《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 35


M/n was currently on his way to the gym for after school practice.

Unfortunately, he ran into the three bullies while trying to get there, so, like any normal person who's tired of crap like them...He kicked them in the shins and ran away. "I'm going to get hell for that later..."

He walked into the gym.

Suddenly, Hinata ran up to him and gave him a hug, causing him to wince a little.

"Woah, what's wrong Hinata? Are you okay?"

"Are you okay, L/n?!" The shorter boy yelled.

"Uhh..." The second year looked around to see worried and confused looks on his teammates. "I'm good..?"

"Hinata, is there something wrong?" Daichi asked.

The wing spiker didn't say anything and only squeezed the taller boy a bit harder. "You can talk to us you know. It doesn't matter who you like, L/n," he mumbled into his shirt. "You're still our friend...Kageyama too."

M/n's eyes widened.

"Is everything alright, M/n? Hinata?" Suga asked worriedly.

"Uh..I.." He stuttered. "I'm-"

"Nope! Everything's fine, Suga!" Hinata smiled. "L/n just looked down lately, and I wanted to cheer him up," he started walking away.

The second year stared at him for a few seconds, before smiling softly. "Little Giant! I'm going to send you loads of tosses, so be ready."

The carrot top beamed and jumped around.

The team sighed in relief and went back to practice.


"So..Hinata knows..." Kageyama said, while walking to his house with M/n. "How did he even find out..?"

"I honestly have no idea, but..I'm glad," the latter smiled. "See? Not everyone will want to disassociate themselves with you. Tsukishima, Yachi and Hinata are cool."

"Hm," The first year opened the door to his house. "You told your dad you were staying right?"


M/n blushed a little, remembering the text his dad sent him when he asked if he could stay over. "Yeah.." He chuckled.

Kageyama let the both of them in. "Make yourself at home."

"Your place is very nice. Where are your parents?"

"I live alone.."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You can put your things over there, you brought clothes, right?"


"Ehe?!? Dumbass, how did you forget to grab extra clothes-"

"Hey! We came straight here after school!"

"Oh, right...You can use my clothes, you're only an inch or two shorter than me."


After finishing their homework, and eating dinner together, they sat in the first year's room talking about random things.

"Then he fell into the lake, cause he thought it was grass, but it was actually moss building up on the water." M/n laughed.

Kageyama smiled. Not at the story, but at his boyfriend's laugh.

"I do not know how he thought it looked like grass, but it was hilarious. S/n couldn't stop taking pictures."

The second year stopped laughing and caught him staring. "See something you like, Tobio?"

Pulling out of his trance, Kageyama turned pink. "What?! No! I mean of course! I like you so.."

M/n chuckled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Only messing," he leaned back. "I like this shirt, where'd you get it?"

The blueberry haired boy shrugged. "I just needed new clothes, so I bought any. You can keep it."

"No, it's fine, your clothes are just so comfy," M/n snuggled into the shirt. "Hey, let's watch a movie."

M/n laid down, while the first year sat up on his bed watching the film. By film, I mean replays of volleyball matches. Not exactly what he had in mind, but it made the younger boy happy, so he didn't say anything. Plus, they were both learning from it.


The second year yawned, stretching, which made his shirt lift up slightly.

Kageyama glanced over and saw one of the few bruises on his body. He frowned and moved closer to him.

He lifted up his shirt.

"Wha- Tobio what're you doing-?" M/n got up and leaned on his elbows. "Oh.."

Kageyama couldn't help but run his fingers over the bruises, he looked at the second year.

"They will heal, they're just bruises," the (h/c) male smiled bringing a hand to his cheek and connecting their lips.

Pulling away to catch his breath, M/n didn't expect the dark haired boy to connect their lips again.

He wrapped his arms around him and deepened the kiss.

Pulling away once more, Kageyama went down to the second year's torso and started giving his bruises sweet kisses.

"Hah...That tickles, Tobio," M/n panted. "You're being...Really..Cheesy," he breathed.

"Is this okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Just, not too far, please.."

The boy went lower, until he reached the line of his pants.

"I think I'm hungry again.."

The (h/c) boy turned red.

"I might still have some leftovers in the fridge," Kageyama smirked, while M/n deadpanned.

"Idiot! I thought you meant something else!" He exclaimed, embarassed.

"No, but I really am hungry," the first year said seriously.

M/n sweatdropped. "Alright, let's have a snack."

"Teasing little asshole," he thought while chuckling softly. "Where the hell did he learn to do that.?"

"What did I do..What did I do..What did I do..What did I do..What did I do..What did I do..What did I do..What did I do..What did I do.." Kageyama was freaking out. "Tanaka, Nishinoya, I blame you."

"Tobio! There's still some pork cutlet left, you want that?"

Kageyama beamed. "Yes, I would!"


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