《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 36


It was now time for the qualifiers, and we just arrived at the gym.

I was on my phone, texting my dad, when someone called me.

"Pretty boy! Pretty girl! Be sure to give me your numbers today!"

"Oh boy.." I thought as I wrapped an arm around Kiyoko and narrowed my eyes at him.

"She's so cute when she's shy!"

Tanaka and Nishinoya lost it...

They charged at the Johzenji captain, before getting stopped in mid air.

"They're floating," I laughed.


"Uh...Hinata..?" I asked the boy in concern. "Are you going to go?"

He was just staring at the toilet door.

"What're you doing?" A familiar voice came from behind us.

I sighed. "Oikawa..."

We both turned around to see the Seijoh captain and ace.

"Hey! You got my name right!"

"I heard you defeated the 2 meter guy. Well done," The ace congratulated.

"Yes! Uh, no?" Hinata replied.

"Hey, N/n. I saw you on the sidelines. Are you playing again?" Oikawa asked.

I nodded.

He came up close to my face. "You're able to see now, huh? I wonder how much of a threat you'll be, now that you have your sight back."

"Not much if I'm not able to play," I mumbled quietly.

Unfortunately, he heard me. "Aww, don't be sad!" He suddenly gave me a hug. "You can come to Aoba Johsai with me and Iwa!"

"No, I'm okay-"

"Hey, do you think I'm good looking-?"

"No way! L/n's staying with us!" Hinata piped up.

"Hm? This little shrimp is a handful during matches, huh?" Oikawa said intimidatingly. "So why don't we bury him somewhere?"

"Eek! Pardon me!" Hinata tried to run away, when he bumped into someone.


"Hinata Shoyo..And Oikawa and Iwaizumi," a new voice came in.

"Ushiwaka..What the hell, is the bathroom some sort of meet up for team rivals?!"

The three of them started talking back and forth while Hinata and I watched.

"And who are you?" Shiratorizawa's ace turned my way.

"Uh, I'm M/n L/n...Nice to meet you..?" I say slowly.

"You're the setter Oikawa was talking about," he realized.

"Yeah- Wait what. He talked about me-?"

"You don't seem that special..." He said bluntly. "I don't think I've seen you play at all."

Not knowing what to say and growing annoyed, I grabbed Hinata's hand and tried walking away.

We both bumped into Date Tech's middle blocker, as the standoff ceased.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"The bathroom is scary..."


"Waah! You're new glasses look so cool, Tsukishima!" Hinata complimented.

We were now at the court, getting ready to play.

"You've been saying that nearly everyday, Hinata," Yamaguchi said.

"Having you say that makes me lose my self-confidence, so I wish you'd stop."

"What'd you say?!"

"Come on, Tsu. Don't be like that. They really do look cool," I chimed in.

"Thank you, but please don't call me that.." The blonde deadpanned.

"Hey! How come he gets a 'thank you'?"

I chuckled and walked over to Kageyama. "Hey, Tobio. You alright? You seem to be doing some deep thinking there."

"If I get glasses like Tsukishima..Do you think they'd look good on me?"



We won against Johzenji. Captain was on point.

Now, it was the next day and our current opponent was Wakutani South.

They're giving us a pretty hard time no doubt. But I think we're doing great-



I looked around, to see our captain laying on the floor...

He seemed to have hit his head pretty bad, and was sent to the infirmary. "Who's going to keep us together now?"

We needed someone who could take his place and handle things well.

The team looked between Ennoshita and I...

"I want to be selfish, I want to say I can handle it. But..."

I gave the team a deadpanned look and shook my head. Then, I turned to Ennoshita, putting a hand on his shoulder and giving him a soft smile.

"You're the only one who can do this, Enno. You've got this."

And so, our number 6 got switched in.

The match was...intense. But, we won against Wakutani South.

"You did great Ennoshita," I praised.

"Thanks, L/n."

We were now watching the match with Aoba Johsai and Date Tech.

Apparently, they had a new guy. A tall setter, number 7.

I was leaning against the railings, focusing on their new player.

He, along with two other players, blocked Oikawa's spike.

"Damn, any future matches we have with them, and they might give us some trouble..." I said to no one in particular.

Ultimately, Aoba Johsai won. It was agood match. Both of the teams were exceptionally strong.

"Guess we know who we're up against, huh Tobio.."

"Hm. We won't lose this time!" Kageyama said determined.


I was in the bathroom, luckily, it was safe. No confrontations.

I washed my hands and my face.

"Damn it...I haven't been able to play a single set since the tournament started...No, stop. Don't be ungrateful. Some of your teammates don't even get to play in practice matches..."

I sighed, before I heard the door open.


"Oh, Tobio. Hey."

"Warm-ups are about to start..What's wrong?" He asked.


"No more lying, M/n.."

"Actually I'm...frustrated.." I admit. "I haven't been able to step on the court once, since these matches started. I just..want to play with you guys.."

Kageyama listens.

"I'm practicing everything I can, and I'm trying to improve myself. I know I'm capable, my skills are amazing..So, why can't I play.." I finish, finding myself buried in the first year's chest.

Kageyama wrapped his arms around me, checking if the toilet stalls were empty and said. "Life sometimes isn't fair. You try your hardest, and it isn't enough..Or it's too much."

I look at him.

"But, I know you'll get your time. And when you do, it'll be awesome."

I chuckle as he gives me a kiss.

"Thanks Tobio-"

Suddenly the door opens, and we pull away from eachother.

"King? L/n? Warm-ups are starting now," Tsukishima informed, then he looked at us with a scrunched face. "Ew. Please don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing-"

"Okay! We're going!" I quickly say.

He nods and walks out.

I let out a sigh and turn to Kageyama, who seemed to be red in the face, I laughed.

"Come on Tobio, let's kick Oikawa's ass."


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