《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 40


Shiratorizawa easily won the third set.

Currently, they were leading the fourth set. Karasuno needed a break.

"Whoo! Miracle boy! SA-TO-RI!"

M/n sweatdropped. "Their middle blocker is something else..."

"We've also got an amazing middle blocker!" Yamaguchi exclaimed.

"L/n," Kiyoko called out, waving at him to come over.

"Wow, I sure am getting a lot of play time today..." M/n thought happily.

"I'm subbing Kageyama out for a bit," Ukai announced to him. "Help us get a few more points."

The boy smirked. "Right!"

The referee blew the whistle and M/n got subbed in, patting the first year setter's back.

"Look! Pretty boy decided to join!" Shiratorizawa's number 5 teased.


M/n was able to help get 2 more points for Karasuno, showing off more of his skills, which threw Shiratorizawa off a bit.

"Nice kill!"

"Woahh! So cool, L/n! You did the same thing Kenma did when we faced Nekoma!" Hinata beamed.

"Really? Thanks, Little Giant," he chuckled sheepishly.

Ushiwaka came up to the net, where he was. M/n's eyes hardened a little.


"M/n, right...?" The ace questioned. "...You should have come to Shiratorizawa."

The second year's mind blanked. "What..."

"Though your receives, blocks, serves and spikes can be improved...Your sets are amazing." Ushiwaka complimented? M/n didn't know. "It would be an improvement to have you on our team. Your skills are being left to rot at Karasuno."

"Uh...Thanks..? But no thanks.."

At the sidelines, Kageyama grew a tick mark. "M/n would never go to Shiratorizawa..." He mumbled.

"A-Ah, Kageyama...Calm down-?" Suga sweatdropped.

He started getting grumpy. "It's like Oikawa all over again.."

"I'm going to have to decline, sorry."

"The offer is up if you ever change your mind."



The game continued. Karasuno served the ball, but it was unfortunately received by the other team.


The ace spiked the ball, getting past the blockers. But it was heading straight towards our (h/c) male.

"Shoot! Yuu won't be able to make it in time! Okay it's fine! You practiced a bunch, just calm down and-"

Yeah, he didn't receive it.

The ball slammed into his arms, which ricocheted into his face.

He fell on his bum with a thud.



"M/n! Are you alright?!" Nishinoya ran over, worried. "Is your head okay?!"

"Damn, that really hurt. His spikes are powerful..." He rubbed his head, looking up at the libero.

It took a few seconds for everything to clear again.

"You can still see right?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry, Yuu. We gotta keep going."

"L/n! You sure you can still play?!" Coach yelled from the bench. He got a thumbs up in return and the game continued.

"Nice receive, Daichi!"

The ball came towards M/n, who set it to Tanaka...

...Except it was too short.

"Shoot! My bad!" He apologized.

"Hey, it's alright!" Tanaka slapped his back.

"Don't mind!"

The same thing happened again, M/n couldn't make the ball meet with the spiker. "What in the world-?! I've never missed twice in a row before, except when trying the quick with Hinata..."

"A-Ah! My bad!"

The team looked at him worried.

"One more! I'll get it this time!"

After Nishinoya received the ball, he tossed it to Tsukishima.

This time, it was too far.

Luckily, the blonde saved it, earning them a point.

"Damn it! What's wrong with me?"

Tsukishima narrowed his eyes at his upperclassman. "L/n are you sure you're fine?"


"Woah? Is Tsukishima actually worried about me?" He gave a half smile.


Kageyama was subbed back in, M/n having a dejected look on his face.

The dark haired boy gave him one of his rare, soft smiles. The second year brightened up a bit, giving one of his own.

"You'll get them next time L/n!" Kinoshita brought his hand up for a high five.

The (e/c) boy chuckled and lifted his hand up too...

...Only to miss..

"What the..Sorry, I'm messing up quite a bit."

"It's good! Probably just a little shaken up."



Karasuno won the fourth set. It was now 2-2, whoever won the final set would go to nationals.

The team grabbed their drinks, gathering around Ukai.

"Are you alright, M/n?" Kageyama asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine! Why?"

"It's just...I don't think I've ever seen you mess up a set before. Even when you couldn't...You know.."

"Yeah," the second year setter sighed. "I have no idea what was wrong with me during that set..It's fine, I'll do better. I'll just have to pick up my pace."

Kageyama secretly took M/n's hand in his, making sure no one else saw.

"Don't push yourself too much. It was only a mistake."

"Right, it was only a mistake.." M/n's cheeks tinted red a little. "I won't push myself.."

The blueberry haired male chuckled. "I know you won't, idiot."

"Ah, if I could, I would kiss you right now~"

Kageyama heated up. "D-Dumbass!"


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