《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 30


The next day, the two were full of excitement. Though Kageyama was freaking out a little, he didn't show it.

"You seem very happy today," Asahi pointed out to M/n.

"What? I do?"

"Yeah! You're smiling a lot and you even got all your receives today!" Noya piped in. "Are you hiding something from us..?"

"No, I'm not...Today is just a good day, Yuu." He smiled.


"W-What?! No I'm not! How did you even get that idea?!"

"Yes you are!! Tanaka! M/n's got a date!"

"L/n's going on a date?! Is it the first year who gave you that letter?!" Tanaka held him in a head lock.

"N-No! I rejected her already, I don't have a date. And stop yelling so loud!"

"L/n has a date?" Suga came up to them interested. "With who?"

"No one, Suga! Azumane help, please!" M/n begged.

"Come on! Spit it out, who is it?" Noya pushed.

"G-Guys come on," Asahi sweatdropped as he got M/n out of the wing spiker's hold. "This is his business."

"Thank you..."

Meanwhile Kageyama watched with a slight tint on his ears.

"I guess it would make sense that L/n would be dating someone already," Yamaguchi said from beside him. "He's good looking, and really nice. Whoever they are, they're really lucky. Right Tsukki?"

"I don't really care.."

"Wahh, I bet she's awesome if L/n likes her!" Hinata came up to them.

"We shouldn't assume," the pinch server said softly. "They could be a boy too, Hinata."

"Pfft, only someone like you would be inconsiderate towards other people's feelings." Tsukishima teased.


Kageyama stood there silently. " 'They could be a boy too'...Thanks Yamaguchi."


Practice soon ended with Takeda giving the team a small talk and reminding them that the away games were tomorrow.


Before the blueberry haired setter left, M/n got his attention.

"Tobio! Sorry, change of plans," he said quietly. "I can't pick you up, so would you mind meeting at this cafe instead," he said sheepishly while handing him the address.

The other male nodded as they both waved at each other.

It was time and M/n finally arrived at the cafe. There wasn't a lot of people, and it was a small cafe.

He looked around and finally spotted his date...

...In a tuxedo...

He was confused, but contained his laughter and came up to the setter.

"Tobio...Nice suit," he teased. "You plan on going to a wedding after this?"

The said male turned around and his eyes widened.

"M-M/n! I didn't- I thought-"

"Woah, calm down," he chuckled. "You look awesome, very handsome," the (e/c) male smiled.

"It's just...This is my first date, and I panicked.."

"Don't worry! You look amazing, but now I look like a loser compared to you."

The two of them laughed.

The male was wearing more casual clothes than the other, if he knew Kageyama was going to dress up, he would've too.

The two of them sat at a table by the window. M/n ordered a slice of cake while Kageyama just got milk.

"You sure you don't want anything else Tobio?" He asked.

"I'm okay."

The (h/c) make chuckled. He held a piece of the cake in front of the blueberry haired boy, wanting to let him taste it. "Come on, it tastes great."

"No, I'm fine."

The second year frowned a little and backed off. "Right, sorry," he chuckled awkwardly.

Kageyama saw the change in his attitude and quickly said. "A-Actually, I would like to try it!"

He grabbed the hand M/n had the fork in with cake on it, and shoved the dessert in his mouth.


The older boy blinked and laughed.

"Does it taste nice?"

"Yeah..Actually...Can I have some more..?" Kageyama asked sheepishly.

"Only if you let me feed you~"


The two finished their food and started walking, hand in hand.

Unfortunately, they kept getting a few stares from other people.

Both of boys ignored it, not wanting to let people like them ruin their date.

They walked around the park for a bit, engaged in a nice conversation. They passed by the playground, which had a few kids in it.

Suddenly, one of them yelled. "Look! There's a prince!"

Kageyama turned to look and so did M/n, the latter smiled as young kids began running up to them with stars in their eyes.

"A real life prince!"

"He's so pretty!"

Kageyama stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do, when M/n spoke up.

"Actually! He's a king!" He said playfully. "He rules over the kingdom of Karasuno, with the help of his friends. He's very handsome isn't he?"

"U-Uh, Hi.." Kageyama said stiffly.

The kids laughed as they asked the first year many questions. M/n stood by in amusement.

Soon, the kids left as it was starting to get dark and it was just the two of them again.

The second year chuckled. "You're terrible with children, Tobio."

"Hey! You're the one that ecouraged them," the younger exclaimed. "I don't understand how you can handle them so easily."

M/n laughed.

"Hey...Let's watch the sunset, I think I saw a nice spot over there."


They arrived at a small hill, with a tree situated at the top.

The second year ran up to the tree and sat under it. He patted the spot beside him.

Kageyama followed and sat next to the other boy. "Did you enjoy today..?"

M/n looked at him. "Of course! Today was nice, best first date!"

"Really? It was kind of rushed though.."

Chuckling, the (e/c) male moved closer to him. "I don't care, I enjoyed today," he smiled. "Did you enjoy today?"

Kageyama nodded. "The cake was nice."

"Your face was red the whole time," M/n laughed.

"Y-You were feeding me!"

The two talked until the stars became visible.

"It's getting late, Tobio, we should head home now. I'll walk you," The second year got up and held his hand out to the first year.

Kageyama took his hand and got up. Before they could go anywhere, he spoke up.

"Wait!" he exclaimed. "I really enjoyed today, and I really enjoy being around you.." he started. "Thank you for being patient with me, and waiting for me," Kageyama looked into his eyes. "And I hope it isn't too soon, but I don't want to wait anymore, so...Will you be my boyfriend?" He gave a 90° bow.

M/n stood there smiling like an idiot. When Kageyama received no response he straightened up his back, only to be engulfed by a big hug.

"Is that a yes?"

"Obviously!" The slightly smaller boy beamed.

Kageyama smiled and held the other boy close. Their lips, inches from touching. M/n wrapped his arms around his neck and brought them closer.

Eventually, he closed the gap. The kiss was sweet and lasted a little longer than their first one.

The second year's hands moved up to his hair and gave it a small tug, while the blueberry haired setter held him by the waist.

They pulled away. "You got better at this," M/n breathed. "We should practice more if you want to improve~"

"Wha- Don't just say stuff like that! You ruined the mood," Kageyama deadpanned.

The other boy chuckled and grabbed his hand. "Come on, we've got away games tomorrow, let's do our best."

"Right! Thank you for teaching me, by the way."

"It was nothing. Just helping out my boyfriend."

Kageyama blushed.

"Boyfriend," he smiled softly.


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