《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》35: Plan


"Just do what we discussed OK?" I say.

Zach nods. Nervousness was evident on his face.

"You are gonna be ok dude. Just man up and show them who the boss is." Brad pats Zach's shoulder.

We all were standing in the parking lot of our school. It's been a few days since the things has come back to normal. We still pretend that we are not on talking terms in the school for Zach's sake. Today is the day where we are gonna apply the plan we discussed and show those two,Susan and Caleb,their limit.

Zach takes a deep breath and gives each one of us a nervous smile. "I'll meet you during lunch." With that he was gone.

As we all start departing to our first class,Jace pulls me into his car.

"What?" I ask,clearly surprised.

"We encouraged Zach but what if the plan doesnt work?" He asks,concern evident for his friend.

"If the plan will not work,we will have to do something else. We can't just let it go,he did so much for us in the first place so now we owe him this much. And yeah,Caleb and Susan are not too bright. So I guess the plan will work." I sigh.

He kisses my palm and says "I really hope it works. I can't wait to wipe the smug expressions off their faces if the plan will work."

"Yes,me too. We both will kick their asses!" I yell and punch the air in front of me.

"There,there tiger. Calm down,the plan is not successful yet." He chuckles.

"Ok party pooper. Now we should get out before they spot us." I say and start to get out.

Jace grabs hold of my hand,turns me towards him and plants a kiss on my lips.

"Ok baby. See you later." He says huskily.

Jace has an amused glint in his eye. He has started using the word baby more often because he can tell I really like it and what effect it has on me. The same effect is happening now,I blink and look away.


"Bye!" I say sternly. He is such a tease. Stupid teaser!

I can hear his laughter even when I slam the door shut on his face.


We all gather in the ground waiting impatiently for Zach. I start pacing around impatiently on the ground. Did the plan work? This question kept on roaming in my mind.

"Stop and calm down." Jace says and snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him,not letting me move. "You are making us nervous."

But before I could reply,Zach comes running to the ground,his phone in his hand.

We all start towards him. When he comes towards us,a grim expression covers his face. My heart sinks. But then his face breaks into a big grin.

"It worked. I recorded them without them knowing and without my name being involved." Zach says and high fives me.

"Pheww..That Expression almost have me a heart attack." Sydney says,speaking my thoughts.

We all planned how to get back on Susan and Caleb. Zach told us that those three will be meeting in the library during the second period to plan more 'strategies' for me and Jace. We all planned that Zach will record them speaking and if they will try to expose his sexuality then we will threaten them to expose this audio. The plan was working.

"Great." I exclaim.


After hearing the whole recording which basically involved how to separate me and Jace,Jace and all my friends were thunderous. Jace was the most affected,his hands were by his side in two tight fists and his breath was coming in huge pants.

The recording mentioned Caleb and Susan's name and their voices but there was no evidence of Zach.

The next day we all went to school together. Me and Jace hand in hand. Everything was normal until Susan saw us. Her face turned red with anger,she turned around and walked away from us. At that I turned towards Zach and whispered "Just a few minutes to go."

Just like I said,Caleb walked to Zach and grabbed his shirt roughly from behind.


"Sorry guys,have to borrow Zach for a sec." The forced smile looking more like a grimace.

Zach nods and just before Caleb dragged him away,turns towards us and gave us a wink.

"Ready?" I ask Jace.

"More than ready." Jace says and cracks his knuckles.

"No violence." I say and take his hand in mine.

He rolls his eyes but says "Aye aye captain."

We both follow the track Caleb and Zach took and find ourselves near an empty class.

There we can hear the angry yells of Susan and Caleb.

"What the hell Zach! You know that it's not gonna end well for you right?" Asks Caleb. Idiot!

Zach says silent.

"We are going to spread every little thing about you, scumbag." Says Caleb stepping towards our friend.

"You are not going to do any such thing." States Jace. He was standing at the entrance of the classroom looking really damn hot. OK snap out of it Jessica!

I quickly rush to Jace's side. Caleb's and Susan's faces are turning really pale. They are speechless.

"What are you doing here Jace." Susan asks,smiling like she was not threatening Zach just a minute ago.

"Cut the crap off Susan. It's not gonna work anymore." Jace says,clearly irritated.

"Now,Zach,you have brought your sucky friends here to defend you. You are such a baby." Caleb says,venom oozing in his tone.

"Shut up Caleb,you don't have any right to say this to him." I spit.

"Whatever. But your secret is still going out Zach." Caleb shrugs. I just want to smack him so damn hard.

"Is it?" Jace smirks and with that he starts the audio in his phone. Susan's voice fill the whole class.

"Come on Caleb think of something. We have to separate them and make them hate each other." Susan's voice says from the speaker.

"Yes,we want Jessica and Jace to never see each other." Caleb's voice says.

I raise an eyebrow and look at them,they both have gone white. Zach and Jace are smirking.

"So what were you saying Caleb?" Asks Jace still smirking.

"I..I. How did you get the recording?" Caleb stutters and then when realisation finally cross his mind,looks at a smirking Zach.

Zach just shrugs.

"You bitch!" Caleb screams and launch at Zach.

But before he can do anything,Jace grabs him by the collar and pulls Caleb towards him.

"If you'll ever do that again, I swear I'll smash your face." Jace whispers dangerously.

Caleb nods.

"So." Jace looks at Susan and Caleb. "If you do anything to harm my friends or think about any of this shit,I'll viral this audio. And you are going to keep your mouth shut about Zach. Are we clear?" Asks Jace. He looks so hot saying this,I just want to kiss him.

Susan and Caleb nod,they still are pale.

"Thought so." With that Jace turns around and walk out followed by me and Zach.

As we reach outside Zach envelopes me in a big hug and kisses my cheek. "Thank you so much JJ!" Zach laughs. I laugh and hug him back.

Jace catches me by my waist and pulls me towards him. "Watch out,she's my girl." Jace says sternly.

Zach rolls his eyes and says "I don't play for her team dude."

"Whatever." He says and pulls me more close.

I smile and peck his lips quickly. I can't get the image out of my head where he was demanding and commanding them.

He raises his eyebrows at me. "You were amazing, demanding and all." I say.

A mischievous look cover his features. He leans towards me and whispers in my ear "Are you saying,me being all demanding turned you on?" And he bites my earlobe lightly.

I gasp and heat creeps on my face. "No." I breathe and hide my face behind my hair.

Jace laughs out loud at that and we all make our ways to our friends to give them this great news.


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