《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》30: Truth


Today school was a big mess. Sydney and Hannah got to know about the whole Alec thing and they were not happy. I ignored everyone. I don't know but all the hope was gone,my heart....I just don't know. I felt empty.

The house was for myself tonight. Mom and dad were out for business and Ashton has gone to one of his friends for the night. I was preparing myself a sandwich for dinner as I suck at cooking when the bell rang. I looked at the clock,it was 9.

I opened the door and found a worn out looking Zach on the other side.

"Hey." I say.

He doesn't reply back just looks at the ground and nod. What's up with him?

I let him come in. "Wanna have a sandwich." I ask offering mine to him.

He just shakes his head and opens his mouth for the first time. "I wanna talk to you." Zach says.

"Yeah?" I ask biting the sandwich.

"It's important." Zach replies,his voice blunt and dull.

I leave my sandwich on the table and sit beside him on the couch,holding one of his hands.

"What happened Zach?" I ask.

He averts his hand from mine and runs it across his hair.

"I am so sorry." He says softly.

"Huh?" I ask. What is he sorry about.

"What are you talking about? Are you alright?" I ask gently.

"Don't be so kind to me Jessica. You'll hate me when you'll get to know what I did." Zach says standing up and pacing around the room.

"Zach,calm down. Tell me what's happening." I say.

"Jessica I am so sorry,I am so so sorry." Zach keeps on saying.

Now my head was a big mess. What the hell is happening?


"Zach just sit down and drink this." I say handing him a glass of water.

He sits down and drinks the water in one go. "Okay now tell me." I say slowly.

Zach starts to panic again but I start to calm him down again.

"It's my fault you both broke up." Zach says after a while.

"What are you saying Zach,it's because of Jace we broke up. He made a freaking bet." I say, confused.

"No Jessica no,it's because of me you both broke up and I am really sorry about it. I can't see you both like that,in soo much pain so I came here to tell you the truth. You have the right to be mad at me but just listen to the whole story first." Zach says.

"Truth? Story?" I ask.

He makes an irritated voice. "Listen when I showed you the chat with Jace it was actually a chat with Caleb. We made you believe that Jace was just dating you for a bet."

As the words register I was not really stable on my feet. I sit down on the couch with a thump.

"B-but you are our friend Zach. W-why would y-you do that?" I ask softly,my voice shaky. I can't believe it,the one whom I called a friend betrayed me.

He stayed silent. When everything cleared in my brain I got up and went towards Zach.

"Zach Jace did not once talk to me after that day. What did you tell him?"

"We told him that you were cheating on him with Caleb." My heart sank.

"But he won't believe just like that. What did you show him?" I ask,my heart pounding abnormally.

"He saw you and Caleb in the parking lot when you were crying and he was hugging you." Realisation crossed over like a bucket of cold water. I thought Caleb was there for me because I was sad and hurting but guess what,no he wasn't.


"You-you knew everything all this time. You saw both of us hurting and you didn't even come to tell us. Were you really our friend this whole time?" I ask staggering away from him.

"No,no! Don't do this Jessica. Just hear me out first. I was,am your friend and always will be. Just first hear me out."

I still back away but stay silent to hear what he wanted to say.

"They" Zach swallows. "They threatened me that if I'll not follow what they say,they'll expose me to everyone."

I stop in my tracks. What! This was not what I was expecting to hear.

"You mean..." I ask softly.

"Yes,I mean my sexuality." Zach whispers back.

"How do they know? The thing was between us only." I ask softly. I can't imagine what he went through. Friends or self.

"That's what I keep on asking myself." He looks at me. "Today I saw you and Jace talk for the first time after your breakup,I mean after that thing and the way you both were looking at each other and...the way you both were hurting,I made up my mind. I made up my mind to tell you both the truth."

"Zach...I don't know what to say. I am so sorry I accused you without hearing the whole thing." I hug him.

He hugs me back but asks me. "When are you gonna tell this to Jace?"

"I have to tell him? You didn't?" I ask.

"I have been his friend since,I don't even remember. I can't face him and tell him that the person he l....." He trails off.


He clears his throat. "I can't tell him that I betrayed him. He would.....I don't even know what his reaction will be." Zach says and I nod.

"I'll tell him, tomorrow." Zach nods.

And the tension started building up,the over thinking started. What am I gonna tell him?

Will he believe me?

What if he doesn't?

What if....?


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