《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 32


A while has passed and now, it was the final day of the training camp.

We just finished a diving receive penalty, after losing to Ubugawa High.

"BAR- BE- CUE?" I hear Hinata, Tanaka and Noya exclaim, before starting to dance.

Even Kageyama joined in.

"They seem even more motivated now," I chuckle.

Our next match was Fukurodani...Oh boy..

They were currently in the lead.

"Nice receive!" Hinata yelled as he ran up and did a feint.

"Hinata just did a..feint?"

"Woah! Nice one Little Giant!" I yell.

"You actually used your head..?" Kageyama said. "You're gonna get a fever."

"You are the only person who doesn't get to say stuff like that to me," Hinata retorted.

Kageyama's doing amazing today. The whole team is.

I'm just wondering, if he's going to take the risk...They have the perfect time to do the quick.

"Come on you guys."

And then just like that, the ball was on the other side of the court.


Hinata and Kageyama started freaking out.

"All right!"


"What the heck was that!"

"Nice Hinata! Kageyama!"

"Those two really had me worried for a second.." Seeing Kageyama speechless while listening to Hinata's praises was hilarious.

"You guys did it!" Yachi cheered. "Nice kill Hinata, Kageyama!"

I laugh at everyone's excitement.

Unfortunately the next time they tried their quick, it was too short.

"Don't mind you two!" I sweatdropped.

The game went on, and everyone showed off what they improved or learned during the camp. "Nice toss Yuu!" I cheered.

"L/n!" Ukai called me over.

"Yes Coach?"

"Think you can keep up with our number 10?"

My eyes widened slightly, before giving him a smirk.


I switched with Kageyama, giving him a smile and a pat on the back.

Walking up to Hinata, I whisper into his ear. "You don't mind trying that quick with me, do you?"

He looks at me with a determined look, but I could tell he was a bit uncertain. I give him a reassuring smile.

It was Fukurodani's serve. Daichi received the ball and passed it to me.

I took a deep breath and saw Hinata run. Unfortunately, I was a bit too slow, not matching his speed.

The team looked at me surprised, and a little worried. I could hear whispers from other teams.

"One more time!" I say gritting my teeth. "Damn it, I'm ruining the good atmosphere they had.."

Once again, Fukurodani served and we received the ball.

Hinata started running.

I tossed the ball to him, and made contact..

..It landed on the other side of the court.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was even holding.

"Nice kill Hinata-" I was cut off when Noya jumped onto my back.

"Dude! What the hell was that?!" He exclaimed "How come you never told us you could that!"

"That was awesome, L/n! You went whoosh! And then I went pow! And it landed on their side!" Hinata praised.

"A-Ah well, it's nothing Tobio can't do, but thank you."


To my dismay, I was eventually subbed out again. Of course I didn't show it. Some of us barely even get to stay on the court for one set.

I know why I was put on for thsoe few minutes..It was to show the other teams that 'we have another setter that can keep up with our monster first year, so try us.'

"Still..I'll help wherever I can!" I thought. "We'll make this year the best yet."



Ultimately, we lost. But..We made good progress and improved our plays. We've come so far.

So I'd say, we won.

Now...Time for some meat!

"Ahem," Nekoma's coach got our attention. "Well done on the week long training camp, everyone. Nothing puts a smile on your face more than filling your stomach with good food!" He continued. "Eat all the meat you can."

"Thanks for the food!"

I was walking around, talking to the other players, when I see Yachi being surrounded.

I sweatdrop and walk over. "Alright you guys, give her a little space," I say as they disperse, I turn to the blonde manager and hand her two pieces of meat. "Here, that's what you wanted right?"

"Y-Yes! But won't you get hungry?"

"Pfft nah, I already ate plenty. You want some vegetables too?"

"W-Wow, your girlfriend must be really lucky. Sorry, I just overheard you went on a date before camp."

I contemplate on whether I should tell her I'm into guys..

"Screw it."

"Uh, actually Yachi.." I bend down a little and say in a quiet voice. "I uh- I don't like girls. I like guys.."

Her face turned red, as she began stuttering. "I-I'm so sorry for a-assuming, I'm a terrible person! That's wonderful! Y-Your boyfriend must be really lucky!"

"Woah, you're not a terrible person, you didn't know. I'm just glad your okay with me."

"O-Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh my god, she's adorable, someone protect her please."

"Its just that, some people aren't okay with it.." I rub my neck. "Thank you, Yachi. Come on, let's enjoy the barbecue."



The day came to an end, and we had to head back. Waving goodbye to our new friends and rivals, we got on the bus.

Kageyama and I were walking on the sidewalk in silence after being dropped of at the school.

"You did good today," I smiled at him. "You and Hinata finally got that quick down."

"Yeah. You did good too.."

I frowned, the first year seemed to be thinking deeply. "Hey, you okay? You look constipated."

"Wha- Hey! I do not!" He flushes.

"Pfft I'm messing. But seriously, you alright?"

"I'm just wondering..If what we have is enough...You know for the tournament."

I deadpanned. "Do you not believe in the team..? Listen, don't worry about Oikawa and his team. We're not going against him yet," I said. "Focus on the first rounds for now, yeah?"

He stared at me and nodded. He shyly held his hand out.

I chuckled and took his hand in mine. I kissed his knuckles.

"We're going to win."



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