《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 38


"Aww man!" M/n cried out. "I still had more tricks up my sleeve."

Yamaguchi chuckled. "You did good, L/n."

"Yeah...I guess."

After a while, M/n got subbed out. He helped them get an okay lead, and freaked Seijoh out a bit. Even Oikawa had a hard time keeping up.

"Man, I hope I didn't disappoint you guys," he thought, glancing at his two fans.

"Did I do enough?"


The gym went silent.

Karasuno had won.

"All right!" They all yelled.

Those on the benches ran onto the court and huddled for a group hug.

"Hey! Hurry up!" Daichi yelled to the two shortest on their team.

"Yeah!" They both jumped onto the team, toppling them over.

"You're way too worked up!" Tanaka yelled at the laughing duo.

M/n laughed along, waving excitedly to his friend and sister at the stands.

He glanced at the other team. Mostly at Oikawa.

He pursed his lips, and slipped away, walking up to him.


He turned to the second year, seeing him hold his hand out.

"I- Uh- It was a good match," M/n said awkwardly, not really knowing why he even went up to him. "Uh, you were a good opponent. Don't stop playing."

The brunette third year stared.

"Maybe in a different universe or something, I would've chosen Aoba Johsai. But even then, there probably wouldn't have been anything I could've done...A-Are you going to shake my hand? I look like an idiot-"

"Don't stop playing either," the other spoke up. "I know you've probably thought about quitting, considering your position at the moment...I would've thought about it as well."

"Ah, well..."

"I mean, don't stop playing until I beat you. Tobio and that shrimp too, though I don't think I have to worry about that," he finished, finally taking his hand.



"M/nn!" His sister ran up to him and jumped into his arms. "You were awesome!"

"Woah! Better than Yuu?" He asked with confidence.

S/n deadpanned. "Don't get greedy now.."

M/n put her down, crying comical tears. "Oh how you wound me..."

"You only played for like 20 minutes..." Megami came up to them, as S/n ran to Nishinoya.

"Ouch, and no hug?"

The boy deadpanned, but still gave him a side hug. "You did good I guess," he mumbled. "Your Coach should've let you play more, would've ended the match faster."

M/n sweatdropped. "Don't say that, I couldn't have done any more."

"So, you gonna tell me about how you took care of those bullies?" He asked.

"Right! Okay so basically-" He cut himself off, when he saw Kageyama gazing at the two of them. "Actually..I'll text you. I think lover boy wants your attention."

M/n turned around, seeing his boyfriend staring at them. "Right," he chuckled. "Take S/n home safely alright?"


The (h/c) male walked up to the first year setter, before getting pulled somewhere else.

"You know, I feel like L/n got a little more outgoing ever since he met Kageyama.." Daichi wondered.

"Yeah, he's let loose a little," Asahi smiled.










"So do we all agree that there's something going on between them?" Suga bluntly said.

"Oh yeah, definitely," the two other third years nodded.

Kageyama brought the two of them to the toilets. Fortunately, it was empty.

"Tobio, why are we-" M/n was cut off when a pair of lips pressed onto his own.

M/n wrapped his arms around the other boy, deepening the kiss.

"What was that for?" He laughed.

Kageyama turned away, getting bashful. "I think we should tell the team..."


M/n's eyes widened slightly. "Woah...Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah..I was thinking that, maybe we could tell them after we won the match. We don't have to if you don't want to."

"What? No no. Telling them is good! Well, it depends on their reaction, but I just know they'll accept us."

"Come on," he smiled, pulling on the first year's hand. "The team might be wondering where we are."


They arrived back to the school, greeted by all their classmates.

The team was now in the gym, listening to the two adults.

"Let's win tomorrow and make it to nationals!"


"All right. Now get home and go to bed so you aren't tired tomorrow..."

"Actually!" M/n got their attention. "I, uh...Tobio and I want to say something..."

He glanced at the said boy, encouraging him to speak up as well.

"Yeah, we do..." He mumbled.

The team looked at each other, shrugging.

"Do you want to say it or..?"

"No you can say it.."

"Uh, well...Tobio and I..We're-"

"Dating!" Kageyama interrupted him.

"I thought you wanted me to say it-"

The gym went silent..

"It's okay if you guys need time to-"

"I knew it!" Suga yelled. "I'm so happy for you two!!"

"That was hella brave you guys!" Tanaka slapped their backs.

"I already knew.."Tsukishima droned.

"So did I!" Hinata added.

Nishinoya came up to the (h/c) setter. Before punching him in the guts.

"Wha-! Ow! Yuu!" M/n exclaimed.

He was suddenly engulfed in a hug. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?! You told Tsukishima before me?!? I feel so betrayed!" He started tearing up.

The taller boy sweatdropped and hugged him back. "Well...He knew even before I told him so..."

"Kageyama you lucky guy! I bet M/n treats you like a prince!" Yamaguchi said.

The first year blushed a little before separating Noya and M/n, pulling the latter closer to him.

"So..You guys are okay?"

"Obviously," Ennoshita laughed.

Ukai came up to the both of them. "Listen, what you guys have is great, but don't let it get in the way of volleyball, alright?"

"Yes Coach!" They chorused.

"All right, you're good kids, I trust ya."

M/n smiled a Kageyama, who smiled back.

"Just kiss already!"

"Please, not in front of me..."

"Kageyama's actually smiling?!"

"Pfft, leave them alone you guys!"

"Guys not so loud!"


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