《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 31


It was around the middle of the night, and we were about to get on the bus.

"Tobio...Do you have everything...?" I asked, yawning.

"Let me check."

I was half asleep.

"We'll be arriving at our destination early in the morning," Takeda said to the team. "Ukai and I will take turns driving."

"Sorry if I nod off," the coach added.

"Thank you!" The others yelled, making me wince at the noise.

"It's the middle of the night, not so loud!" Takeda sweatdropped.

"Oh, sorry...Habit." Daichi apologized.

"Alright, we're heading off," Ukai announced.


"Can someone wake up, L/n," I heard Daichi ask tiredly.

I was already awake, I just didn't feel like getting up.

"His date probably kept him up for a while," Tanaka said with a suggestive tone.

Nevermind I'm getting up now. "Alright...That's enough.." I said annoyed.

The second year wing spiker smiled triumphantly. "He has awoken, Daichi."

"Very funny.."

Our first match was against Fukurodani. I was on the sidelines, watching Kageyama and Hinata.

Then, the two got ready for their quick.

"Here it comes..."

Kageyama tossed the ball and..

It was too short..

"That's not like you at all, Kageyama!" Tanaka laughed.

"I'm sorry," the first year setter replied, flustered. He turned and looked my way.

I chuckled and yelled. "Don't mind!"

The match went on and we weren't in sync at all.

It's okay though, we were evolving, mistakes are normal. So that we could learn from them.

It was now dark and we've lost all of our matches today.

I was laying on the grass after having to do that tiring penalty run up the hill.

Walking into the gym, I see Yachi offering our duo volleyballs.


"She looks like a salesperson," I laugh quietly at the thought .


The next day went by.

We got watermelons from the parents of Shinzen High...

Lost more matches...

I stayed by the sidelines...

The usual.

Our last match was against Ubugawa High.

"Oi! Tsukishima! You totally slacked off there, at least jump!" Kageyama yelled at the middle blocker.

"Aren't you alert. My bad," he said half-assed.

I sweatdropped, when I heard Coach call my name. I run over.

"Yes, Coach?" I asked.

"I need you to get in there and help the team out a bit. Especially Tsukishima."

I beamed. "My time has come!" I thought dramatically.


I switched with Kageyama, giving him a smile and going to my position.

The team smiled at me. "Alright, we'll get them little by little," I say to them. "Let's try get two more points, for now."

The other team served. We received it.

The ball was going to me. I see Hinata, Tanaka and Tsukishima run up.

"I need you to get in there and help the team out a bit. Especially Tsukishima."

"Tsukishima!" I yell, setting the ball higher.

I see him scowl a bit before jumping, and slamming the ball down.

"Damn...That was a pretty high jump."

He gives me an annoyed face, while I smirk at him. "No excuse for slacking off now, huh?"

He gives me a 'tch' sound and walks off, the team cheers for him and I.

I look at Ukai as he nods at me.

Our serve now. The other team manages to receive it and goes for a spike.

Nishinoya receives it and bumps it to me.

I feel like showing off a bit.

"Hinata!" I yell.

I go in for a spike, but at the last second, tossed it to our decoy.


Another point.

I look to Kageyama who has sparkles in his eyes. I chuckle and wink at him, making him flush.

I look at the team and they're all staring at me.


"That was awesome, L/n!" Hinata exclaimed. "It really looked like you were going to spike the ball!"

"Ah, thanks Little Giant," I ruffle his hair. "Now, how about we get two more points?"



We lost again. It's okay to laugh, though it's becoming a routine.

I was walking with Kageyama.

"You did awesome today," he praised.

"Oh, uh. It was nothing," I say, turning pink. "It was only for one set, and we lost anyways."

"Still! You even got Tsukishima to get off his ass for a while!" He continued. "You'd be a great captain!"

"Ah! No!" I deny burning up. "It isn't really my thing..Plus, I know someone who would be a better candidate for that."

As we were talking, the captain of Nekoma came up to us.

"Hey!" He yelled, getting our attention. He slid an arm around me. "That was a pretty cool move you did back there. The names Kuroo Tetsuro, I believe we've met before."

"Uh," I could feel Kageyama getting ticked off. "Thanks Kuroo, I'm M/n L/n."

"No problem! Say, you wouldn't mind practicing with us for a while? Seeing you hold your team together a bit, might help me with whipping our newbie into shape," he offered.

I look at our official setter.

"Uh, maybe next time. I still have to work with my underclassman too."

He looks at me thoughtfully. "Alright, I get that. See you around, Pretty Boy."

"See you around?" I say as he runs off.

I turn to my boyfriend, who looks grumpy.

I chuckle.

"Come on, Tobio! You can't get jealous over every person I come in contact with."

"What-? I do not.." He denies, ears turning red.

"Yes, you kind of do," I smile. "Don't worry," I whisper in his ear, playfully.

"I'm all yours."

I laugh at his red face. "Let's go! That toss isn't going to perfect itself!"



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