《complete || ot7 x reader》𝘵𝘦𝘯


"But if you feel as if you're moving too fast, go ahead and tell them you want to take things slower."

Haru's words played like a broken record in your head. After lunch, you disappeared to your workstation in the art hall. Losing yourself in your thoughts as you worked on your sculpture.

After giving it a lot of thought, you decided it would be best to take things slower, wanting to get to know them one by one, taking a day or two off for yourself before meeting the next.

You were still in a state of shock that you had met your soulmates. And the fact that all seven of them were already together made it easier for you to find them.

Then it hit you. All seven of your soulmates were already together, probably long before you appeared, seeing how they were the university's most known soulmate clutter.

Then you gave it some more thought. Even though people were aware that the boys were "incomplete," how would people react. How would they react when they discover she was their last soulmate.

You looked at your wrist, where their initials were engraved into your skin, still hidden under a long sleeve. You had gotten used to hiding it. You still weren't comfortable showing it.

Would people react even more seeing you with these seven men? Would their comments become more hurtful?

The hurtful comments people made about the mark on your wrist, the eyes that stared at your wrist with disgust.

What if you joined the boys, and those people would look at them with disgust because you were with them.

You pulled out your phone and decided to let at least one of your know about your decision to distance yourself from them.


hey, i was going to say this in person, but i don't think i could say it in person.



hey, what's up?


i don't think i can interact with the rest, i don't think i'm ready anymore, and i don't know if i'll ever be ready.


y/n? what do you mean you don't know if you'll ever be ready?


i don't know. Jungkook, i really don't. i want to, but at the same time, i feel as if i can't.


y/n? are you okay? where's all this coming from?


i don't know



Jungkook looked at your text with eyes, feeling panic pulse through his veins.

The thought of one y/n not wanting to be with them caused every dream he had of the 8 of them being happy all together were on the verge of shattering.

"Hyung!" he called for at least one of his soulmates. A few of his soulmates were quick to rush to him, hearing the panic in his voice.

"Kook, baby, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked, quickly wrapping his arms around the hyperventilating boy.

"It's- y-y/n-" he manages to say through his heavy breathes. "Breathe, Kookie. Just close your eyes and breathe. I've got you, love." Taehyung whispered, running his hands through the younger male's hair.

Jungkook relaxed in his arms, dropping his phone. The rest of his soulmates were able to pick up his phone and read through the conversation he had with y/n.

"Oh no, it's basically like, Jimin," Yoongi said, eyes widening. Hoseok pulled out his phone, quickly dialing Jimin's number.

"Hi, my love," Jimin's voice sang through the phone. "Hey, baby," Hoseok greeted, trying to hide the worry in his voice. "What's up? You sound kind of worried, love."

Hoseok pressed his lips into a thin line, looking at his soulmates for help. Yoongi let out a sigh, knowing Hoseok's heart was too soft to break sad or upsetting news to anyone.


"Hey, Minnie," Yoongi greeted his soulmates as he took Hoseok's phone in his hands. Jimin let out a sigh. "Hi, Yoon. Knowing you have the phone instead, of Hobi, you're going to break some upsetting news to me, right?" He asked, and Yoongi hummed in response.

"So, what is it?" "y/n's basically pulling a you."

"Pulling a me? What do you mean by mean?" Jimin's brows furrowed in confusion. "Jimin, baby. She's acting like how you were when you first found out about us. y/n suddenly texted Jungkook, telling him she doesn't know if she'll ever be ready to meet the rest of us. Her last text to him was: 'I don't know' Jimin, Jungkook's hyperventilating and everything."

Jimin's eyes widened. The sound of movement caused Yoongi to raise a brow. "Where are you, by the way?" "I'm in the practice room, but I'm going to try and find y/n."

Jimin slipped on his hoodies and quickly packed his backpack. Yoongi was quick to wish his soulmate luck before ending the call.

Yoongi smiled, giving Hoseok his phone. "Jungkook, baby," Yoongi said, causing Jungkook to lift his head that was resting on Taehyung's shoulder. Yoongi crouched down, bringing his face closer to Jungkook's. "Jimin is going to try to find y/n and talk to her. I'm sure Jimin will know exactly what to say."

Yoongi smiled and tangled his fingers in the younger boy's hair before pulling him into a sweet kiss. Jungkook let out a sigh into the kiss, allowing Yoongi to slip in and explore the boy's mouth.

Jungkook tried to prevent himself from smiling. He knew what Yoongi was doing. Yoongi wasn't the affectionate type. But when he or any of their other soulmate's felt anxious, Yoongi would be quick to shower them with love and try his best to distract them from the thing that was making them feel that way.

He was grateful to have such amazing people as his soulmates. He always felt happiest when he was with all of them.

Jungkook slowly allowed himself to focus on Yoongi. He knew that Jimin would talk to y/n, so he decided there wasn't much to worry about.

'Park Jimin, I have faith that you'll give our soulmate the comfort she needs. I have faith that you'll bring her to us. So that we can finally be complete.'


: i'm gonna put less of my little notes here and i also think i'm gonna stop putting the word count lmao. anyway, thank you so much for 2.5k reads !!

word count - 1018

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