《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》31: Coward


The next day I wake up early than usual. It was a Sunday morning and trust me when I say I am not a morning person. It was probably 7 when I woke up.

I can't get rid of the uneasy feeling inside my chest. Today,I have decided to go to Jace and tell him everything. Even if I haven't done anything wrong,I can't stop worrying.

I dress up quickly into normal jeans and a top and write down what I am gonna say to him. Extra,I know. But I seem to ramble a lot when it comes to uneasy moments.

I write down a whole letter to Jace explaining everything Zach told me. This was just an emergency case if I was not able to talk, otherwise I am gonna tell him everything face to face.

I tell my mother,who got up just now,that I was going out for some work. She doesn't question me,just nods as she is not a morning person too.

I walk around for sometime as it was too early and I was not really sure if Jace has woken up. After what seemed like an hour or soo I stop in front of Jace's house. His house was just like mine,a two storey bungalow with well kept lawn in the front. I make my way to the door and ring the bell once.

I cross my fingers and wait for Jace to open the door. The dark thoughts surround me while waiting for him. What if he doesn't believe me? What if he believes me but doesn't want to get back together? What if....?

But soon my thoughts come to a halt as my brain stops working. In front of me stands Jace. His hair are messy,good messy like he had just climbed out of his bed,he is wearing a grey sweatpants with a thin white t shirt on top. He is barefoot and yawning,stretching his hands up which makes his skin visible and the sweatpants are hanging loose which shows the......God Jessica,snap out of it.


I look up from the drool worthy site and look at his face. He has stop yawning when he saw who it was. His blue orbs lighten up when he sees me but soon he covers his face with a blank expression, building his walls and not allowing me in. I hate this.

"B-Jessica?" He asks without any emotion.

His eyes has circles under them like he isn't getting proper sleep.

"Hey." I say softly.

We gaze at each other but soon Jace averts his gaze and clears his throat. "Come-on in,I am making soup for Cath,she is sick. Want some?" He asks,opening the door wide for me to enter.

Cath, Catherine,is Jace's 16 year old sister. She is a total sweetheart with right amount of craziness and madness. She is a fun person to be around and you automatically feel comfortable around her. Me and her have grown really close in these past 2 months. She loves shopping which I am not a big fan of but we usually hang out during shopping.

"Oh." I say. "Is she okay?" I ask.

"She caught the flu. Nothing to worry about." He says,looking everywhere but me.

"I should come afterwards,I guess. Tell Cath,I said hi and tell her to take care of herself." I say pushing the letter back into my pocket.

That catches Jace's eyes. "What's that?" He asks moving his hand forward to take the paper out of my hold.

"It's nothing." I say moving the paper out of his reach. "We'll talk about it later." I say.

But before I can shove the paper back into my pocket,Jace catch hold of it,opens it and starts reading it.

I start to panic. Yeah me!


At that moment I do the most stupidest thing ever,I turn around and walk away. I am such a coward!

I don't know why but I guess I turned around because the panic began to rise. Questions started clouding my mind and I wasn't able to look at Jace's reaction after he reads the letter. Tho I didn't do anything wrong,I was fearing his reaction.

I turned around and ran away from his house. I guess I heard Jace call after me but I wasn't really sure. I came back home after going to the park for sometime,to clear my mind. I was such a coward, God!

After I returned home Ashton asked me questions that where was I but I just told him that I was in the park which was partially true. I returned to my room and realized that my phone was not charged so I kept it for charging and started doing my homework.

The whole day,I forgot about my phone and just kept on doing my work or reading novels on Wattpad. When it was finally time to sleep I got my phone and checked it. I realised that there were no calls from Jace. Disappointment and sadness enveloped me. He doesn't believe me,he doesn't want us to get back together even after knowing the truth.

I dressed into a black sports bra and some old boxers of Ashton which he didn't use,god knows why,then climbed into my bed with a big tub of chocolate ice cream.

I switched on my laptop and started watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S while eating big spoonfuls of chocolate ice cream in order to lighten up my mood.

While I was watching friends,I heard something from my window. I paused the episode then climbed out of my bed to the window.

Stones were hitting my window every now and then. I was struck my a sense of deja vu. I opened the window,my heart pounding in my chest and there he was. Jace,standing outside.


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