《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》33: Back Together


The next day I wanted to sleep more as it was so warm and comfortable and cozy but some bug kept on waking me up by landing again and again on my shoulder and my face.

I tried hitting it but it didn't go away. When it landed on me for the nth time I was annoyed as hell.

"I swear to god,this bug will have no tom...." But I was shut up when the bug landed on my lips, giving me a peck.

I opened my eyes and there it was,the annoying bug in the form of Jace. He was grinning from ear to ear. "Jace you know that I am not a morning person,so stop irritating me and LET ME SLEEP." I say pushing my head inside the pillow and snuggling close to Jace,the warm heater.

Jace chuckles but starts kissing me again. I swear to god,this guy!

"Jace please." I whine. "Please let me sleep,I beg you."

"No sweetheart,it's time to wakey wakey." Jace says kissing me on the neck now. Goosebumps erupt on my skin. I pout. "You are mean,you don't let me sleep."

"Am I?" He asks smirking.

"Yes you are." I nod and turn away from him, playfully angry with him.

He takes hold of my waist then turns me around so fast that I didn't even have the time to react. The next thing I knew that I was lying or sitting on top of Jace.

"Oh my god! You are an idiot! How can someone be so fresh in the morning?" I ask,yawning.

"Well,I'll tell you." He smirks and leans towards me to kiss me. I press my palm on his lips and push him back which earns me an adorable pout.


"Morning breath." I say.

"I don't care." He leans towards me again.

"I do." I say getting up and going towards the bathroom.

When I am inside,I brush my teeth and see that Jace's white t-shirt is hanging behind the door. I immediately take the t-shirt from the door and wear it. It's not too long but it is really loose for me. It just reaches my thighs. When I wear his t-shirt,I start posing in front of the mirror,opening my hair tie and pretending like I am a model.

This continues for a while until I spot the figure standing near the door.

I almost shout. "I would have been naked."

"That really would have been a marvelous site but this is much better." He points towards his t-shirt on me.

I blush and push him out of the bathroom to get ready. He chuckles.


Before I fully close the door,I pop my head out and say "By the way,you are not getting your shirt back." With that I close the door earning a hearty laugh from him.


"Drop me here." I say to Jace. We are in his car and we are going to the school. I ask him to drop me off just before we enter the school.

"Why?" He asks stopping the car.

"Susan and Caleb think we have broken up."

"And?" He asks.

I huff. "Look we can't just walk back like that. They'll know that Zach has something to do with this and they'll tell everyone about him. He told us regardless of that but we can't just let it happen. We should get back at them. Meet me in lunch in the ground with Brad and Zach. I'll call Sydney,Hannah,Ver and Ash. We'll tell them and plan something. OK?" I ask.


He smiles and I start getting out of the car.

"Wait!" He startles me.


I look at him,he is pouting.

"No goodbye kiss?" He asks.

My lips almost break into a smile but I strain myself not too. He looks soo adorable

"No,meet me in the lunch with them then we'll decide." I say.

"Oh come-on,I won't be able to be close to you the whole day except the lunch break. I already miss you." He sticks his bottom lip out.

I laugh,shaking my head. "You are crazy." I say leaning in.

"Only for you baby." He says and captures my lips with his. What he says and the way he says it makes butterflies roam in my stomach and the kiss was not helping at all.

When we break apart,he pulls my face in his hands and kiss my forehead.

"See you soon birdie. Miss me." He winks and starts the car.

I get out,still in daze of the kiss and that sexy wink. The effect he has on me,god!


"Hey girlies!" I say with a bright smile on my face.

"You seem awfully happy and bright today. What's up?" Sydney narrows her eyes at me suspiciously.

"You'll know soon." I say.

"Aww come-on JJ. Tell us." Hannah pouts.

"Patience honey patience." I say stifling my laugh.

"Patience honey patience." Sydney mocks me. "Tell us now." Sydney demands.

"Not now,meet me in the ground during lunch. I'll tell you there." I say and walk towards my first class. I can hear them groan and whine from behind.

While I made my way towards my first class room I can't stop thinking about what happened in the car.

Only for you baby.

I just wanna scream and dance around. Jace,the hot bad boy,not really a bad boy but a hot guy,my boyfriend, mine,all mine.

I start bobbing my head singing an unknown tune in my head. I was so happy until someone smacked the back of my head.

"Hey!" I yell and look around to see an amused Jace.

"The hell Jace!" I yell. I pretend I am still angry at him and we are not on talking terms after our break up.

"No need to act,no one's around." Jace shrugs.

I look around and see that really the corridors are empty.

"Shit!" I realise. "I am late."

"Well,duh." Jace says still amused.

"What are you doing here,aren't you supposed to be in your class?" I ask hurriedly.

"I was gonna go but then I saw my girlfriend bobbing her head like an idiot without any realisation what is happening around." I swat his arm at that and turn around to run in my class.

"Hey,wait." Jace catches my wrist.

I raise an eyebrow. "Kiss me first then go." He says.

I roll my eyes and he grins. He leans forward and when our lips are just inches apart,I turn my head and instead of kissing my lips,his lips land on my cheek.

"Hey!" He protests. "Why?" He pouts.

"Revenge baby revenge." I grin and start turning towards class. "Smack me again and this will happen again."

With that I run towards my class but I can still hear him protest.


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