《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》39: Camping,here we come!


"Jessica, honey, Sydney's here with the guys." Mom screams and I rush downstairs with my bag where all my stuff is packed.

"Bye mom." I hug her and kiss her cheek hurriedly,rushing outside before she changes her mind and call me in again.

My mom was not at all happy about me going on this trip and so was Ashton. But soon after a little pleading, actually a lot,from me and Sydney mom finally gave in. Ashton also took a promise from Jace that he will not touch me inappropriately if I don't want him to. I had rolled my eyes at that,Jace would never touch me that way if I don't want him to.

"Hello everyone!" I squeal running towards them. I was way too excited for this trip,the double date. Sydney gives me a hug with the same excitement.

"There there JJ,keep steady otherwise we will have to carry you to the nearest hospital." Brad chuckles.

"Shut up." I pout.

Brad and Jace has brought their bikes. Their overnight bags hanging at the back. I hang mine at the back too and wait in front of them with my arms crossed.

"What now?" Asks Brad.

"Can I drive?" I ask sweetly,batting my eyelashes at both the boys. Sydney gives me a wicked grin and she also joins me,smiling sweetly at the guys.

"Oh my god, absolutely not!" Jace says with wide eyes. "I had enough the last time you drove."

I stick my bottom lip out. "And now look what happened,we are together. If I would have not drove that day,you wouldn't have had the balls to ask me out." I say with grin. Brad and Sydney burst out laughing.


Jace raises and eyebrow. "Bir-" he starts,a warning in his voice.

Brad shuts him up. "She is right dude,you seriously were scared to ask her out."

Jace narrows his eyes "Shut up dude,should I tell Sydney about you?" Brad shuts up instantly.

Sydney raises her eyebrow but keeps silent. I know she's gonna force it out of Brad later.

Brad gives Jace an evil look at which Jace grins. "Wanna race?" Brad asks.

"Sounds great. Whoever reaches first at the restaurant near our camping site last will have to buy food for everyone." Jace suggests.

"Come on,hope on beauties." Brad says and starts the bike. Sydney goes and sits behind Jace on his bike.

"Babe?" Brad asks,puzzled.

"I am not talking to you until you tell me what was Jace talking about. So I am supporting Jace in this race. Sorry kiddo." Sydney says and high fives Jace.

"You are gonna pay,you dimwit." Brad mumbles as I take my seat behind him,my back facing his back.

As the race starts,both the guys speed up making me and Sydney scream out loud. Oh my god,I was feeling that my skin will fly backwards.

"We are just a little far away." Brad yells over the wind. An idea pop inside my head. Jace was just a little back from us and he can clearly see my face.

I smile seductively at him,taking my bottom lip in my mouth slowly. I can see Jace's eyes widen. I slowly run my fingers across my lips causing his eyes to widen further. He completely forgets that he is driving a bike and his bike stumble a little.

"Hey! You cheating bitch!" Sydney screams from behind him.


I laugh and shrug just as Brad stops his bike outside the small restaurant. Brad gets off whooping loudly.

"Now now,who's buying us food?" Brad smirks as Sydney and Jace get closer.

"She cheated. She distracted Jace." Sydney exclaims.

Jace has his eyes fixed on me. "She totally did." He mumbles. I just shrug innocently.

"We are going to order. You get your wallet ready." Brad says and walks to the entrance. I follow him but Sydney and Jace stay outside. Sydney wanted to get something from her bag while Jace was just locating his wallet.

As we enter all we see are groups of tattooed weird guys. Brad pulls me closer to him and puts a hand on my shoulder protectively. I give him a small smile. After ordering, the four of us sit down in a booth.

We all had a great laugh while eating. Sydney confronted Brad so Brad answered truthfully that he was stalking her before they got together,in his defence he said that Sydney was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Sydney smiled at that and they both shared a kiss making me and Jace throw fries at them. It was great.

We were getting ready on the bikes to go to that camping site when a group of creepy men passed by. I was standing near Jace's bike while Brad and Sydney were already seated and were going to take off.

"Ooh,we got some hot stuff here." A burly looking man speaks up,he was smoking. Others snicker or wolf whistle.

"Get on the bike." Jace says quietly.

"Aww, someone's leaving." The same man says and starts towards me,extending his hand forward to touch me.

"Back off man,don't you dare touch her." Jace says slowly,every word crystal clear and dangerous.

"Someone's protective." Someone says from behind.

The burly man snickers and touches my bare arm. I was wearing a white tank top with shorts.

"I. Said. Don't. Fuckin. Touch. Her." Jace says and gets off the bike and clench the man's t shirt in his hand.

"Woah man. OK." He says backing off. They all file inside the restaurant. Jace looks at me,I was rooted on my spot. His blue orbs were dark with anger.

"Why don't you wear a cardigan? Or something to cover up in these kinds of places?" Jace asks,his voice high.

"You don't have the right to tell me how I want to dress up,it's my wish." I say equally loud.

"Why don't you ever understand,people are not the same every where. If this is not going to get a man's attention then what is?" He asks massaging his head.

I stay silent,he is right. He is looking out for me.

He starts the bike and asks me to get on. I do and we speed off to the site.


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