《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 39



We were currently at the tournament, waiting for warm-ups to begin. I looked over to L/n, who looked constipated.

"Uhhh, M/n? Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'll show you Ushiwaka..." he mumbled. "Don't seem that special, huh? Just you wait.."


"Tobio! Don't scare me like that!"

I deadpan. "Okay...Just wanted to check on my boyfriend...Looks like I'm not needed."

"Nooo! Don't go! I'm sorry," he clinged onto me.

"I-Idiot! Not here!"

"I'm marking my territory, so no one will try to hit on you."


Then the doors opened, revealing Shiratorizawa.

L/n stared intently at their ace.

"They're so intimidating..."

I nodded slightly.


The match soon began.

The other team was already in the lead.

"Calm down! There's no time to self-destruct!" Suga yelled as Hinata and L/n tried to calm him down. "What are you so nervous about?! The TV? The crew?! Quit messing around!!"

Seeing this, the referee gave him a warning glare.

"Oh boy.."

The ball was received.

I started running to it, as if I was going to spike it.

Then at the last second, I switched to a setting position and tossed it to Tanaka.

"All right!"

"Nice toss, Kageyama!"

"I wonder where you got that from Tobio, hm?"

I gave a subtle wink to L/n, who's face tinted pink.

"No flirting on the court, Kageyama!"

Unfortunately, we lost the first set. The team was grabbing drinks, listening to the Coach.

"That middle blocker on their team..." L/n spoke up from behind me. "He's going to be trouble.."

"Hm. Guess blocking right?"

"Yeah...Watch out for him, Hinata might get caught."

It was the second set, and we were tied 3-3.


Setting the ball to Hinata, he ran for the diagonal jump.

He got blocked.

The redhead L/n was talking about, stood opposite of him, with a sly smile.


"Don't mind you two!"

The ball was served again.

"Ah! Sorry, cover!"

"Kageyama, get the last one!" Tanaka exclaimed.

I ran up, focused on getting that spike, before I was blocked by Shiratorizawa's guess monster.

"You'll get the next point!"

I grit my teeth.

Takeda called a timeout, so we headed back to the benches.

"You're getting a little caught there, Kageyama," Coach hummed. "I'm going to put L/n in there with you, for a little extra help."


I always liked it when L/n and I played together. Both of us being setters, meant that we could trick the other team quite a bit.

I felt lik I did better when he was on the court with me. Seeing him calm, made me calm too.

"All right! Watch out Ushiwaka! I'll show you who's special!" He yelled excitedly.

"Pfft, idiot..."

Back onto the court. L/n got subbed in.

"Oho~? Why would they put in a bench warmer?" The middle blocker teased.

I glared at him, while the (h/c) boy smiled.

"Be careful, if you let your guard down, this bench warmer might fly right over you. You wouldn't want that right?"

"Big talk pretty boy. You're starting to irritate me..."

L/n chuckled. "Good."

He turned to me and gave me a nod.

"Let's win, yeah?"

The ball got served and Daichi received it.


I got ready to toss it to Hinata, when L/n ran up, looking like he was going to set it himself.

Shiratorizawa's redhead looked at us smugly, as if he knew what was going to happen.


Well it didn't happen, L/n ran up to the net, into a spiking form instead, as I tossed it to Hinata.

We got a point.

"Nice kill Hinata!"

"Damn, I thought you and L/n were going to switch places," Tanaka laughed.

"Nice set, Tobio! Their blocker didn't know what was coming!"

I thanked them silently, feeling eyes staring. I look to the other side of the net, to find their middle blocker staring at us, more specifically...L/n..

"I think you've caught their number 5's attention, M/n," Asahi shivered.

"What? Why? I haven't done anything yet..?"

"You did trick their team though, and us too."

"Well, I couldn't have done it without, Tobio."

"Ah! If only I had someone like you L/n!" Tanaka swooned.

"M/n is mine.." I pouted slightly.


L/n was switched out after a few more points, but we ended up winning the second set.

Tsukishima managed to block Ushiwaka's spike.

"Come on, Tsu! It's just a high five," L/n sweatdropped.

"It was only one point."

"And it was only Ushiwaka's spike."

The blonde sighed. "If I give you one will you go away?"

"And Hinata too."


"I'll give you a high five, M/n," I put my hand up.

"Thank you, Tobio. See Tsukishima? It doesn't look that hard, does it?"

"Ugh, couples.."

L/n snickered.

"You did good out there, Tobio. You did a nice quick from a difficult place," he praised. "But leave some glory for Suga and I."


"Now go out there and kick their ass! And I'll give you mine in return!"

"I- w-what-" I flushed.

"Nothing! Only messing."


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