《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》36: Movie Time


After our school,to celebrate the good news,we all go to my place to watch a movie. Veronica goes out with Ashton after school for his football practice. Tony was unable to come because of some family issues. Zach was a little disappointed but we soon cheered him up.

Now,we are at my place fighting over two movies. Titanic and mission impossible.

Me, Sydney and Hannah are fighting for Titanic while the boys are rooted to mission impossible.

"Come on girls,you all have watched it for more than 100 times. Let us see mission impossible." Brad pleads.

"Shut up Brad." Sydney snaps and he literally shuts up. "We'll decide it through voting."

"OK." I say.

"Those of you who vote for Titanic,raise your hand." Hannah says.

We three girls raise our hands. I look at Zach with a puppy face. Please,I mouth. He sighs and raises his hand.

"Yes!" Hannah cheers.

"On your face loosers!" Sydney exclaims.

"Damn you Zach!" Brad curses.

We all just stick our tongue out at the boys.

"OK Titanic then." I say.

I put on the movie and sit on the ground. Jace,Brad and Sydney are on one couch while Zach and Hannah on other. I take a pillow and sit down on the floor myself.

The movie has just ended now and I am a crying mess. I cry every time at the end even tho I have seen this movie a thousand times. I am still looking at the TV. I haven't turn around so they don't know I am crying. I can hear Sydney's breathing,it's uneven. She's on the verge of crying and I can hear Brad comforting her.

"Hey,birdie." Jace says.

I nod. My face still hidden.

As if he detects something is wrong he reaches out and runs his hand on my shoulder softly.

"Birdie. Are you okay?" Asks Jace softly.


I nod again. A slight sniff escapes my mouth.

As if realising, Jace softly says "Oh baby. Come on here." With that he gathers me in his arms and make me seat in his lap. I hide my face in his chest and he runs his hand through my hair.

"I have watched this movie a hundred times but I still cry." I say my voice hoarse.

He smiles softly and kisses my forehead,a butterfly kiss.

He still continues to play with my hair when Hannah speaks up. "Look at these couples,I feel so damn single." She whines.

Brad snorts and says "You are single."

Hannah scowls "Thanks for the reminder honey."

"My pleasure." Brad says.

"Zach I know that you are gay and taken but can you at least pretend that I am taken by you right now? I am feeling left out." Hannah says and scoots towards Zach.

"Aww honey. Baby! My love! Sweetheart! Birdie!" He says and hugs Hannah close. They both burst out laughing. Brad and Sydney roll their eyes while I say "Hey!" In protest and Jace says "we are not like that" at the same time.

"Sure." Hannah says laughing loudly.

"We seriously are not like that." I say and Jace nods.

"OK. But are you like this then?" Zach smirks and lean towards Hannah's ear. In a deep,soft voice he whispers "Are you saying, me being all demanding turned you on?"

At that I quickly hide my face in Jace's chest and Jace starts coughing loudly.

The heat is all over my face and neck. He heard us. Talk about embarrassment!

"Oh my god he really did say that?!" Sydney exclaims too enthusiastically.

"I was walking beside them. At that moment I just wanted to dig a hole and die there." Zach says and dramatically sighs.

"So guys." Brad says wiggling his eyebrows. "Turning on." He keeps on wiggling his eyebrows. "Are we expecting little Jace and Jessica soon?"


"No Brad they are too young to have kids." Hannah says and I almost hug her to defend us but then she adds "They are probably using protection." I just want to curl and die in a corner.

"That's enough!" I say and hop off Jace's lap. "No talking about this anymore!" I say and storm off,not meeting anybody's eyes,the blush still prominent on my face.

They all burst out laughing at my awkwardness and embarrassment. What a bunch of idiots.

I go to the kitchen and find myself something to eat. I can hear Jace shooing all of them out of the house. After the door finally closes his footsteps start towards the kitchen, coming closer. A set of muscular arms wrap around my waist while I stuff my face with tomato flavored chips.

"They all are gone." He says softly and kiss my shoulder.

"Good. Because I can't bear them anymore." I manage to speak through my full mouth.

"Are you okay?" Jace asks.

"Nothing was wrong,I was just an emotional mess." I shrug and stuff more chips in my mouth. Jace chuckles and starts to take a chip from the packet but I swat his hand away.

"No taking,they are mine." I say then gulp,taking all the chips down. I then take a chip and start nibbling on it, savoring it's taste. I am not soo hungry as I was minutes ago.

"Okay." Then he starts leaning in towards me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Taking a bite from what is mine." He starts and bites on the chip that is half inside my mouth and half outside,now inside Jace's mouth. As he does that our lips brush lightly. His lips stay there for a second then he lightly bites on my lower lip. After that torture he backs away making goosebumps arise on my neck and my breathing becomes difficult. He chuckles at my reaction.

Our little moment breaks when the main door opens and Ashton's voice call out "Jessie where are you? I am home."

I roll my eyes at the stupid statement. If he was not home then who would be saying this. Idiot.

"I am in the kitchen." I reply.

Ash join us in the kitchen,sweaty and all. It was past seven and the sun was already down. Ashton went to the fridge and took out a bottle of water and gulped it down in a second.

"Hey man." He nods to Jace who nods back.

"I better get going." He says and starts towards the door when I grab his wrist.

He raise his eyebrows. Thinking that I want a goodbye hug and kiss he does that then mumbles a goodbye to my brother and walks towards the door. I follow him,what I really want from him now,I can't say it in front of my brother.

"Don't go." I whine and he raise his eyebrows again. "Stay with me tonight."

"Your brother?" He asks.

"I'll sneak you in my room." I suggest.

A smirk forms on his face. "You sneaky little thing." He flicks my nose.

"So desperate." I punch his arm.

"Please." I pout.

He sighs "Birdie..."

"Please softie." I know he will never mention it but he loves it when I call him this,I can tell by his reaction.

He sighs again but gives in. I kiss his cheek in return.

He pouts."I am staying over and what I get is this,a kiss on the cheek?"

"Come on." I laugh and drag him to my room.


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