《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》34:Back To Normal


Me, Sydney,Hannah,Ver and Ashton all go to the ground during lunch. They keep asking me what I want to say to them but I don't reply.

When we finally make it to the ground,I spot Brad,Zach and Jace at the end. The reactions my friends give when they see those three are kind of frightening. Sydney and Hannah stop where they are and glare at them. Ashton,don't get me started. He looks like he could murder Jace. "What is he doing here?" Ashton growls. Veronica holds Ashton in place.

"Calm down Ashton. You'll understand." I say as Jace makes his way towards me,Brad and Zach following closely. Brad is glaring at me. Just what I expected.

"Bullshit! He fucking made a bet on you and you expect me to calm down!" He snaps.

"Ashton,please,just hear us out,please." I plead with him.

He silences himself but he still looks tensed and pissed off.

I move towards Jace and grab his hand.

Sydney snorts. "Don't tell me that you are back with this sick pig."

OK that's it. "Enough now! First hear us out and then make whatever comment you want to ok!" I snap.

I squeeze Jace's hand softly and we both start explaining to them what really happened. After we are done,our friends are gaping at us except Zach who is looking at the ground.

"WHAT THE F..." But before Sydney can complete Hannah slams her hand over the top of her mouth.

"That bitch and that prick!" Sydney curse after swatting away Hannah's hand. "How dare they! They sank my favorite ship!" Sydney screams.

"Calm down Sydney." I plead. She was soo loud that I am sure people can hear her inside too.


"Whatever." She says and sits down on the ground,beside Zach who still was silent and pats his shoulder with a smile on her face. Everybody is silent absorbing the details when suddenly Brad walks up to me and pulls me into a hug,catching me off guard. "I am so sorry JJ. I shouldn't have ever believed anything without hearing you out. I am so damn sorry." I smile. It was not his fault,he was sticking up for his friend. I hug him back and say "It's ok Brad,no need to feel sorry,you were just sticking up for your friend like mine did for me."

At that he looks at Sydney who was talking to Zach and Hannah. Zach was still looking guilty about what he did but I guess they were trying to make him feel better as it was really not his fault by the small smile on his face.

"You are my friend too JJ. I am sorry." Brad apologies again.

"Ok enough with the apologies,I really am not upset Brad." I smile. "Now go and get your girlfriend." I push him towards Sydney's direction.

He smiles and then move towards Sydney. They talk in private for a small time and then before I know,start shoving each other's tongue in each other's mouth.

I turn my head towards Zach, Hannah and Veronica. They all are laughing their asses out. Zach looks a lot better now. I smile at them and gladly sigh in relief, everything is back to normal now. I start to make my way towards them when a movement catches my eyes.

From the corner of my eye,I can see Ashton speaking to Jace and then pulling him forward for a hug. First Jace looks startled but then he hugs him back. I grin.


"So,when did you two make up?" Ashton asks coming up to me with Jace.

Everybody comes up to us too. Sydney and Brad hand in hand.

I look at Jace and he grins. "Last night." I say which was a big mistake.

As if noticing Jace for the first time,Ashton looks down at Jace's clothes which were Ash's clothes since Jace didn't have anything to wear in the morning.

Realisation clicks into Ashton's brain and he starts backing away from us dramatically.

"Oh. My. God!" He starts dramatically. Such a drama queen.

"You spent the night?" He glares at Jace. We don't speak anything but our guilty expressions give us away. Ashton widens his eyes. God,so extra!

"Jessie." He starts again. "My sweet, innocent sister is not innocent any more. My baby sister...." I turn a deep shade of red.

How embarrassing!

"Ashton,shut up!" I put my hand to shut his mouth from his embarrassing blabbering. "Don't start making shit on your own, he stayed over but that doesn't mean we did something. OK!" I ask.

My brother sighs audibly,relief evident on his face.

"We didn't?" Asks Jace the idiot. He was grinning widely,looking way too amused. I am gonna kick his ass,hard.

Ashton looks over at me again, eyebrow raised. "No,we didn't! Now no more talking on this topic." I say,the heat burning on my cheeks.

At that all burst out laughing and Jace pulls me closer to him,sliding his hand around my waist. I hide my face in the crook of his neck and can feel the laughter vibrating off him.

"You are cute when you are embarrassed." Jace whispers.

"Shut up!" I say and punch his stomach playfully.

When the laughter dies down everybody starts making their way to the building again.

"Thank God every thing is back to normal again." I hear Hannah say to Veronica.

"Wait." I call.

They all stop and turn to face me except Sydney and Brad.

"Guys stop shoving your tongues down each other's throats and listen to me." I ask them.

They break apart and gesture for me to hurry.

"Guys,this is not over yet. We can't just go around being back to normal again,we have to help Zach first. Remember,Caleb and Susan will expose him if we get back again?" At that Zach looks surprised. I smile at him and continue. "We have to do something so that they will not do it."

Zach looks grateful and mouths a thank you to me.

"But what should we do?" Asks Ver.

"Let's go and kick their smelly asses." Sydney says rolling up her sleeves. An impressed look takes over Brad's face and he pulls her towards him. Whipped idiot.

"We can do that Sydney but I have a more accurate plan. Listen." And with that I start explaining them everything.


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