《Wrong number kid》Short filler sorry ://


Y/n's POV

I walked down the streets after stopping a few rapists and a couple muggers. Disgusting filthy creatures. I stopped a bank robbery as well.

I'm tired and don't feel like going back to the house. I have my lovely fire escape that I often visit to retreat to. Its closer to school anyway and I'll be spending more time there during the summer so might as well make it more comfortable.

Climbing onto the fire escape of an abandoned building probably isn't everyone's cup of tea but its the closest thing I have to a home so I have no problem.

Setting up cardboard again the railing on one side, so I have nearly a second wall, was easy enough with a couple zip-ties. I have this big wooden box that I dragged up here to lock my things into. Not that there's much to lock in. Its now set up against the outside rail so I have space on the inside, safer anyway, and it looks like a bedside table.

I hum to myself "Boys like me" by Barns Courtney as I set up my sleeping on a flat piece of cardboard in between the box, the faxe wall and the actual wall. I had found a clean pillow a few weeks ago that I brought here. With my fire escape set up I take out my books and start studying for my few hours left of the school year.


Waking up quickly from my nightmares I pull on my cleaner hoodie and get ready for school.

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