《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 42


"Volleyball is a sport where you don't look down.

Where you have teammates to back you up if you fall..

A sport for teamwork,





..To fly."

There was silence in the gym...

...Before it erupted into cheers.

"WE DID IT!!!"

We beat Shiratorizawa!

Daichi, Suga and Asahi were crying. So was Kiyoko.

"This means a lot to them.." I smiled.

The others on the benches ran onto the court, dogpiling on Tsukishima, Kageyama and Hinata.

"Guys we have to line up!" Kageyama says.

"I don't think I can stand..." Hinata shakes.

"Up we go Little Giant!" I laugh as I pick him up.

"L/n! Put me dooown. I'm not a kid!"

"Come on Shoyo! You can do it!"

We lined up, thanking the audience and the other team.

Almost everyone was exhausted...The last set felt so long for some reason.

"Tsukishima!" I go up to him. "Here's your glasses back. Insanely lucky that I was able to see better when I wore them. Nice job during the last set."

He took back his glasses and nodded. "Glad it worked, L/n. You did good too."

"Also, you have to teach me how to block like that some day."

Knowing he would probably say no, I didn't let him answer and went over to Kageyama. "Big brain M/n."

Unfortunately, I no longer had Tsukishima's glasses, so I almost tripped over Hinata.

"M/n, be careful!" He scolded lightly. "You could stunt my growth!"

"Sorry, Hinata!"

Kageyama came to my rescue and held my arm. "You alright?"

"I'm fine," I smiled. "I really am gonna have to get glasses. They're going to be so expensive," I deflated.

"D-Don't worry, M/n. They will look great on you!" He blushed.


"What-? Really? Well, if you say so!"

Hinata spoke up from beside us. "Ushijima was so damn cool..."

I purse my lips as Kageyama nodded slightly.

"Well, you two were also really cool too-"

"Hinata Shoyo and Kageyama Tobio from the concrete."

"Speak of the devil and he will come, huh.."

We turned around to face Shiratorizawa's ace.

"I will defeat you next time.."

"I'll make sure I'll be able to stand on the same level as you!" Hinata replied.

"And I'll make you say that I'm better than Oikawa!" Kageyama responded.

They turned to me for a response. "What..? I'm not in this little rivalry you guys have.."

"The offer is still up," Ushijima said. "I'm sure you'll greatly improve in the other aspects in volleyball and sharpen the skills you have right now if you join our team," he turned around. "Oh and, sorry for spiking the ball too hard.." He walked away.

"Wow, L/n!" Hinata beamed. "Kageyama couldn't even get pass the entrance exam, and you just got invited!"

"Dumbass. M/n's not going to Shiratorizawa."

"Yeah, Hinata. Do you really want me gone that bad?" I tease.

"What?! No! I was just impressed you got invited to Shiratorizawa, by Ushiwaka too!" Hinata explained. "Plus you're amazing at volleyball! And you really help out the team when we need it most!"

Kageyama nodded along with him.

"And when you're around, Kageyama doesn't yell at me that much!"

"Dumbass! Hinata you dumbass!"

"Tobio..." I sweatdropped.

After the awards ceremony, we went to grab a bite.

"You guys have to decide whether to eat or sleep!" Ukai said.

I sat in between Kageyama and Hinata, the latter already asleep.

Kageyama was swaying, threatening to close his eyes. I chuckle and bring him to lean on my shoulder.


He unconsciously wrapped his arms around my waist.

I was now trapped. "He's so cute- ahsjdjdjfk" My ears tinted pink.

"Those guys worked hard on this match like their lives depended on it.." Suga said.

"And now, we're the ones that are gonna have it rough, it's going to get really busy."


We were now back at school.

When I told my dad and sister that the team was going to nationals, they started freaking out.

I sheepishly told him that I needed glasses and he said that it was no problem.

"Pfft, there's no way I'm letting him pay for all of it, though."

It was lunch and I went to the vending machine to get Kageyama a drink.

"He could never choose between these two drinks," I mumbled to myself. So I pressed the two buttons at the same time, one of the drinks dispensing.

"Hey freak!"

"Damnit, why.."

"Did you tell the principal?!" The three bullies came over to me.

"No, I did not," I droned.

"We could get expelled because of you!" One of them exclaimed.

"Yeah, and VP's keeping a close eye on us too!"

"Actually, you did that yourself. So please leave me alone. I want to eat lunch with my boyfriend."

They huffed, giving me a disgusted look and left.

I sighed in relief and got the drink.

Aside from bullying, Megami found out that they were skipping classes, and even stole some things from the school too. So he reported them to the principal.

They're on the thin ice right now.

"Literally future criminals.." I shiver.

I was just glad they were too scared to pick on me now.

Catching sight of the first year setter, I walk over.

"Tobio!" I smile, giving him a hug.

"Hey M/n," he smiled back.

"Here, I got you a drink from the vending machine."

I could see him blush a little. "Thanks."

"Your welcome! I'm so excited for nationals."

"Yeah. Nekoma might be there, Fukurodani too."

"Oh! I also made you this," I rummaged through my bag, and pulled out a container. "I made pork curry last night with S/n's help. You deserve it," I grinned.

"M/n you're spoiling me a little bit."

"No way, I said I would make us pork curry. I don't think you were listening though..."

Kageyama sweatdropped. "I-Idiot. Thank you."

"But I also said I would take you on a date after the match too."


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