《Wrong number kid》Yeah, no pt2


A/n: so this is the second half of the chapter I posted this morning at like 1 am. Uhh I got some sleep at least but then I work but it was a shorter shift today but unfortunately I have a looooong shift tomorrow which I'm sooo looking forward too. Yay :/.

This chapter will be shorter than normal probably but that's only because it's the second half of the previous one. But then again I haven't written it yet as of writing the a/n.

Also wrote the first line then went to find music but got stuck in a rabbit hole of avengers on crack videos so I apologise.


Y/n's POV

My head was pounding. I felt like throwing up. I also felt really hot, like I was trapped in a boiler. I just wanted everything to stop. Yeah, no fuck this.

After an eternity I groaned and tried to open my eyes. They felt really heavy but I managed to push them open only for it to increase the pounding in my head. What was once heavy knocking became someone knocking on the door with a mallet.

I'm not sure how long I was staring into the dark before the pounding became a light knocking but it felt too long.

Just as I was about to try to move I heard footsteps coming closer. I immediately shut my eyes. The footsteps hesitated what sounded like right next to my door before I heard the door unlock and people shuffling in and they began to fiddle around with something chain-like before leaving and locking the door again.

Opening my eyes were easier this time. But as I tried to move the pounding increased slightly. Gradually though, I managed to sit up against the wall next to me, though greatly out of breath. My eyes began adjusting to the dark room and I discovered my hands were in chains that extended to the walls and a hook in the floor. They were attached to some extremely painful cuffs.


Watching into the darkness for any sign of movement because I could only assume that they put someone else in here with me.

Time seemed to not exist in here as it felt like hours but also minutes all at once. I was about to fall asleep when I heard chains rattling from across the room.

They're waking up!

"Hello?" My voice was raspy and it cracked from who knows how long it's been out of use.

"Hello," came a voice that was raspy just like mine.

"This sucks," I exclaimed.

"No shit," they came back.

"I have a friend who would shit himself if he heard your language ."

"How long have we been here?" They questioned.

"I have no idea," I frowned. "They brought you in just after I opened my eyes. But I can't tell how much time has passed."

"Talking is helping, why don't we learn about each other since we are kidnapped together."

"Well we should figure out an escape plan too because I ain't gonna wait for any man to come rescue me."

"I like you," they remarked. "What's your name?"

"Y/n, I might as well do an introduction. I'm y/n, fifteen, I don't care what pronouns you use for me but mine are she/her, uhh and this is my second time being kidnapped so I have experience in the field."

"Hi, y/n," why did I like the way they said my name??? "My name is Shuri, I'm 16, I'm she/her too. I'm not experienced in kidnapping but I am in technology developed."

"Okay now that we know each other we can work on a plan," I wanted to know more about her but now isn't really the best time. It'd even be nice to see her face.


"You work in technology development you say, anything helpful to pick the lock on the door? I got these cuffs sorted."

I waited for her reply as I reached down to the seam on my converse and pulled out a pin. In no time my hands were free, and more painful now exposed to air but better than being trapped. I then freed my ankles and made my way over to her.

"You can pick locks? Impressive but we'll need something more advanced on that door I'd say."

She hissed as her wrists were exposed to the air, I felt so sorry for her, she shouldn't be in pain.

"Well do you know of anything that could work?"

"Oh I do." She said so confidently it was hot. Then the room lit up with a bright light.


A/n: oop-

cliffhanger kinda

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