《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Chapter 29


I was currently laying on my bed, looking at the ceiling. I felt my face heat up.

"What the hell was I thinking?! I didn't ask for his permission! I'm a terrible person," Thoughts were swarming in my head. "He said we could take things slow...That was the exact opposite!"

My hand moved to my lips. "We shared two kisses and I'm already trying to give him a mark?!!"

I tried my best not to think about it...Of course it didn't work. "But the way he gripped onto my shirt- No! Stop it!"

I sigh and close my eyes, drifting to sleep.


I was in the gym practicing my sets, waiting for L/n.

I set to where the farthest bottle was placed, I missed and scowled.

Then, L/n comes running through the doors screaming.

"Megami! Get that away from me!" He shrieked.

Those in the gym turned their heads to the sound.

Megami laughed evilly. "Come on L/n! It's only a spider!"

In his hand was a medium-ish sized spider. I shivered a little and glared at him.

"No! Stop, please keep it away!" He pleaded. "I will throw a volleyball at you!"

He grabs a volleyball and gets ready to throw it, before Megami laughs and says. "Alright, I'll let it go."

L/n puts the ball down and looks around awkwardly. He gives a small bow. "Hello..!"

Megami also bows awkwardly, greeting them. "Yo.."

Those in the gym chuckled and greeted them back.

L/n walks up to me. "Sorry about that Tobio. I lost track of time, then I ran into that idiot," he points to Megami who only laughs.

"You're such a wuss," he checks his wrist. "Oh shoot, I forgot the team was going to meet up today. See ya!"


He runs off, not before catching my glare. He smirks.

"You're scared of spiders?" I ask him.

"Yeah...I know they help us and stuff, it's just they look so scary.." He shivered.

I laugh quietly.

L/n perked up. "You know, it's nice when you laugh, Tobio. Makes me feel like laughing too," he smiles

I blush.

"Alright, let's get started on that toss!" He exclaimed determinedly.


It's been a few days now, The toss is goinng alright, I guess. I always came so close, but I still couldn't get it right.

L/n finished his 50th demonstration.

"Like that, okay?" He said. "I'm terrible at teaching, but you have to visualize the spiker," he explained.

I nodded.

He tossed the ball over my head.

"Visualize the spiker."

I tossed the ball and it finally hit the bottle.

"Yes!" L/n yelled. "You got it!"


He gives me a high five and a slap on the back. "Now you just gotta keep practicing!"

I look at him quizzically. "That's it..?"


"Uh- Nevermind! I just thought that-" He cuts me off with a peck on the cheek.

"Is that what you wanted?" He chuckled.

I nodded shyly.

He laughs and gives me another one. "You did good today, Tobio. Better get ready for training camp, we're going to crush those guys!"


We both walk over to the benches, getting a drink, when his phone chimes.

He picked it up and checked the message.

I peer over his shoulder to see the text was from Megami. I frown.

"Are you and Megami friends now?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's what I hope anyways. Didn't I tell you already, we're trying to get along now," he smiles.


I hum.

"Do you still like him?"

L/n turns his head to me.

"I-I mean you told me before, that you used to have a crush on him, so I thought maybe-"

"Tobio," he started. "I don't like him anymore, I like you. I wouldn't play around with you or lead you on," he cups my face. "Just because we aren't exactly dating yet, and we're taking things...Relatively slow.." He blushes.

I blush as my thoughts drift to that night.

"..It doesn't mean that I'll leave you."

He smiles and lets go to my cheeks. "Alright, I think we should get going now, it's pretty late-"

"Go on a date with me!"

L/n stares at me with his mouth open.

"Y-You know, like to the park maybe, tomorrow? Before the training camp? It's just I've never actually asked you to go on a date with me so.."

He smiles widely and engulfs me in a big hug.

"Yes! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask!" He yells excitedly. "I didn't want to ask you in case you weren't ready yet! Tomorrow, yeah? We could go to the park, or go on a picnic!"

I smile. "We can do whatever you want, M/n."

"I just realized I don't have your number yet!" He hands me his phone as I typed in my digits.

"Sweet! Alright! Tomorrow, after practice, I'll pick you up and we can spend the rest of the day together!" He said. "We should go home though, I need to pack a few things for the training camp."

I chuckle.

"Okay, M/n."


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