever be able to start how I feel about you." My heart starts beating frantically.

"I have never been in love before,birdie,but if this is love then it is pure bliss. You,my love,make it a pure bliss for me because you taught me how to love. I am so in love with you ,my birdie, that it's too hard to express in words." As he says the words every girl wishes to hear,I can't help but cry. My heart swells up with so much love,the love for him and pure happiness. He loves me. My eyes fill up with tears of happiness. I cry and laugh at the same time. A look of concern flashes on his face.


"Are you okay birdie? Did I say something wrong? Crap! Are you alright?" He rambles on and on. A shaky laugh escapes me lips.

"Shut up you idiot and hear me out." I say. That shuts him up.

"You know you are the world's biggest idiot?" He looks confused. "And the world's biggest softie. I am so glad that I got to see this side of you,the one side you allow minimum people to see. I am really glad that you asked me out otherwise I would have kicked your ass. We are literally couple goals." That makes him chuckle. "You made me the happiest in these months we were together. You made me feel complete too. You captured me in your heart just like I did to you and I am not giving it back to you, ever. I am yours softie,forever,and you are mine,forever. And no one's gonna do anything to separate us because I love you." The words were filled with nothing but pure love and honesty. I love this guy.

His eyes light up as they hear me say those words back to him. He smashes his lips on mine and say "Say it again, please."

"I love you." I chuckle.

"I am never gonna get tired hearing this." He says. "Come again."

"I love you." I smile.

"And I love you birdie,with all my heart."


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