《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》13: My Big Day Part 1


Oh god it's the 4rth of June atlast. I woke up when my alarm went off with a smile on my face but soon that smile melted away when I took in the people surrounding my bed and turned into a surprised look.

"Happy Birthday!!" They all scream at the top of their voices.

I look around my room and my jaw pops open when I take in my surrounding. My room is filled with blue and black balloons with a big '18' balloon in the middle of my room and my friends surrounding me with big grins on their face.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much guys!!" I scream in delight.

"We have something for you JJ." Sydney speaks up.

I wait when Sydney turns around and then when she faces me I start screaming and Sydney joins in.

In her hands is a t-shirt,not just an ordinary t-shirt,a ONE DIRECTION T-SHIRT!! It's a white t shirt with MIDNIGHT MEMORIES written on the top of it. I love it instantly.

"Omgggggg! I mean omgggggg!" I start.

"More honey. Just wait and watch." Hannah says and takes out dark blue shorts from behind.

Then Zach takes out a light flannel shirt followed by Brad who takes out a pair of black boots then sways a little with his hands in the boots.

"Outfit of the day sweetheart!" Brad says in a shrill voice.

Atlast every eye is on Jace. He is the last one. He reaches behind him and takes out a bra. MY BRA! God this boy!!

We all glare at him. He raises his hands in defense and reaches for something again. This time it's an envelope. Jace passes it to me. "Go on open it." He says.

I start to open the envelope,a burning curiosity in my head. When I see what's inside the envelope I drop it,my jaw slack. Every one in the room is waiting for my reaction and when they see me crying they all gasp at the same time.


Inside the envelope are the tickets to a ONE DIRECTION CONCERT!!

I was soo happy,soo surprised at the things they did for me. God!I did not realize when I started crying. I was soo touched by this.

"What's wrong JJ?" Hannah starts to ask but I shut her up.

"Shut up and just give me a hug you idiots! I love you all soo much!" I say,crying.

They were not to be asked twice. They all jumped up on my bed,on me and strangled me into a big group hug. I was soo lucky to meet these dorks!

When they let me go after my complaint of lack of oxygen they explained to me that the tickets were arranged by my parents. I made a mental note to thank them as I soon as I see them. They further asked me to change into my precious birthday outfit,my one direction outfit as the concert is today just 3 hours away and we are to leave as soon as possible.

"But what about school?" I ask.

"Are you kidding me? It's your big day,no school today. We have a one direction concert to look forward too. Now go get ready." Zach said pushing me inside my bathroom.

I get ready,wear my birthday outfit, straighten my black hair and tie it into a high ponytail tie and apply a little makeup. I am so excited for today!

When I head downstairs I am filled by the warm scent of chocolate. Sure there is, my favourite breakfast, Oreo waffles with thick melted chocolate on top of it. I immediately start drooling at the sight of it.

"Happy birthday Jessie! Don't try to act all grown up around me got it? You are still my little piggie!" Ashton says coming from behind me and engulfing me into a bear hug.


"Thank you soo much Ash!" I say,my chest in knots. I am going to cry,I am soo happy today!

"Happy birthday JJ!" Veronica says startling me when she jumps out of nowhere. Yeah she also calls me JJ like everyone does. I notice that both Ashton and Veronica are wearing aprons and has flour on their faces. I look at them and then the Oreo waffles and again at them. After this weird stare off I engulf both of them into a big hug.

"Thank you soo much both of you. I know you both made me the waffles. Special thanks to you Veronica as my brother doesn't know how to cook but thanks Ash for suggesting my favorite food and trying to cook." I say earning a glare from my sweet brother but that was soon cut off by Veronica's laugh.

After stuffing my face with those mouth watering Oreo waffles drowned in melted chocolate we all finally get ready to leave. Not all actually,my brother and Veronica are not going with us as they have a date to go to followed by some important stuff that I don't want to know.

We all climb into the cab that was waiting for us arranged by my parents as they did not trust us to drive back late at night. How trusting!

I don't know how the 3 hours flew off. We played games,sang songs at the top of our voices and laughed at weird stuff during this whole car ride. As the destination grew closer I found myself getting restless and excited all over again,tapping my leg again and again and disturbing my friends by asking how much time to go.

When we finally reach the concert hall I am the first one to climb out of the cab followed by Sydney who is excited just like me. I start jumping here and there and start yelling at the top of my voice "oh my god we are finally here!!I am gonna see them,I am gonna see one direction!!"

"Woah woah calm down birdie. It looks like someone has attached a spring on you." Jace says stopping me from jumping by keeping his hands on my shoulder.

I was too excited to come back with a snarky comment or notice the proximity between me and my crush.

I just took his hand and dragged him towards the entrance saying "let's go!!" to all my other friends.

(To be continued in the next part)


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